
admin 2024年3月10日11:41:39评论16 views字数 3630阅读12分6秒阅读模式


Facebook messages are being used by threat actors to a Python-based information stealer dubbed Snake that's designed to capture credentials and other sensitive data.


"The credentials harvested from unsuspecting users are transmitted to different platforms such as Discord, GitHub, and Telegram," Cybereason researcher Kotaro Ogino said in a technical report.

"从毫无戒心的用户那里收集的凭据被传输到不同的平台,如Discord、GitHub和Telegram," Cybereason研究员Kotaro Ogino在一份技术报告中说。

Details about the campaign first emerged on the social media platform X in August 2023. The attacks entail sending prospective users seemingly innocuous RAR or ZIP archive files that, upon opening, activate the infection sequence.


The intermediate stages involve two downloaders – a batch script and a cmd script – with the latter responsible for downloading and executing the information stealer from an actor-controlled GitLab repository.

中间阶段涉及两个下载器 - 一个批处理脚本和一个cmd脚本 - 后者负责从受控GitLab存储库下载并执行信息窃取软件。

Cybereason said it detected three different variants of the stealer, the third one being an executable assembled by PyInstaller. The malware, for its part, is designed to gather data from different web browsers, including Cốc Cốc, suggesting a Vietnamese focus.

Cybereason表示,它检测到三个不同的窃取者变体,第三个是由PyInstaller组装的可执行文件。该恶意软件旨在从不同的网络浏览器中收集数据,包括Cốc Cốc,这表明它专注于越南。

The collected information, which comprises credentials and cookies, is then exfiltrated in the form of a ZIP archive via the Telegram Bot API. The stealer is also designed to dump cookie information specific to Facebook, an indication that the threat actor is likely looking to hijack the accounts for their own purposes.

收集的信息,包括凭据和cookies,随后以ZIP存档的形式通过Telegram Bot API外传。该窃取者还设计用于转储特定于Facebook的cookie信息,这表明威胁行为者很可能是为了自己的目的而试图劫持这些帐户。

The Vietnamese connection is further bolstered by the naming convention of the GitHub and GitLab repositories and the fact that the source code contains references to the Vietnamese language.



"All of the variants support Cốc Cốc Browser, which is a well known Vietnamese Browser used widely by the Vietnamese community," Ogino said.

"所有变体都支持Cốc Cốc浏览器,这是越南社区广泛使用的著名越南浏览器," Ogino说。

Over the past year, multiple information stealers targeting Facebook cookies have appeared in the wild, counting S1deload Stealer, MrTonyScam, NodeStealer, and VietCredCare.

在过去一年中,有多种针对Facebook cookie的信息窃取软件出现在野外,其中包括S1deload Stealer、MrTonyScam、NodeStealer和VietCredCare。

The development comes as Meta has come under criticism in the U.S. for failing to assist victims whose accounts have been hacked into, calling on the company to take immediate action to address a "dramatic and persistent spike" in account takeover incidents.


It also follows a discovery that threat actors are "using a cloned game cheat website, SEO poisoning, and a bug in GitHub to trick would-be-game-hackers into running Lua malware," according to OALABS Research.


Specifically, the malware operators are leveraging a GitHub vulnerability that allows an uploaded file associated with an issue on a repository to persist even in scenarios where the issue is never saved.


"This means that anyone can upload a file to any git repository on GitHub, and not leave any trace that the file exists except for the direct link," the researchers said, adding the malware comes fitted with capabilities for command-and-control (C2) communications.







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