安能有术无道有道无心,乐得仁心仁义正心行道。1.File Inclusion(Low) 相关代码分a析<?php// The page we wish to display$file = $_G...
Loxs 快速查找WEB风险
【🔔】互联网资料/工具,安全性未知,需要自行研判安全性。 简介 Loxs is an easy-to-use tool that finds web issues like LFI - OR - SQ...
Are You Vulnerable to Hackers?
In today’s digital age, website security is not optional — it’s a necessity. Cybercriminals are cons...
[YA-10] APT攻击之木马系列—植入方式
很多刚刚接触SRC挖掘的师傅,可能对于海外SRC赏金平台就知道 hackerone,在这里给大家记录一些其他的,欢迎各位师傅进行补充~~~ Hackerone HackerOne |...
前言 本篇来自David Noever的论文,主旨依然是对比以GPT4为代表的LLM与传统代码审计工具的效果对比,论文分析涵盖了许多资料库,包括美国国家航空航天局和国防部的资料库。GP...
Arbitrarily control the vehicle (fixed)
part1点击上方蓝字关注我们0x01 IntroductionAfter purchasing a car, one would hope to understand and become fami...
【大模型安全】[文献整理] 大模型对抗攻击
[文献整理] 大模型对抗攻击阅读如下论文和材料,整理与LLM对抗攻击相关内容。Survey of Vulnerabilities in Large Language Models Revealed b...
朋友发给我的一篇文章,标题是《Numerous vulnerabilities in Xunlei Accelerator application》,也就是“在迅雷的加速器应用中发现数个漏洞”。文章原...
Magnet Goblin 黑客组织利用1天漏洞部署Nerbian RAT
A financially motivated threat actor called Magnet Goblin is swiftly adopting one-day security vulne...
Wooseok Kang, Byoungho Son, and Kihong Heo. 2022. TRACER: Signature-based Static Analysis for Detect...