Perl分析Nmap结果之二 's

admin 2017年4月15日10:42:45评论304 views字数 3071阅读10分14秒阅读模式






#!/usr/bin/perl  use warnings; use strict; use Data::Dumper;  my $version = "1.0.1";  # allow port-service mapping. my %port_service = ( 21 => "ftp", 22 => "ssh", 23 => "telnet", 25 => "smtp", 53 => "domain", 80 => "http", 443 => "ssl", 2222 => "ssh", 3306 => "mysql", 8080 => "http", );  # allow service-banner mapping. my %service_banner = ( http => [ "Apache httpd 2.2.8", "Apache httpd 2.0.63", "Apache httpd 1.3.41" ], php => [ "PHP/5.2.6", "PHP/4.4.8" ], );  if( @ARGV != 1 ) { &Usage( $0 ); exit(0); }  my $host; my %nmap_results;  &LoadNmapResult( $ARGV[0] );  #print Dumper( %nmap_results );  &AnalyseResult( );  sub LoadNmapResult( ) { my $result_file = shift; open( RH, "<$result_file" ) || die "Open $result_file error.../n";  my @ports_array;  while( <RH> ) { chomp; my $line = $_;  # IP line, find a new host if( $line =~ /[/s|/(](/d+/./d+/./d+/./d+)/)?(/sare)?:/ ) { $host = $1; @ports_array = ( ); next; }  # Blank line, finish a host if( $line =~ /^/s*$/ ) { if( @ports_array != 0 ) { $nmap_results = [ @ports_array ]; } next; }  # An open tcp port if( $line =~ /^(/d+)//tcp/s+open/ ) { my @tmp_array = split( //s+/, $_, 4 );  my $port = $1; my $service = (@tmp_array >= 3 ? $tmp_array[2] : "none"); my $banner = (@tmp_array >= 4 ? $tmp_array[3] : "none");  # remove last ? from service if( $service =~ //?$/ ) { chop( $service ); }  undef @tmp_array; push( @ports_array, $port."|".$service."|".$banner ); } } }  sub AnalyseResult( ) { foreach my $host( sort keys(%nmap_results) ) { #print "$host:/n"; #print Dumper( @{ $nmap_results } );  foreach my $port_detail( @{ $nmap_results } ) { #print "$port_detail/n";  my( $port, $service, $version ) = split( //|/, $port_detail );  # Check port-service mapping! if( exists( $port_service ) ) { if( $port_service ne $service ) { print "[HOLE!!!!] $host: tcp $port run $service demon!/n"; } }  # Check service-banner mapping! if( exists( $service_banner ) ) { # if it has version info? if( $version !~ //d+/ ) { #print "[WARNING!] $host: tcp $port run a unknow version $version./n"; next; }  # http is especial, we should test apache version and php version if( $service eq "http" ) { #if not apache if( $version !~ /apache/i ) { print "[HOLE!!!!] $host: tcp $port is http server, but run $version, not apache!/n"; next; }  #check php version if( $version =~ /(php[^/)])/i ) { my $php_version = $1;  my $check_result = &CheckVersion( "php", $php_version ); if( $check_result ne "ok" ) { print "[HOLE!!!!] $host: tcp $port run with wrong php version, $php_version!/n" } }  #check apache version if( $version =~ /(Apache httpd [^/s])/i ) { my $apache_version = $1;  my $check_result = &CheckVersion( "http", $apache_version ); if( $check_result ne "ok" ) { print "[HOLE!!!!] $host: tcp $port run with wrong apache version, $apache_version!/n" } }  next; } } } } }  sub CheckVersion( ) { my $product_name = shift; my $check_version = shift;  my $check_result = "not_ok"; foreach my $right_version ( @{ $service_banner } ) { if( $check_version =~ /$right_version/i ) { $check_result = "ok"; last; } }  return $check_result; }  sub Usage( ) { my $program = shift; print "/nAnalyse banner from nmap's report, version $version, good luck!/n"; print "Code by xingguo.weixg/, please mail me if any problem./n"; print "/nUse nmap first: nmap -sT -sV --version-all -A -iL ip.txt -oN result.txt/n"; print "/nUsage: $program  <nmap_report>/n"; print "Example: $program  result.txt/n";  exit(-1); } 

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                   Perl分析Nmap结果之二 's


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