神兵利器 - SecretScanner(在容器映像和文件系统中查找密码)

admin 2021年4月8日22:44:28评论59 views字数 2418阅读8分3秒阅读模式

        Deepfence SecretScanner帮助用户扫描主机上的容器映像或本地目录,并输出包含找到的所有秘密的详细信息的JSON文件。

神兵利器 - SecretScanner(在容器映像和文件系统中查找密码)


$ ./SecretScanner --help
Usage of ./SecretScanner: -config-path string Searches for config.yaml from given directory. If not set, tries to find it from SecretScanner binary's and current directory -debug-level string Debug levels are one of FATAL, ERROR, IMPORTANT, WARN, INFO, DEBUG. Only levels higher than the debug-level are displayed (default "ERROR") -image-name string Name of the image along with tag to scan for secrets -json-filename string Output json file name. If not set, it will automatically create a filename based on image or dir name -local string Specify local directory (absolute path) which to scan. Scans only given directory recursively. -max-multi-match uint Maximum number of matches of same pattern in one file. This is used only when multi-match option is enabled. (default 3) -max-secrets uint Maximum number of secrets to find in one container image or file system. (default 1000) -maximum-file-size uint Maximum file size to process in KB (default 256) -multi-match Output multiple matches of same pattern in one file. By default, only one match of a pattern is output for a file for better performance -output-path string Output directory where json file will be stored. If not set, it will output to current directory -temp-directory string Directory to process and store repositories/matches (default "/tmp") -threads int Number of concurrent threads (default number of logical CPUs)



  • 构建SecretScanner:

docker build --rm=true --tag=deepfenceio/secretscanning:latest -f Dockerfile 

  • 或者,通过执行以下操作从docker hub中获取最新版本:

docker pull deepfenceio/secretscanning

  • 拉出容器图像进行扫描:

docker pull node:8.11

  • 运行SecretScanner:

    • 扫描容器图像:

      docker run -it --rm --name=deepfence-secretscanner -v $(pwd):/home/deepfence/output -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /usr/bin/docker:/usr/bin/docker deepfenceio/secretscanning -image-name node:8.11
    • 扫描本地目录:

      docker run -it --rm --name=deepfence-secretscanner -v $(pwd):/home/deepfence/output -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /usr/bin/docker:/usr/bin/docker deepfenceio/secretscanning -local /home/deepfence/src/SecretScanner/test



  1. 安装Docker

  2. 安装Hyperscan

  3. 为您的平台安装go(版本1.14)

  4. 如果需要gohs请安装go模块:yaml.v3color

  5. go get github.com/deepfence/SecretScanner将自动在$GOPATH/bin$HOME/go/bin目录中下载并构建SecretScanner 或者,克隆此存储库并运行go build -v -i以在当前目录中构建可执行文件。

  6. 根据需要编辑config.yaml文件,并使用适当的配置文件目录运行秘密扫描程序。




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  • 本文由 发表于 2021年4月8日22:44:28
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                   神兵利器 - SecretScanner(在容器映像和文件系统中查找密码)https://cn-sec.com/archives/327066.html


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