【技术干货】Chrome-V8 CVE-2021-30588

admin 2022年3月2日23:55:02评论90 views字数 10888阅读36分17秒阅读模式

【技术干货】Chrome-V8 CVE-2021-30588

【技术干货】Chrome-V8 CVE-2021-30588



【技术干货】Chrome-V8 CVE-2021-30588
【技术干货】Chrome-V8 CVE-2021-30588

也就是说这个unreachable是和dead node相关的,我们把目光锁定在SimplifedLowing阶段,因为通过查看turbolizer以及看issue界面得到的信息发现错误出现在此阶段。

【技术干货】Chrome-V8 CVE-2021-30588

【技术干货】Chrome-V8 CVE-2021-30588


  template <Phase T>  void VisitNode(Node* node, Truncation truncation,                 SimplifiedLowering* lowering) {    tick_counter_->TickAndMaybeEnterSafepoint();
// Unconditionally eliminate unused pure nodes (only relevant if there's // a pure operation in between two effectful ones, where the last one // is unused). // Note: We must not do this for constants, as they are cached and we // would thus kill the cached {node} during lowering (i.e. replace all // uses with Dead), but at that point some node lowering might have // already taken the constant {node} from the cache (while it was not // yet killed) and we would afterwards replace that use with Dead as well. if (node->op()->ValueInputCount() > 0 && node->op()->HasProperty(Operator::kPure) && truncation.IsUnused()) { return VisitUnused<T>(node); //调用的这个函数里面打了patch }
if (lower<T>()) InsertUnreachableIfNecessary<T>(node); //这里打了patch,且InsertUnreachableIfNecessary里也打了patch,从SpeculativeToNumber变为unreachable就是在这个函数内
switch (node->opcode()) { [ ... ] case IrOpcode::kSpeculativeToNumber: { NumberOperationParameters const& p = NumberOperationParametersOf(node->op()); switch (p.hint()) { case NumberOperationHint::kSignedSmall: case NumberOperationHint::kSignedSmallInputs: VisitUnop<T>(node, CheckedUseInfoAsWord32FromHint( p.hint(), kDistinguishZeros, p.feedback()), MachineRepresentation::kWord32, Type::Signed32()); break; case NumberOperationHint::kNumber: case NumberOperationHint::kNumberOrBoolean: case NumberOperationHint::kNumberOrOddball: //这里会将其换为float64 VisitUnop<T>( node, CheckedUseInfoAsFloat64FromHint(p.hint(), p.feedback()), MachineRepresentation::kFloat64); break; } if (lower<T>()) DeferReplacement(node, node->InputAt(0)); return; }


【技术干货】Chrome-V8 CVE-2021-30588


diff --git a/src/compiler/simplified-lowering.cc b/src/compiler/simplified-lowering.ccindex 23e0006..a71e627 100644--- a/src/compiler/simplified-lowering.cc+++ b/src/compiler/simplified-lowering.cc@@ -1960,7 +1975,32 @@       return VisitUnused<T>(node);     }
- if (lower<T>()) InsertUnreachableIfNecessary<T>(node);+ if (lower<T>()) {+ // Kill non-effectful operations that have a None-type input and are thus+ // dead code. Otherwise we might end up lowering the operation in a way,+ // e.g. by replacing it with a constant, that cuts the dependency on a+ // deopting operation (the producer of the None type), possibly resulting+ // in a nonsense schedule.+ if (node->op()->EffectOutputCount() == 0 &&+ node->op()->ControlOutputCount() == 0 &&+ node->opcode() != IrOpcode::kDeadValue &&+ node->opcode() != IrOpcode::kStateValues &&+ node->opcode() != IrOpcode::kFrameState &&+ node->opcode() != IrOpcode::kPhi) {+ for (int i = 0; i < node->op()->ValueInputCount(); i++) {+ Node* input = node->InputAt(i);+ if (TypeOf(input).IsNone()) {+ MachineRepresentation rep = GetInfo(node)->representation();+ DeferReplacement(+ node,+ graph()->NewNode(jsgraph_->common()->DeadValue(rep), input));+ return;+ }+ }+ } else {+ InsertUnreachableIfNecessary<T>(node);+ }+ }


template <>void RepresentationSelector::InsertUnreachableIfNecessary<LOWER>(Node* node) {  // If the node is effectful and it produces an impossible value, then we  // insert Unreachable node after it.  if (node->op()->ValueOutputCount() > 0 &&      node->op()->EffectOutputCount() > 0 &&      node->opcode() != IrOpcode::kUnreachable && TypeOf(node).IsNone()) {    Node* control = (node->op()->ControlOutputCount() == 0)                        ? NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node, 0)                        : NodeProperties::FindSuccessfulControlProjection(node);
Node* unreachable = graph()->NewNode(common()->Unreachable(), node, control);
// Insert unreachable node and replace all the effect uses of the {node} // with the new unreachable node. for (Edge edge : node->use_edges()) { if (!NodeProperties::IsEffectEdge(edge)) continue; // Make sure to not overwrite the unreachable node's input. That would // create a cycle. if (edge.from() == unreachable) continue; // Avoid messing up the exceptional path. if (edge.from()->opcode() == IrOpcode::kIfException) { DCHECK(!node->op()->HasProperty(Operator::kNoThrow)); DCHECK_EQ(NodeProperties::GetControlInput(edge.from()), node); continue; }
edge.UpdateTo(unreachable); } }}

可以看到,曾经能走入InsertUnreachableIfNecessary并成功插入unreach节点的node,不满足diff中新加的判断,也就是,原本能向内完成插入的节点还会往后走,那么再仔细看下patch,可以看到,是对另外的一些节点,主动将其变为DeadValue,所以猜测是有些节点未及时变为deadvalue而导致的问题,是哪些节点呢,是pure dead operation,除了kDeadValuekStateValueskFrameStatekPhi之外的operation。

关于dead code,其实含义很广泛,可以说是不可能执行的代码,或者更恰当的是不可能执行的分支,都是代表这段代码可以被消除的含义,我们可以看下dead-code-elimination.h中如何消除dead value的注释。

// Propagates {Dead} control and {DeadValue} values through the graph and// thereby removes dead code.// We detect dead values based on types, replacing uses of nodes with// {Type::None()} with {DeadValue}. A pure node (other than a phi) using// {DeadValue} is replaced by {DeadValue}. When {DeadValue} hits the effect// chain, a crashing {Unreachable} node is inserted and the rest of the effect// chain is collapsed. We wait for the {EffectControlLinearizer} to connect// {Unreachable} nodes to the graph end, since this is much easier if there is// no floating control.// {DeadValue} has an input, which has to have {Type::None()}. This input is// important to maintain the dependency on the cause of the unreachable code.// {Unreachable} has a value output and {Type::None()} so it can be used by// {DeadValue}.// {DeadValue} nodes track a {MachineRepresentation} so they can be lowered to a// value-producing node. {DeadValue} has the runtime semantics of crashing and// behaves like a constant of its representation so it can be used in gap moves.// Since phi nodes are the only remaining use of {DeadValue}, this// representation is only adjusted for uses by phi nodes.// In contrast to {DeadValue}, {Dead} can never remain in the graph.
可以看到,dead value是不该在effect chain中的,因为如此会导致unreachable节点的插入effect chain中,从而导致crash,effect chain可以理解为对于执行流中的有先后顺序操作的限制顺序。

这个漏洞patch方法是主动将一些节点先行转为dead value,所以可以预料到只要能先把非effect chain上的一些节点转为dead value,就不会造成运行到unreachable的情况,说到这里,我们先要看为什么在这会插入unreachable。

【技术干货】Chrome-V8 CVE-2021-30588
  // If the node is effectful and it produces an impossible value, then we  // insert Unreachable node after it.  if (node->op()->ValueOutputCount() > 0 &&      node->op()->EffectOutputCount() > 0 &&      node->opcode() != IrOpcode::kUnreachable && TypeOf(node).IsNone()) {
【技术干货】Chrome-V8 CVE-2021-30588


【技术干货】Chrome-V8 CVE-2021-30588
(function() {  function foo(a) {    let y = Math.min(Infinity ? [] : Infinity, -0) / 0;    if (a) y = 1.1;    return y ? 1 : 0;  }  %PrepareFunctionForOptimization(foo);  print(foo(false));  %OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(foo);  print(foo(false));})();
【技术干货】Chrome-V8 CVE-2021-30588
很明显的是虽然还是会生成unreachable以及checkedTaggedToFloat64,但是也可以看到生成了很多的DeadValue,也就是虽然生成Unreachable的分支判断依然可以运行,但是在此之外多出了一些生成dead value的过程,patch也正是改动的这一点,在遍历节点时,主动检查是否应转为dead value。
【技术干货】Chrome-V8 CVE-2021-30588
【技术干货】Chrome-V8 CVE-2021-30588
【技术干货】Chrome-V8 CVE-2021-30588
(function() {  function foo(a) {    let y = Math.min(Infinity ? [] : Infinity, -0) / 0;    console.log("hi");    if (a) y = 1.1;    return y ? 1 : 0;  }  %PrepareFunctionForOptimization(foo);  print(foo(false));  %OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(foo);  print(foo(false));})();
【技术干货】Chrome-V8 CVE-2021-30588
显然是在let y = Math.min(Infinity ? [] : Infinity, -0) / 0;中直接break,也就是说确实是插入的那个unreachable起了作用,后发现是其旁边的一个unreachable起了作用。
另外经过一些尝试,我发现patch达到的效果和poc中将除操作删去效果一样,都是在后面加了几个dead value,(min操作没有必要,转为dead value)然后后面的操作就比较正常了。


【技术干货】Chrome-V8 CVE-2021-30588


【技术干货】Chrome-V8 CVE-2021-30588



【技术干货】Chrome-V8 CVE-2021-30588
是因为,左侧patch前的是在和##104节点差距离较远的一个dead value生成的##190 unreachable,右侧patch后的是由和##104算是有点关系的几个dead value生成的unreachable。


Node* EffectControlLinearizer::LowerDeadValue(Node* node) {  Node* input = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, 0);  if (input->opcode() != IrOpcode::kUnreachable) {    // There is no fundamental reason not to connect to end here, except it    // integrates into the way the graph is constructed in a simpler way at    // this point.    // TODO(jgruber): Connect to end here as well.    Node* unreachable = __ UnreachableWithoutConnectToEnd();    NodeProperties::ReplaceValueInput(node, unreachable, 0);   //dead value上会插入unreachable  }  return gasm()->AddNode(node);}


【技术干货】Chrome-V8 CVE-2021-30588

而这个effectPhi又是与一个DeoptimizeUnless节点直接关联的,也就是本来会把unreachable安排在deopt后面的,然而因为那些dead avlue没有在正确的地方生成,导致代码组织出了错误,使得从dead value衍生出来的unreachable节点与上面的一个DeoptmizeUnless断了联系,从而越过Deopt直接到达Unreachable,然后crash。

在未patch版中虽然simplifiedLowering阶段也把除0操作变为了dead value,但是还是保留的float64Min节点(原NumberMin)。

【技术干货】Chrome-V8 CVE-2021-30588
导致此处dead value(div0)早一步被消除。
【技术干货】Chrome-V8 CVE-2021-30588

可以看到左侧(patch前),#107 dead value已经没了,右侧倒是还有div0转的dead value。

      case IrOpcode::kNumberMin: {        // It is safe to use the feedback types for left and right hand side        // here, since we can only narrow those types and thus we can only        // promise a more specific truncation.        // For NumberMin we generally propagate whether the truncation        // identifies zeros to the inputs, and we choose to ignore minus        // zero in those cases.        Type const lhs_type = TypeOf(node->InputAt(0));        Type const rhs_type = TypeOf(node->InputAt(1));[ ... ]        } else {          VisitBinop<T>(node,                        UseInfo::TruncatingFloat64(truncation.identify_zeros()),                        MachineRepresentation::kFloat64);          if (lower<T>()) {            // If the left hand side is not NaN, and the right hand side            // is not NaN (or -0 if the difference between the zeros is            // observed), we can do a simple floating point comparison here.            if (lhs_type.Is(Type::OrderedNumber()) &&                rhs_type.Is(truncation.IdentifiesZeroAndMinusZero()                                ? Type::OrderedNumber()                                : Type::PlainNumber())) {              lowering->DoMin(node,                              lowering->machine()->Float64LessThanOrEqual(),                              MachineRepresentation::kFloat64);            } else {              ChangeOp(node, Float64Op(node));            }          }        }        return;      }

对于这次情况就是NumberMin的左是SpeculativeToNumber,右是-0,所以会变为Float64Min,然而patch后的版本会在走到这里之前,先对其进行判断,转为Dead Value。

【技术干货】Chrome-V8 CVE-2021-30588

# 对应这里的判断+      if (node->op()->EffectOutputCount() == 0 &&+          node->op()->ControlOutputCount() == 0 &&+          node->opcode() != IrOpcode::kDeadValue &&+          node->opcode() != IrOpcode::kStateValues &&+          node->opcode() != IrOpcode::kFrameState &&+          node->opcode() != IrOpcode::kPhi) {
从而导致没有在靠近#104 unreachable位置衍生出unreachable(因为这里没有一个dead value),倒是在上面有一个原本应当放在div0化成的dead value后面的一个#110 dead value衍生了unreachable,在右侧对应#109,也就是原本。
【技术干货】Chrome-V8 CVE-2021-30588
这里的#109,但是这个节点因为前面的关系原因,没有联系到下面#104 unreachable这里,所以造成了上面说的最终结果。

虽然没有找到合适的利用链但是不排除能成功利用的情况,这里(https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1195650#c31),有半任意地址读的poc,但是离构造出越界数组,仍有一段路要走,另外还有一个poc能把本该返回false的改成true,稍加改变就能使得本该true的被turbofan优化成了false,但是此版本消除check bound已经不再能使用(也不一定),并且那个利用参杂着另外一个漏洞点,在作者用的这个版本(https://crrev.com/b2ae9951d4a12b996532022959f44a0cd10184ec)上才能成功。


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【技术干货】Chrome-V8 CVE-2021-30588
【技术干货】Chrome-V8 CVE-2021-30588
【技术干货】Chrome-V8 CVE-2021-30588

【技术干货】Chrome-V8 CVE-2021-30588

【技术干货】Chrome-V8 CVE-2021-30588

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