Merlin - OpenAI ChatGPT powered assistant

admin 2023年2月2日17:31:05评论1,012 views字数 1524阅读5分4秒阅读模式

下面是在Merlin插件中使用ChatGPT的效果。注意,「科学上网」这种黑话被ChatGPT有效翻译了,作为对比,Google Translate未能对黑话进行有效翻译。


Chatgpt is popular, but there are restrictions on the server side for IPs from mainland China. It does not officially provide services for mainland China, even if it is used with a VPN. After registration, there is a SMS verification process, which requires an overseas phone number to receive the SMS. The Chrome plugin, Merlin, can alleviate this situation and allow users to use Chatgpt without registering an account, as long as they use a VPN. Cfc4n provided this information, and I tried it and it works well. Although I don't have the problem of registering and logging in, I really don't want to login and use it.

这是Google Translate的译文

ChatGPT is very popular, but the server has restrictions on IPs from mainland China. Officially, it does not provide services to mainland China. Even if you surf the Internet scientifically, there will be a SMS verification process after registration, and you need an overseas number to receive SMS. The Chrome plug-in Merlin can alleviate this situation, no need to register a ChatGPT account, as long as you surf the Internet scientifically, you can log in and use ChatGPT without registration. CFC4N provides this information, I tried it, it works fine. Although I don't have the problem of registering and logging in, I really don't want to log in to use it.


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  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月2日17:31:05
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                   Merlin - OpenAI ChatGPT powered assistant


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