Pwn2Own 2023特斯拉Model 3安全漏洞

admin 2023年12月28日08:43:44评论67 views字数 1456阅读4分51秒阅读模式


This article is an introduction to how David Berard and Vincent Dehors discovered and exploited security vulnerabilities in Tesla Model 3. The team discovered multiple vulnerabilities through reverse engineering of the vehicle's multimedia system, Bluetooth, and WiFi functionality. These vulnerabilities include heap based buffer overflow, allowing attackers to remotely execute code through Bluetooth and WiFi. They also explored Tesla's security gateway and identified some exploitable vulnerabilities that allowed them to control critical systems of the vehicle, obtaining the CVE-2023-32155, CVE-2023-32156, and CVE-2023-32157 numbers.

这些发现在Pwn2Own 2023比赛中被公开展示

Pwn2Own 2023特斯拉Model 3安全漏洞

Showcased the safety hazards present in Tesla's system. Detailed description of each stage of the attack, including vulnerability research, exploitation and development, and final execution. Finally, Tesla's response to these vulnerabilities was mentioned, including improvements and patching of security systems.

Pwn2Own 2023特斯拉Model 3安全漏洞

Pwn2Own 2023特斯拉Model 3安全漏洞

Pwn2Own 2023特斯拉Model 3安全漏洞

Pwn2Own 2023特斯拉Model 3安全漏洞

Pwn2Own 2023特斯拉Model 3安全漏洞

Pwn2Own 2023特斯拉Model 3安全漏洞

Pwn2Own 2023特斯拉Model 3安全漏洞

Through reverse engineering analysis of the multimedia system, Bluetooth, and WiFi functions of vehicles, researchers have revealed multiple remotely exploitable vulnerabilities, including heap based buffer overflow. They also successfully bypassed Tesla's security gateway and gained control over critical vehicle systems.
These achievements were showcased in the Pwn2Own 2023 competition, highlighting Tesla's potential safety risks. The document concludes with a discussion of Tesla's fixes for these vulnerabilities and security system reinforcement measures.


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  • 本文由 发表于 2023年12月28日08:43:44
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