Hijack Loader更新:新版恶意软件采用进程空壳技术

admin 2024年5月9日15:17:43评论22 views字数 4019阅读13分23秒阅读模式

Hijack Loader更新:新版恶意软件采用进程空壳技术

A newer version of a malware loader called Hijack Loader has been observed incorporating an updated set of anti-analysis techniques to fly under the radar.

一种名为Hijack Loader的恶意软件加载器的新版本已被观察到采用更新的一组反分析技术,以避开监控。

"These enhancements aim to increase the malware's stealthiness, thereby remaining undetected for longer periods of time," Zscaler ThreatLabz researcher Muhammed Irfan V A said in a technical report.

"这些增强旨在增加恶意软件的隐蔽性,从而在更长时间内保持不被检测,"Zscaler ThreatLabz研究员Muhammed Irfan V A在一份技术报告中表示。

"Hijack Loader now includes modules to add an exclusion for Windows Defender Antivirus, bypass User Account Control (UAC), evade inline API hooking that is often used by security software for detection, and employ process hollowing."

"Hijack Loader现在包括用于添加Windows Defender防病毒软件排除、绕过用户账户控制(UAC)、规避内联API挂钩(通常被安全软件用于检测)以及利用进程空壳的模块。"

Hijack Loader, also called IDAT Loader, is a malware loader that was first documented by the cybersecurity company in September 2023. In the intervening months, the tool has been used as a conduit to deliver various malware families.

Hijack Loader,也称为IDAT Loader,是一种恶意软件加载器,2023年9月首次被这家网络安全公司记录。在此期间,该工具被用作传送各种恶意软件系列的管道。

This includes Amadey, Lumma Stealer (aka LummaC2), Meta Stealer, Racoon Stealer V2, Remcos RAT, and Rhadamanthys.

其中包括Amadey、Lumma Stealer(又名LummaC2)、Meta Stealer、Racoon Stealer V2、Remcos RAT和Rhadamanthys。

What makes the latest version notable is the fact that it decrypts and parses a PNG image to load the next-stage payload, a technique that was first detailed by Morphisec in connection with a campaign targeting Ukrainian entities based in Finland.


The loader, per Zscaler, comes fitted with a first-stage, which is responsible for extracting and launching the second-stage from a PNG image that's either embedded into it or downloaded separately based on the malware's configuration.


"The main purpose of the second stage is to inject the main instrumentation module," Irfan explained. "To increase stealthiness, the second stage of the loader employs more anti-analysis techniques using multiple modules."


Hijack Loader更新:新版恶意软件采用进程空壳技术

Hijack Loader artifacts detected in the wild in March and April 2024 also incorporate as many as seven new modules to help create new processes, perform UAC bypass, and add a Windows Defender Antivirus exclusion via a PowerShell command.

2024年3月和4月在野外检测到的Hijack Loader工件还包含多达七个新模块,以帮助创建新进程、执行UAC绕过,并通过PowerShell命令添加Windows Defender防病毒软件排除。

Adding to the malware's stealth is its use of the Heaven's Gate technique to circumvent user mode hooks, as previously disclosed by CrowdStrike in February 2024.

该恶意软件使用Heaven's Gate技术来规避用户模式钩子,正如CrowdStrike在2024年2月先前披露的那样。

"Amadey has been the most commonly delivered family by HijackLoader," Irfan said. "The loading of the second stage involves the use of an embedded PNG image or PNG image downloaded from the web. Additionally, new modules have been integrated into HijackLoader, enhancing its capabilities and making it even more robust."


The development comes amid malware campaigns distributing different malware loader families like DarkGate, FakeBat (aka EugenLoader), GuLoader via malvertising and phishing attacks.


It also follows the emergence of an information stealer called TesseractStealer that's distributed by ViperSoftX and utilizes the open-source Tesseract optical character recognition (OCR) engine to extract text from image files.


"The malware focuses on specific data related to credentials and cryptocurrency wallet information," Broadcom-owned Symantec said. "Next to TesseractStealer, some of the recent ViperSoftX runs have also been observed to drop another payload from the Quasar RAT malware family."

"该恶意软件专注于与凭证和加密货币钱包信息有关的特定数据,"Broadcom旗下的Symantec表示。"除了TesseractStealer外,最近的一些ViperSoftX运行还观察到从Quasar RAT恶意软件系列中下载另一个有效载荷。"





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