
admin 2018年5月10日18:52:15评论492 views字数 11643阅读38分48秒阅读模式

要把又拍云所有的图片全都下载下来 大约10T 3亿张左右
联系又拍云 能否邮寄硬盘直接拷贝,答曰不行。。但是给了个下载的python脚本


要把又拍云所有的图片全都下载下来 大约10T 3亿张左右
联系又拍云 能否邮寄硬盘直接拷贝,答曰不行。。但是给了个下载的python脚本



  1. pip install asyncio
  2. pip install aiohttp
  3. pip install aiofiles
import asyncio import base64 import os import urllib  import aiohttp import aiofiles  # ----------------------- # ----------------------- bucket = 'bucket_name' #这里就是空间名称 username = 'username' #操作员账号 password = 'password' #操作员密码 #空间外联地址 因为又拍云的http下载没有频率限制,所以使用http下载 不适用restful的api接口下载 hostname = "http://xxxxx"    # 这里是本地保存的根路径 这样下载后路径地址就跟空间内的地址是相对的了 base_save_path = 'f:' # -----------------------  headers = {} auth = base64.b64encode(f'{username}:{password}'.encode(encoding='utf-8')) headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic ' + str(auth) #又拍云认证header头 headers['User-Agent'] = "UPYUN_DOWNLOAD_SCRIPT" headers['x-list-limit'] = '300'  thread_sleep = 1   def is_dic(url):     """判断key是否是目录 根据是否有后缀名判断"""     # print(f'判断url:{url}')     url = url.replace('http://v0.api.upyun.com/', '')     if len(url.split('.')) == 1:         return True     else:         return False   class Crawler:     def __init__(self, init_key, hostname, max_tasks=10, pic_tsak=50):         '''初始化爬虫'''         self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()         self.max_tries = 4  # 每个图片重试册数         self.max_tasks = max_tasks  # 接口请求进程数         self.key_queue = asyncio.Queue(loop=self.loop)  # 接口队列         self.pic_queue = asyncio.Queue(loop=self.loop)  # 图片队列         self.session = aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=self.loop)  # 接口异步http请求         self.key_queue.put_nowait(             {'key': init_key, 'x-list-iter': None, 'hostname': hostname})  # 初始化接口队列 push需要下载的目录         self.pic_tsak = pic_tsak  # 图片下载队列      def close(self):         """回收http session"""         self.session.close()      async def work(self):         """接口请求队列消费者"""         try:             while True:                 url = await self.key_queue.get()                 # print('key队列数量:' + await self.key_queue.qsize())                 await self.handle(url)                 self.key_queue.task_done()                 await asyncio.sleep(thread_sleep)         except asyncio.CancelledError:             pass      async def work_pic(self):         """图片请求队列消费者"""         try:             while True:                 url = await self.pic_queue.get()                 await self.handle_pic(url)                 self.pic_queue.task_done()                 await asyncio.sleep(thread_sleep)         except asyncio.CancelledError:             pass      async def handle_pic(self, key):         """处理图片请求"""         url = (lambda x: x[0] == '/' and x or '/' + x)(key['key'])         url = url.encode('utf-8')         url = urllib.parse.quote(url)          pic_url = key['hostname'] + url + '!s400'          tries = 0         while tries < self.max_tries:             try:                 print(f'请求图片:{pic_url}')                 async with self.session.get(pic_url, timeout=60) as response:                     async with aiofiles.open(key['save_path'], 'wb') as f:                         # print('保存文件:{}'.format(key['save_path']))                         await f.write(await response.read())                 break             except aiohttp.ClientError:                 pass             tries += 1      async def handle(self, key):          """处理接口请求"""         url = '/' + bucket + /             (lambda x: x[0] == '/' and x or '/' + x)(key['key'])         url = url.encode('utf-8')         url = urllib.parse.quote(url)          if key['x-list-iter'] is not None:             if key['x-list-iter'] is not None or not 'g2gCZAAEbmV4dGQAA2VvZg':                 headers['X-List-Iter'] = key['x-list-iter']          tries = 0         while tries < self.max_tries:             try:                 reque_url = "http://v0.api.upyun.com" + url                 print(f'请求接口:{reque_url}')                 async with self.session.get(reque_url, headers=headers, timeout=60) as response:                     content = await response.text()                     try:                         iter_header = response.headers.get('x-upyun-list-iter')                     except:                         iter_header = 'g2gCZAAEbmV4dGQAA2VvZg'                     list_json_param = content + "`" + /                         str(response.status) + "`" + str(iter_header)                     await self.do_file(self.get_list(list_json_param), key['key'], key['hostname'])                 break             except aiohttp.ClientError:                 pass             tries += 1      def get_list(self, content):         # print(content)         if content:             content = content.split("`")             items = content[0].split('/n')             content = [dict(zip(['name', 'type', 'size', 'time'], x.split('/t'))) for x in items] + content[1].split() + /                 content[2].split()             return content         else:             return None      async def do_file(self, list_json, key, hostname):         """处理接口数据"""         for i in list_json[:-2]:             if not i['name']:                 continue             new_key = key + i['name'] if key == '/' else key + '/' + i['name']             try:                 if i['type'] == 'F':                     self.key_queue.put_nowait(                         {'key': new_key, 'x-list-iter': None, 'hostname': hostname})                 else:                     try:                         if not os.path.exists(bucket + key):                             os.makedirs(bucket + key)                     except OSError as e:                         print('新建文件夹错误:' + str(e))                     save_path = base_save_path + '/' + bucket + new_key                     if not os.path.isfile(save_path):                         self.pic_queue.put_nowait(                             {'key': new_key, 'save_path': save_path, 'x-list-iter': None, 'hostname': hostname})                     else:                         print(f'文件已存在:{save_path}')             except Exception as e:                 print('下载文件错误!:' + str(e))                 async with aiofiles.open('download_err.txt', 'a') as f:                     await f.write(new_key + '/n')         if list_json[-1] != 'g2gCZAAEbmV4dGQAA2VvZg':             self.key_queue.put_nowait({'key': key, 'x-list-iter': list_json[-1], 'hostname': hostname})      async def run(self):         """初始化任务进程"""         workers = [asyncio.Task(self.work(), loop=self.loop)                    for _ in range(self.max_tasks)]          workers_pic = [asyncio.Task(self.work_pic(), loop=self.loop)                        for _ in range(self.pic_tsak)]          await self.key_queue.join()         await self.pic_queue.join()          workers.append(workers_pic)         for w in workers:             w.cancel()   if __name__ == '__main__':     loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()     crawler = Crawler('/', hostname, max_tasks=5, pic_tsak=150)     loop.run_until_complete(crawler.run())      crawler.close()      loop.close() 

上面的爬虫 ,速度可达到400张/S 但是 接下来的问题。。


本来上面的脚本已经爽的不行了。基本上已经可以跑满带宽了,但是有个新的问题。 用来放图片的硬盘单个只有4T 但是有一个又拍云的空间大小已经达到了7T 也就是说要两个同时下载,于是乎就用上了MQ  目录爬虫-爬取所有目录放到mq中:  
import aiohttp import asyncio import urllib import aiofiles import asynqp import os  base_save_path = 'f' mq_host = '' mq_user = 'admin' mq_password = '123123'  bucket = 'bucket_name' hostname = "http://xxxxxx"  username = 'username' password = 'password'  auth = base64.b64encode(f'{username}:{password}'.encode(encoding='utf-8'))  headers = {} headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic ' + str(auth) headers['User-Agent'] = "UPYUN_DOWNLOAD_SCRIPT" headers['x-list-limit'] = '300'   class Spider:     def __init__(self, max_task=10, max_tried=4):         print(f'新建spider! 线程数:{max_task} 每次最多重试次数: {max_tried}')         self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()         self.max_tries = max_tried         self.max_task = max_task         self.session = aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=self.loop)      def close(self):         """回收http session"""         self.session.close()      async def download_work(self):         try:             while True:                 received_message = await self.queue.get()                 if received_message is None:                     await asyncio.sleep(1)                     continue                 msg_json = received_message.json()                 await self.handle(msg_json)                 received_message.ack()                 await asyncio.sleep(500) #爬太快了消费不了 加了很久的延迟         except asyncio.CancelledError:             pass      async def handle(self, key):          """处理接口请求"""         url = '/' + key['bucket'] + /             (lambda x: x[0] == '/' and x or '/' + x)(key['key'])         url = url.encode('utf-8')         url = urllib.parse.quote(url)          if key['x-list-iter'] is not None:             if key['x-list-iter'] is not None or not 'g2gCZAAEbmV4dGQAA2VvZg':                 headers['X-List-Iter'] = key['x-list-iter']          tries = 0         while tries < self.max_tries:             try:                 reque_url = "http://v0.api.upyun.com" + url                 print(f'请求接口:{reque_url}')                 async with self.session.get(reque_url, headers=headers, timeout=60) as response:                     content = await response.text()                     try:                         iter_header = response.headers.get('x-upyun-list-iter')                     except:                         iter_header = 'g2gCZAAEbmV4dGQAA2VvZg'                     list_json_param = content + "`" + /                         str(response.status) + "`" + str(iter_header)                     await self.do_file(self.get_list(list_json_param), key['key'], key['hostname'], key['bucket'])                 break             except aiohttp.ClientError:                 pass             tries += 1      def get_list(self, content):         # print(content)         if content:             content = content.split("`")             items = content[0].split('/n')             content = [dict(zip(['name', 'type', 'size', 'time'], x.split('/t'))) for x in items] + content[1].split() + /                 content[2].split()             return content         else:             return None      async def do_file(self, list_json, key, hostname, bucket):         """处理接口数据"""         for i in list_json[:-2]:             if not i['name']:                 continue             new_key = key + i['name'] if key == '/' else key + '/' + i['name']             try:                 if i['type'] == 'F':                     await self.put_key_queue({'key': new_key, 'x-list-iter': None, 'hostname': hostname, 'bucket': bucket})                     # self.key_queue.put_nowait(                     #     {'key': new_key, 'x-list-iter': None, 'hostname': hostname, 'bucket': bucket})                 else:                     save_path = '/' + bucket + new_key                     if not os.path.isfile(base_save_path + save_path):                         await self.put_pic_queue({'key': new_key, 'save_path': save_path, 'x-list-iter': None, 'hostname': hostname, 'bucket': bucket})                     #else:                     #    print(f'文件已存在:{base_save_path}{save_path}')             except Exception as e:                 print('下载文件错误!:' + str(e))                 async with aiofiles.open('download_err.txt', 'a') as f:                     await f.write(new_key + '/n')         if list_json[-1] != 'g2gCZAAEbmV4dGQAA2VvZg':             # self.key_queue.put_nowait(             #     {'key': key, 'x-list-iter': list_json[-1], 'hostname': hostname, 'bucket': bucket})             await self.put_key_queue({'key': key, 'x-list-iter': list_json[-1], 'hostname': hostname, 'bucket': bucket})      async def put_key_queue(self, obj):         msg = asynqp.Message(obj)         self.exchange.publish(msg, f'{bucket}.routing.key.key')      async def put_pic_queue(self, obj):         msg = asynqp.Message(obj)         self.pic_exchange.publish(msg, 'routing.pic.key')      async def run(self):         self.connection = await asynqp.connect(host=mq_host, username=mq_user, password=mq_password)         self.channel = await self.connection.open_channel()         self.exchange = await self.channel.declare_exchange('key.exchange', 'direct')         self.queue = await self.channel.declare_queue(f'{bucket}.key.queue', durable=True)         await self.queue.bind(self.exchange, f'{bucket}.routing.key.key')          self.channel_pic = await self.connection.open_channel()         self.pic_exchange = await self.channel_pic.declare_exchange('pic.exchange', 'direct')         self.pic_queue = await self.channel_pic.declare_queue('pic.queue', durable=True)         await self.pic_queue.bind(self.pic_exchange, 'routing.pic.key')                           # 这里新的空间才需要爬取根目录         # await self.put_key_queue({'key': '/', 'x-list-iter': None,'hostname': hostname, 'bucket': bucket})          for _ in range(self.max_task):             asyncio.ensure_future(self.download_work())         await asyncio.sleep(2.0)   if __name__ == '__main__':     loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()     spider = Spider(max_task=10)     # asyncio.ensure_future(spider.run())     loop.run_until_complete(spider.run())     loop.run_forever()     # print(f'Pending tasks at exit:{asyncio.Task.all_tasks(loop)}')     spider.close()     loop.close()     


import asyncio import urllib import os import asynqp import aiofiles import aiohttp import time   class Spider:     def __init__(self, base_save_path, max_tried=4, mq_host='', mq_user='admin', mq_password='123123'):         self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()         self.max_tries = max_tried         self.session = aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=self.loop)          self.mq_host = mq_host         self.mq_user = mq_user         self.mq_password = mq_password         self.base_save_path = base_save_path      def __del__(self):         print('进程完成!,关闭aiohttp.session 和mq连接')         self.session.close()      async def download_work(self):         print(f'创建mq连接')         self.connection = await asynqp.connect(host=self.mq_host, username=self.mq_user, password=self.mq_password)         self.channel = await self.connection.open_channel()         self.exchange = await self.channel.declare_exchange('pic.exchange', 'direct')         self.queue = await self.channel.declare_queue('pic.queue', durable=True)         await self.queue.bind(self.exchange, 'routing.pic.key')         print('连接成功!,建立队列通道')          try:             for _ in range(10000):                 try:                     received_message = await self.queue.get()                     if received_message is None:                         await asyncio.sleep(1)                         continue                     msg_json = received_message.json()                     await self.handle_pic(msg_json)                 except Exception:                     async with aiofiles.open('download_error.txt', 'a') as f:                         await f.write(msg_json['hostname'] + msg_json['key'] + '/n')                 finally:                     received_message.ack()                     await asyncio.sleep(0.01)                     del received_message, msg_json  # 释放变量          except asyncio.CancelledError:  # 进程退出             pass      async def handle_pic(self, key):         """处理图片请求"""         url = (lambda x: x[0] == '/' and x or '/' + x)(key['key'])         url = url.encode('utf-8')         url = urllib.parse.quote(url)          pic_url = key['hostname'] + url + '!s400'         # del url  # 释放变量         tries = 0         while tries < self.max_tries:             try:                 # print(f'请求图片:{pic_url}')                 async with self.session.get(pic_url, timeout=60) as response:                     save_path = self.base_save_path + key['save_path']                     dir_name = os.path.dirname(save_path)                     # print(f'文件夹路径:{dir_name}')                     try:                         if not os.path.exists(dir_name):                             os.makedirs(dir_name)                     except OSError as e:                         print('新建文件夹错误:' + str(e))                     if os.path.isfile(save_path):                         break                      async with aiofiles.open(save_path, 'wb') as f:                         print(f'保存文件:{save_path}')                         await f.write(await response.read())                         del save_path, dir_name                 break             except aiohttp.ClientError:                 pass             tries += 1          del url, pic_url  # 释放变量  def restart_program():     import sys     import os     python = sys.executable     os.execl(python, python, * sys.argv)  def main():     base_path = '/Users/luoda/Documents/project/pic_downloader'     thread_count = 2      loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()     spider = Spider(base_path)     works = []     for _ in range(int(thread_count)):         works.append(spider.download_work())     loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait(works))     print(f'麻痹的执行完了')     time.sleep(20)     restart_program()  if __name__ == '__main__':     main() 






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  • 本文由 发表于 2018年5月10日18:52:15
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