
admin 2024年1月7日16:58:16评论37 views字数 4059阅读13分31秒阅读模式


The recent wave of cyber attacks targeting Albanian organizations involved the use of a wiper called No-Justice.


The findings come from cybersecurity company ClearSky, which said the Windows-based malware "crashes the operating system in a way that it cannot be rebooted."


The intrusions have been attributed to an Iranian "psychological operation group" called Homeland Justice, which has been operating since July 2022, specifically orchestrating destructive attacks against Albania.

这些入侵被归因于一个名为"Homeland Justice"的伊朗"心理行动组",该组织自2022年7月以来一直在执行破坏性的攻击,特别是针对阿尔巴尼亚的攻击。

On December 24, 2023, the adversary resurfaced after a hiatus, stating it's "back to destroy supporters of terrorists," describing its latest campaign as #DestroyDurresMilitaryCamp. The Albanian city of Durrës currently hosts the dissident group People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (MEK).


Targets of the attack included ONE Albania, Eagle Mobile Albania, Air Albania, and the Albanian parliament.

攻击的目标包括ONE Albania、Eagle Mobile Albania、Air Albania和阿尔巴尼亚议会。

Two of the primary tools deployed during the campaign include an executable wiper and a PowerShell script that's designed to propagate the former to other machines in the target network after enabling Windows Remote Management (WinRM).


The No-Justice wiper (NACL.exe) is a 220.34 KB binary that requires administrator privileges to erase the data on the computer.

No-Justice抹消工具(NACL.exe)是一个220.34 KB的二进制文件,需要管理员权限来擦除计算机上的数据。

This is accomplished by removing the boot signature from the Master Boot Record (MBR), which refers to the first sector of any hard disk that identifies where the operating system is located in the disk so that it can be loaded into a computer's RAM.


Also delivered over the course of the attack are legitimate tools like Plink (aka PuTTY Link), RevSocks, and the Windows 2000 resource kit to facilitate reconnaissance, lateral movement, and persistent remote access.

在攻击过程中还使用了诸如Plink(又名PuTTY Link)、RevSocks和Windows 2000资源工具包等合法工具,以促进侦察、横向移动和持久的远程访问。


The development comes as pro-Iranian threat actors such as Cyber Av3ngers, Cyber Toufan, Haghjoyan, and YareGomnam Team have increasingly set their sights on Israel and the U.S. amid continuing geopolitical tensions in the Middle East.

这一发展发生在诸如Cyber Av3ngers、Cyber Toufan、Haghjoyan和YareGomnam Team等亲伊朗的威胁行动组织越来越将目标对准以色列和美国,与中东地区持续的地缘政治紧张局势相关。

"Groups such as Cyber Av3ngers and Cyber Toufan appear to be adopting a narrative of retaliation in their cyber attacks," Check Point disclosed last month.

Check Point上个月披露"像Cyber Av3ngers和Cyber Toufan这样的团体似乎正在采取报复性的叙事进行网络攻击"。

"By opportunistically targeting U.S. entities using Israeli technology, these hacktivist proxies try to achieve a dual retaliation strategy – claiming to target both Israel and the U.S. in a single, orchestrated cyber assault."

"通过机会主义地利用以色列技术来针对美国实体,这些网络活动代理试图实现一种双重报复策略 - 在单一的、协调的网络攻击中声称同时瞄准以色列和美国。"

Cyber Toufan, in particular, has been linked to a deluge of hack-and-leak operations targeting over 100 organizations, wiping infected hosts and releasing stolen data on their Telegram channel.

特别是Cyber Toufan被链接到大量的黑客和泄漏行动,针对100多个组织,清除感染主机并在其Telegram频道上发布窃取的数据。

"They've caused so much damage that many of the orgs – almost a third, in fact, haven't been able to recover," security researcher Kevin Beaumont said. "Some of these are still fully offline over a month later, and the wiped victims are a mix of private companies and Israeli state government entities."

"他们造成了很大的破坏,事实上许多组织中有近三分之一到目前为止仍然无法恢复。其中一些一个多月后仍然完全脱机,并且被抹掉的受害者包括私营公司和以色列国家政府实体。"安全研究员Kevin Beaumont说。

Last month, the Israel National Cyber Directorate (INCD) said it's currently tracking roughly 15 hacker groups associated with Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah that are maliciously operating in Israeli cyberspace since the onset of the Israel-Hamas war in October 2023.


The agency further noted that the techniques and tactics employed share similarities with those used in the Ukraine-Russia war, leveraging psychological warfare and wiper malware to destroy information.



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