戴尔、联想、微软笔记本新漏洞:绕过Windows Hello登录

admin 2023年11月23日17:23:02评论29 views字数 4640阅读15分28秒阅读模式

戴尔、联想、微软笔记本新漏洞:绕过Windows Hello登录

A new research has uncovered multiple vulnerabilities that could be exploited to bypass Windows Hello authentication on Dell Inspiron 15, Lenovo ThinkPad T14, and Microsoft Surface Pro X laptops.

一项新的研究发现了多个漏洞,可以被利用来绕过戴尔Inspiron 15、联想ThinkPad T14和微软Surface Pro X笔记本电脑上的Windows Hello身份验证

The flaws were discovered by researchers at hardware and software product security and offensive research firm Blackwing Intelligence, who found the weaknesses in the fingerprint sensors from Goodix, Synaptics, and ELAN that are embedded into the devices.

这些漏洞是由硬件和软件产品安全以及攻击性研究公司Blackwing Intelligence的研究人员发现的,他们在嵌入式到设备中的Goodix、Synaptics和ELAN的指纹传感器中发现了弱点。

A prerequisite for fingerprint reader exploits is that the users of the targeted laptops have fingerprint authentication already set up.


All the fingerprint sensors are a type of sensor called "match on chip" (MoC), which integrates the matching and other biometric management functions directly into the sensor's integrated circuit.


"While MoC prevents replaying stored fingerprint data to the host for matching, it does not, in itself, prevent a malicious sensor from spoofing a legitimate sensor's communication with the host and falsely claiming that an authorized user has successfully authenticated," researchers Jesse D'Aguanno and Timo Teräs said.

研究人员Jesse D'Aguanno和Timo Teräs表示:“虽然MoC防止重播已存储的指纹数据以进行匹配,但它本身并不阻止恶意传感器欺骗合法传感器与主机的通信,并错误地声称授权用户已成功验证。”

The MoC also does not prevent replay of previously recorded traffic between the host and sensor.


Although the Secure Device Connection Protocol (SDCP) created by Microsoft aims to alleviate some of these problems by creating an end-to-end secure channel, the researchers uncovered a novel method that could be used to circumvent these protections and stage adversary-in-the-middle (AitM) attacks.


Specifically, the ELAN sensor was found to be vulnerable to a combination of sensor spoofing stemming from the lack of SDCP support and cleartext transmission of security identifiers (SIDs), thereby allowing any USB device to masquerade as the fingerprint sensor and claim that an authorized user is logging in.


In the case of Synaptics, not only was SDCP discovered to be turned off by default, the implementation chose to rely on a flawed custom Transport Layer Security (TLS) stack to secure USB communications between the host driver and sensor that could be weaponized to sidestep biometric authentication.


The exploitation of Goodix sensor, on the other hand, capitalizes on a fundamental difference in enrollment operations carried out on a machine that's loaded with both Windows and Linux, taking advantage of the fact that the latter does not support SDCP to perform the following actions -


  • Boot to Linux

  • 进入Linux

  • Enumerate valid IDs

  • 枚举有效的ID

  • Enroll attacker's fingerprint using the same ID as a legitimate Windows user

  • 使用与合法Windows用户相同的ID注册攻击者的指纹

  • MitM the connection between the host and sensor by leveraging the cleartext USB communication

  • 利用明文USB通信进行主机与传感器之间的中间人攻击

  • Boot to Windows

  • 切换到Windows

  • Intercept and rewrite the configuration packet to point to the Linux DB using our MitM

  • 拦截和重写配置包以指向Linux数据库使用我们的中间人

  • Login as the legitimate user with attacker's print

  • 用攻击者的指纹登录合法用户

It's worth pointing out that while the Goodix sensor has separate fingerprint template databases for Windows and non-Windows systems, the attack is possible owing to the fact that the host driver sends an unauthenticated configuration packet to the sensor to specify what database to use during sensor initialization.


To mitigate such attacks, it's recommended that original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) enable SDCP and ensure that the fingerprint sensor implementation is audited by independent qualified experts.


This isn't the first time that Windows Hello biometrics-based authentication has been successfully defeated. In July 2021, Microsoft issued patches for a medium-severity security flaw (CVE-2021-34466, CVSS score: 6.1) that could permit an adversary to spoof a target's face and get around the login screen.

这并不是Windows Hello基于生物识别的身份验证第一次被成功击败。2021年7月,微软发布了一项中等严重性安全漏洞的补丁,可以允许对手欺骗目标的面部,并绕过登录界面。

"Microsoft did a good job designing SDCP to provide a secure channel between the host and biometric devices, but unfortunately device manufacturers seem to misunderstand some of the objectives," the researchers said.


"Additionally, SDCP only covers a very narrow scope of a typical device's operation, while most devices have a sizable attack surface exposed that is not covered by SDCP at all."


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  • 本文由 发表于 2023年11月23日17:23:02
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