
admin 2023年12月20日10:31:02评论47 views字数 4377阅读14分35秒阅读模式


The Iranian nation-state actor known as MuddyWater has leveraged a newly discovered command-and-control (C2) framework called MuddyC2Go in its attacks on the telecommunications sector in Egypt, Sudan, and Tanzania.


The Symantec Threat Hunter Team, part of Broadcom, is tracking the activity under the name Seedworm, which is also tracked under the monikers Boggy Serpens, Cobalt Ulster, Earth Vetala, ITG17, Mango Sandstorm (formerly Mercury), Static Kitten, TEMP.Zagros, and Yellow Nix.

赛门韦特威尔·商业部的威胁猎人团队正在以Seedworm的名义跟踪这一活动,也被称为Boggy Serpens、Cobalt Ulster、地球Vetala、ITG17、Mango Sandstorm(前身为Mercury)、Static Kitten、TEMP.Zagros和Yellow Nix。

Active since at least 2017, MuddyWater is assessed to be affiliated with Iran's Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS), primarily singling out entities in the Middle East.


The cyber espionage group's use of MuddyC2Go was first highlighted by Deep Instinct last month, describing it as a Golang-based replacement for PhonyC2, itself a successor to MuddyC3. However, there is evidence to suggest that it may have been employed as early as 2020.

该网络间谍团体对MuddyC2Go的使用首次由Deep Instinct在上个月进行了突出,将它描述为一个基于Golang的替代物:PhonyC2的继任者MuddyC3。然而,有证据表明它可能早在2020年就被使用了。

While the full extent of MuddyC2Go's capabilities is not yet known, the executable comes fitted with a PowerShell script that automatically connects to Seedworm's C2 server, thereby giving the attackers remote access to a victim system and obviating the need for manual execution by an operator.


The latest set of intrusions, which took place in November 2023, have also been found to rely on SimpleHelp and Venom Proxy, alongside a custom keylogger and other publicly available tools.

2023年11月发生的最新一系列入侵行为还发现依赖于SimpleHelp和Venom Proxy,以及一个定制的键盘记录器和其他公开可用的工具。

Attack chains mounted by the group have a track record of weaponizing phishing emails and known vulnerabilities in unpatched applications for initial access, followed by conducting reconnaissance, lateral movement, and data collection.


In the attacks documented by Symantec targeting an unnamed telecommunications organization, the MuddyC2Go launcher was executed to establish contact with an actor-controlled server, while also deploying legitimate remote access software like AnyDesk and SimpleHelp.


The entity is said to have been previously compromised by the adversary earlier in 2023 in which SimpleHelp was used to launch PowerShell, deliver proxy software, and also install the JumpCloud remote access tool.


"In another telecommunications and media company targeted by the attackers, multiple incidents of SimpleHelp were used to connect to known Seedworm infrastructure," Symantec noted. "A custom build of the Venom Proxy hacktool was also executed on this network, as well as the new custom keylogger used by the attackers in this activity."

"在攻击另一个电信和媒体公司时,多次使用了SimpleHelp来连接到已知的Seedworm基础设施,"赛门韦特威尔指出。"还在该网络上执行了一个Venom Proxy hacktool的自定义版本,以及攻击者在此次活动中使用的新自定义键盘记录器。"

By utilizing a combination of bespoke, living-off-the-land, and publicly available tools in its attack chains, the goal is to evade detection for as long as possible to meet its strategic objectives, the company said.


"The group continues to innovate and develop its toolset when required in order to keep its activity under the radar," Symantec concluded. "The group still makes heavy use of PowerShell and PowerShell-related tools and scripts, underlining the need for organizations to be aware of suspicious use of PowerShell on their networks."


The development comes as an Israel-linked group called Gonjeshke Darande (meaning "Predatory Sparrow" in Persian) claimed responsibility for a cyber attack that disrupted a "majority of the gas pumps throughout Iran" in response to the "aggression of the Islamic Republic and its proxies in the region."

随着以色列联络人团体Gonjeshke Darande(意为波斯语中的"掠食性麻雀")声称对伊朗"在该地区的伊斯兰共和国及其代理人的进攻"做出了反应,导致"伊朗大部分加油站"遭到了破坏的网络攻击,本消息出现。

The group, which reemerged in October 2023 after going quiet for nearly a year, is believed to be linked to the Israeli Military Intelligence Directorate, having conducted destructive attacks in Iran, including steel facilities, petrol stations, and rail networks in the country.



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