
admin 2024年3月10日21:53:33评论12 views字数 3684阅读12分16秒阅读模式


Meta has offered details on how it intends to implement interoperability in WhatsApp and Messenger with third-party messaging services as the Digital Markets Act (DMA) went into effect in the European Union.


"This allows users of third-party providers who choose to enable interoperability (interop) to send and receive messages with opted-in users of either Messenger or WhatsApp – both designated by the European Commission (EC) as being required to independently provide interoperability to third-party messaging services," Meta's Dick Brouwer said.

"这将允许第三方服务的用户选择启用互操作性(interop)与Messenger或WhatsApp中选择加入的用户发送和接收消息 - 欧洲委员会(EC)指定的两者都必须独立向第三方消息服务提供互操作性。"Meta的Dick Brouwer说。

DMA, which officially became enforceable on March 7, 2024, requires companies in gatekeeper positions – Apple, Alphabet, Meta, Amazon, Microsoft, and ByteDance – to meet certain obligations as part of the European Commission's efforts to clamp down on anti-competitive practices from tech players, level the playing field, as well as compel them to open some of their services to competitors.

DMA于2024年3月7日正式生效,要求处于关键地位的公司 - 苹果、字母表、Meta、亚马逊、微软和字节跳动 - 满足欧洲委员会努力打击技术公司反竞争行为、平衡竞争环境的一定义务,并强迫他们向竞争对手开放部分服务。

As part of its efforts to comply with the landmark regulations, the social media giant said it expects third-party providers to use the Signal Protocol, which is used in both WhatsApp and Messenger for end-to-end encryption (E2EE).


The third-parties are also required to package the encrypted communications into message stanzas in eXtensible Markup Language (XML). Should the message contain media content, an encrypted version is downloaded by Meta clients from the third-party messaging servers using a Meta proxy service.


The company is also proposing what's called a "plug-and-play" model that allows third-party providers to connect to its infrastructure for achieving interoperability.


"Taking the example of WhatsApp, third-party clients will connect to WhatsApp servers using our protocol (based on the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol – XMPP)," Brouwer said.

"以WhatsApp为例,第三方客户端将使用我们的协议(基于可扩展消息和存在协议 - XMPP)连接到WhatsApp服务器,"Brouwer说。

"The WhatsApp server will interface with a third-party server over HTTP in order to facilitate a variety of things including authenticating third-party users and push notifications."


Furthermore, third-party clients are mandated to execute a WhatsApp Enlistment API when opting into its network, alongside providing cryptographic proof of their ownership of the third-party user-visible identifier when connecting or a third-party user registers on WhatsApp or Messenger.


The technical architecture also has provisions for a third-party provider to add a proxy or an intermediary between their client and the WhatsApp server to provide more information about the kinds of content their client can receive from the WhatsApp server.


"The challenge here is that WhatsApp would no longer have direct connection to both clients and, as a result, would lose connection level signals that are important for keeping users safe from spam and scams such as TCP fingerprints," Brouwer noted.


"This approach also exposes all the chat metadata to the proxy server, which increases the likelihood that this data could be accidentally or intentionally leaked."







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