
admin 2024年6月2日20:49:04评论3 views字数 9202阅读30分40秒阅读模式


原文作者:Müge Fazlioglu

翻译和校稿:Molly Yuan





为了促进对欧盟《通用数据保护条例》及各国数据保护法律的遵守,欧洲的数据保护机构(DPAs)已经考虑了人工智能系统所带来的独特挑战。总的来说,它们为人工智能运营者提供的大量指导都集中在实施数据保护和隐私设计的原则、目的特定、影响评估、透明度以及个人权利方面(centers around  implementation of the principles of data protection and privacy by design, purpose specification, impact assessments, transparency, and individual rights


欧洲的数据保护机构一致认为,人工智能系统的设计、开发和部署应将数据保护和隐私原则作为其运作的核心。英国信息专员办公室在一篇文章中敦促组织不要低估完成这些任务所需的资源水平,并坚持认为人工智能供应商“必须能够持续展示你是如何解决数据保护设计和默认义务的(must be able to demonstrate, on an ongoing basis, how you have addressed data protection by design and default obligations.”。


人工智能系统应仅出于特定目的收集和使用个人数据。例如,法国数据保护机构国家信息与自由委员会(CNIL)在其关于AI遵循GDPR第五条目的特定化原则的指南中指出,AI系统的学习阶段和生产阶段具有不同的目的,每个阶段都应是“明确、合法且清晰的”(learning phase and the production phase of an AI system have distinct purposes and each should be "determined, legitimate and clear."


与全球同行相似,欧洲数据保护机构明确表示应针对AI系统进行数据保护和/或隐私影响评估。影响评估应在AI生命周期的每个阶段执行(be executed for each stage of the AI life cycle。正如CNIL解释的那样,还应考虑AI系统可能对个人精神健康的影响,以及是否可能导致成瘾行为或协助骚扰。对AI系统功能的任何重大变更都需要重新进行PIA或DPIA(there should also be consideration about the possible effects of the AI system on individuals' mental health and whether it can lead to addictive behaviors and/or facilitate harassment. Any major changes to the functionality of an AI system necessitate a renewed PIA or DPIA.)


AI运营者应以清晰、简洁且易于访问的方式向个人告知数据收集及其权利。在较高层面,处理目的、保留期限以及将与之共享个人信息的人员属于应披露的最低限度的隐私相关信息类别(At a high level, the purposes of processing, retention periods and people with whom personal information will be shared are the minimum categories of privacy-related information that should be disclosed.)。CNIL在其指南中还提到,当个人与机器交互时,应让其知晓这一情况(individuals should also be made aware when they are interacting with a machine)


欧洲监管机构明确表示,AI系统应允许数据被处理的个人行使他们的数据保护和隐私权利。这些权利至少包括访问数据的权利、更正不准确数据的权利、请求删除个人数据的权利,以及不受到自动化决策约束的权利(these include the rights to access data, rectify inaccurate data, request erasure of personal data and not be subject to automated decision-making.。为了使个人能够行使这些权利,AI供应商应了解其系统对个人权利和自由的影响。他们应基于性别、宗教、政治或宗教观点等受保护特征,为群体和个人设想可能的后果。同时,他们还应明确指出AI是否被用作辅助决策还是仅用于自动化决策(They should think through the consequences for both groups and individuals based on protected characteristics such as gender, religion, and political or religious opinions. They should also make it clear whether AI is being used to supplement decision-making or solely for automated decisions.


美国的情况与欧洲当局的许多观点相呼应,美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)在隐私合规与人工智能交叉领域的指导上表现出积极主动的态度,这些指导也预示了其执法重点(the U.S. Federal Trade Commission has been proactive in issuing guidance at the intersection of privacy compliance and AI — guidance that has also served to foreshadow its enforcement priorities.)。例如,在技术办公室的一篇博客文章中,FTC强调了AI公司遵守其隐私承诺的重要性,并警告企业不要采取诸如“悄然修改”隐私政策以允许AI进行个人数据收集和使用的行为("quietly changing" privacy policies to make room for personal data collection and use by AI)。另一篇博客文章这样解释道:

“对于一家公司来说,采纳更为宽松的数据处理方式,比如开始与第三方分享消费者的资料或将这些资料用于AI训练,并且仅通过偷偷摸摸地、事后修订服务条款或隐私政策来通知消费者这一变化,这可能是不公平或具有误导性的。( to start sharing consumers' data with third parties or using that data for AI training—and to only inform consumers of this change through a surreptitious, retroactive amendment to its terms of service or privacy policy."

在缺乏全面的联邦人工智能立法的情况下,其他联邦机构也对现行法律在人工智能领域的适用性采取了积极立场(Other federal agencies have also taken a proactive position on the applicability of current law to AI in the absence of federal omnibus AI legislation.)。2023年4月,司法部、消费者金融保护局、平等就业机会委员会和FTC联合发表公开声明,强调各机构的“现有法律权限同样适用于自动化系统和创新新技术的使用,正如它们适用于其他实践活动一样”。一年后,包括住房和城市发展部、教育部、卫生与公众服务部、国土安全部以及劳工部在内的更多联邦机构签署了一份更新后的声明,显示出越来越多的联邦实体关注人工智能与现行法律交叉领域的问题(the growing swath of federal entities concerned with the intersection of AI and existing law


新西兰隐私专员办公室也就人工智能与2020年《隐私法》中确立的13项信息隐私原则的交集发布了具体指导(released specific guidance on the intersection of AI and the 13 information privacy principles enshrined in its Privacy Act 2020。在此前关于生成式人工智能使用期望声明的基础上,OPC(新西兰隐私专员办公室)的完整指导原则基于一个基本理念:“当组织考虑采用任何新的人工智能工具时,隐私是一个良好的起点。”在转向人工智能之前,组织应进行必要性和比例性的初步评估,并考虑替代方案(Before turning to AI, organizations should do a preliminary assessment of necessity and proportionality and consideration of alternatives. )。OPC还期望高级领导层基于对风险和缓解措施的全面考虑来批准使用人工智能工具。执行隐私影响评估(PIA)、就AI工具的使用向人们保持透明,并确保在根据AI输出采取行动前进行人工审查都被强调。OPC的指导还要求考虑Te Ao Māori(毛利世界观)对隐私的看法,包括对国外开发的AI系统可能存在的偏差的担忧,这些系统可能无法准确适用于毛利人,以及他们在构建和采用AI工具决策中的被排除在外(The OPC's guidance also requires Te Ao Māori perspectives on privacy to be considered, including concerns about bias from AI systems developed overseas that may not work accurately for Māori and their exclusion from decisions to build and adopt AI tools)


韩国个人信息保护委员会为人工智能系统开发者和运营商制定了一套指导方针,即个人信息保护自查清单(South Korea's Personal Information Protection Commission produced a set of guidelines, the personal information protection self-checklist, for developers and operators of AI systems. )。该清单主要但不严格地针对遵守韩国《个人信息保护法》,包含16项法律义务,每项义务下又有多个检查项目供组织核验。该清单涵盖了从规划与设计阶段——应用隐私设计原则与进行影响评估,到最终阶段——持续改进组织内部的人工智能伦理等多个环节(it consists of 16 legal obligations each containing multiple items for verification for organizations. The checklist proceeds through numerous stages, from planning and design, which involves applying privacy by design principle and conducting impact assessments, to the final stage of working on the constant improvement of AI ethics within an organization.)


加拿大隐私专员办公室面向人工智能开发者和供应商发布了一系列原则,旨在确保生成式AI技术中包含隐私保护措施(Aimed at AI developers and providers, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada released principles for ensuring generative AI technologies contain privacy protections.)。这些原则与其他国际权威机构的指导相呼应,共同强调了获取有效且有意义的同意的重要性、将数据的收集、使用和披露限制在适当的目的范围内,以及向个人透明地传达潜在的隐私风险等问题。


一些监管机构已不仅仅停留在发布合规性指导意见的层面,而是进一步开发了多种工具、模板、指南和其他实用资源,以支持AI运营者(Some regulators have gone beyond the issuance of compliance guidance and developed various tools, templates, guides and other practical resources for AI operators)

  • 英国信息专员办公室(ICO)创建了一个AI与数据保护风险工具包,旨在为减少由AI系统产生涉及个人数据风险的组织提供操作支持。针对AI生命周期的每个阶段,该工具包提供了一系列组织可采取的实用步骤以降低风险、相关的英国GDPR参考,以及ICO关于目的限制原则、确保AI系统中个人权利以及解释利用AI做出的决策的进一步指导(For each stage of the AI life cycle, it provides a series of practical steps organizations can take to reduce risk, relevant references to the U.K. GDPR and further guidance from the ICO on the principle of purpose limitation, ensuring individual rights in AI systems and explaining decisions made with AI

  • 法国国家信息与自由委员会(CNIL)的AI系统自评估指南包括一系列旨在帮助企业明确目标、实施GDPR合规最佳实践、分析风险及预防安全攻击的事实表consists of a series of fact sheets that aim to help organizations specify a clear objective, implement best practices for GDPR compliance, analyze risks and prevent attacks.)。这些工具和资源的推出,显示了监管机构在推动AI领域健康发展、保障数据安全与隐私权方面的积极作为。


在全球各地数据保护机构发布的众多指导文件中,可以提炼出一套针对AI提供商的实用建议清单(a list of practical recommendations for AI providers can be distilled)

1. 在任何AI项目的规划与设计阶段,默认并集成隐私与数据保护的原则。

Integrate privacy and data protection by default and by design principles at the planning and design stages of any AI project.

2. 在AI工具向公众开放使用前,开展个人数据保护影响评估(PIA)和数据保护影响评估(DPIA)。

Conduct PIAs and DPIAs before AI tools are made available for public use.

3. 仅为特定、明确且合法的目的处理个人数据,并避免不符合个人合理预期的进一步处理。

Process personal data only for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes, and refrain from further processing that is not in line with individuals' reasonable expectations

4. 建立人工监督和审查机制,覆盖AI的输入与输出。

Have a system in place for human oversight and review of both AI inputs and outputs.

5. 透明地提供关于个人数据收集与使用的方式、原因的信息。提供商应向部署者提供与使用AI系统相关的隐私风险信息。

Provide transparent information on what, why and how personal data is collected and used. Providers should make information on privacy risks associated with use of the AI system available to deployers.

6. 设立数据治理和技术防护措施,以审查并过滤不准确或误导性的个人数据。

Have data governance and technical safeguards in place for review and filtering of personal data that is inaccurate or misleading.

7. 制定时间限定的计划,用于收集的任何个人信息的保存与删除。

Develop a time-bound plan for retention and deletion of any personal information collected.

8. 实施基线网络安全控制措施,防止攻击者从AI系统中提取个人数据。

Implement baseline cybersecurity controls and controls that prevent attackers from extracting personal data from AI systems.

9. 维护最新的技术文档,并能够展示对隐私和数据保护法律及政策的合规性。

Maintain up-to-date technical documentation and be able to demonstrate compliance with privacy and data protection laws and policies.

10. 与数据保护机构和隐私权威部门保持紧密沟通。

Communicate closely with DPAs and privacy authorities.


以欧盟AI法案为例,许多监管机构正在采取基于风险的方法(a risk-based approach来规范人工智能。重点主要放在高风险的人工智能系统上(The focus has been overwhelmingly on high-risk AI systems. )。鉴于其面向公众的特性(public-facing nature,生成式AI工具也成为首要关注点。特别是,最优先考虑的是可能导致不公平、不道德或歧视性待遇,或可能影响弱势群体(尤其是儿童)的人工智能及自动化决策系统(In particular, the greatest priority has been placed on AI and automated decision-making that could lead to unfair, unethical or discriminatory treatment, or could affect vulnerable populations, namely children. )。虽然所有收集和使用个人数据的人工智能系统都需根据现行隐私和数据保护立法承担责任,但审查最严格的很可能是那些被认为对个人基本权利影响最大的系统(the greatest scrutiny will likely be upon those deemed to have the greatest effects on individuals' fundamental rights.)

最后,为应对人工智能带来的复杂法律挑战,新的跨机构合作模式正在出现(new modes of interagency collaboration on regulatory matters are emerging to address the complex legal challenges brought about by AI.)。例如,在英国,数字监管合作论坛汇集了信息专员办公室(ICO)、竞争与市场管理局、通信办公室和金融服务管理局,共同监管网络安全性,尤其是算法的使用。在美国,跨机构合作由司法部、平等就业机会委员会(EEOC)、消费者金融保护局(CFPB)、卫生与公众服务部(HHS)、联邦贸易委员会(FTC)及众多其他联邦机构领导,在推进人工智能公平等领域展开。随着监管机构继续应对人工智能、隐私、数据保护、竞争、民权及众多其他重点领域的交叉挑战,AI运营商可以期待看到更多关于现有法律保护应如何适用的工具包、建议和指导。



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