
admin 2024年2月21日10:54:42评论11 views字数 2880阅读9分36秒阅读模式


Cybersecurity researchers have discovered two malicious packages on the Python Package Index (PyPI) repository that were found leveraging a technique called DLL side-loading to circumvent detection by security software and run malicious code.


The packages, named NP6HelperHttptest and NP6HelperHttper, were each downloaded 537 and 166 times, respectively, before they were taken down.


"The latest discovery is an example of DLL sideloading executed by an open-source package that suggests the scope of software supply chain threats is expanding," ReversingLabs researcher Petar Kirhmajer said in a report shared with The Hacker News.

ReversingLabs的研究人员Petar Kirhmajer在与The Hacker News分享的报告中表示:“最新的发现是一个由开源软件包执行的DLL侧载示例,表明软件供应链威胁的范围正在扩大。”

The name NP6 is notable as it refers to a legitimate marketing automation solution made by ChapsVision. In particular, the fake packages are typosquats of NP6HelperHttp and NP6HelperConfig, which are helper tools published by one of ChapsVision's employees to PyPI.


In other words, the goal is to trick developers searching for NP6HelperHttp and NP6HelperConfig into downloading their rogue counterparts.



Contained within the two libraries is a setup.py script that's designed to download two files, an actual executable from Beijing-based Kingsoft Corporation ("ComServer.exe") that's vulnerable to DLL side-loading and the malicious DLL to be side-loaded ("dgdeskband64.dll").


In side-loading the DLL, the aim is to avoid detection of the malicious code, as observed previously in the case of an npm package called aabquerys that also leveraged the same technique to execute code capable of deploying a remote access trojan.


The DLL, for its part, reaches out to an attacker-controlled domain ("us.archive-ubuntu[.]top") to fetch a GIF file that, in reality, is a piece of shellcode for a Cobalt Strike Beacon, a post-exploitation toolkit used for red teaming.

至于DLL,它会联系一个由攻击者控制的域(“us.archive-ubuntu[.]top”),以获取一个实际上是用于红队行动的Cobalt Strike Beacon的shellcode的GIF文件。

There is evidence to suggest that the packages are part of a wider campaign that involves the distribution of similar executables that are susceptible to DLL side-loading.


"Development organizations need to be aware of the threats related to supply chain security and open-source package repositories," security researcher Karlo Zanki said.

安全研究人员Karlo Zanki表示:“开发组织需要意识到与供应链安全和开源软件包存储库相关的威胁。”

"Even if they are not using open-source package repositories, that doesn't mean that threat actors won't abuse them to impersonate companies and their software products and tools."



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