
admin 2022年2月23日23:24:55评论137 views字数 12874阅读42分54秒阅读模式

Everything in our home is connected to theInternet these days. Our thermostats and surveillance cameras are going to thecloud. Our refrigerators and TVs are online. Even the rice cooker can be connected to the Internet.Outside the home, we have the likes of Smart Rifles, and even though it is notclear if they can be connected to the Internet or not, they do supportdevice-to-device Wi-Fi connections. We and our machines are increasinglyconnected, in ways we don’t necessarily expect or consider.


Let’s talk about my TV. When I bought a TVa few years ago, it was just a TV. Maybe it had a larger screen than the one Ihad before and it might have better screen resolution and refresh rates. Butwhen I bought our new TV last year, it had something else aswell. I didn’t notice it for a while, but it came embedded with a smallcomputer. The presence of the computer isn’t obvious and I might have nevereven noticed it.


Others have noticed these computersthough. In fact, there have been various discussions in the industryrecently on the security of Smart TVs. Last year two researchers at Black HatBriefings security conference, Aaron Grattafiori and Josh Yavor, discussed remote hacking exploits they hadfound. Basically they found a cross-site scripting vulnerabilities in SamsungSmart TV apps (the apps are usually written in JavaScript). Using cross-sitescripting, they acquired local user privileges. They also used a localprivilege escalation issue to get system privileges. The problem here is thatthe default user ID that runs the whole TV application has root privileges.Just getting out of the sandbox is enough to gain total control of the system.

 关于智能电视的安全在行业中以及有了各种讨论。2013年在黑帽大会上有两位研究者Aaron Grattafiori Josh Yavor讨论了他们发现的远程攻击exploit。首先他们在三星智能电视APP上发现了xss漏洞。通过xss,他们获取了本地用户权限,然后通过提权获取到系统权限。问题就出在运行整个电视应用的默认用户id拥有root权限,只需要跳出沙盒就拥有对整个系统的完全控制权。

I was inspired by this talk and starteddigging into one of my TVs at home. I was really curious about what was insidethe TV.


Rooting my TV

 Gathering the required informationwas not difficult as my TV is a popular model.


The Samygo forum had some useful information in thisarea, especially on Samsung.


The principle is simple. You use thedeveloper account to install private applications on your machine. Developeraccount information can be found here and there.


 Oryou can choose to unlock the TV using a local exploit. Some applications have alocal vulnerability that allows unauthorized applications to get permanentaccess to the system level. We’ll call this an “exploit” as it is using a glitchwith specific applications installed on the TV by default. Of course, you can’tuse it to remotely hack into the system, but if the attacker can access the TVphysically, it would be possible to install backdoors using similar methods.

Figure 1 Samygo TV discussions on getting root access toTVs

 After following the instructions, I was able to root my own TV. It justtook a USB stick and a few minutes of my time to see a root shell on my ownsystem. I bought the TV six months ago and never knew that I had an extracomputer in my house. The operating system looked like Linux and I confirmedthis by initiating the “uname” command and checking the result.



Figure 2 Rootshell on my TV


Console access
Additionally, I could have console access to the system by utilizing thesystem’s Ex-Link port -- the benefit with console access is that you can accessan enormous amount of debug logs. You can also upload your firmware image. Thephysical appearance of the Ex-Link port appears to differ depending on yourspecific model, but basically it is a serial communication port. For my TV, itwas in the form of a 3.5mm audio jack.



Figure 3 EX-LINK Port


I modified aDB9 serial cable I had around to connect with the audio jack. It took 10minutes to come up with a homemade Ex-Link cable. The cost of the cable wasunder $5. When in serial communication with the TV I could see various debuggingmessages. Most of the information is meant for software debugging and containedcomponent and method names along with other details. This information itselfcould be a really useful resource for hacking the TV.




Figure 4 Console Access to my TV


What we foundin a few days

 I’dgained access to a root shell and console output, so now what could I do? Maybebug hunting would be fun. I downloaded the binaries from the system and lookedaround with IDA. Most of the binaries were ARM native code and some of theJavaScript was obfuscated. Using the netstat command showed a lot of servicesusing TCP and UDP protocols. There were also web services, UPnP services andservices using non-conventional ports. Some services were using open-sourcecode, but some were using proprietary code, (which means they might not be ashardened as their open-source counterparts -- open-source code often getshardened as it gets audited repeatedly by multiple users over the course oftime that the code has been publically available).

 获取到root权限后我该做什么呢?我从系统下载了很多二进制文件,使用ida查看。很多的二进制文件是ARM native代码,还有一些是混淆的js脚本。使用netstat命令查看到大量的使用TCP/UDP协议的服务。这其中包括web服务、UPnP服务和非常用端口。有些服务使用的是开源代码,但是有些使用的是非公开代码(这意味着他们可能不是一样的开源同行——开源的代码通常是很健壮的,因为随着时间的推移它被多个用户反复审计,代码已经公开可用的)。

After fiddlingaround in the system for a few days, I found that a service related to UPnP hadissues with remote authentication. UPnP is a technology used for peer-to-peernetwork connectivity between PCs and other appliances (as defined here). It provides easy discovery of machines on a network and an additionalmeans of control. The issue could allow possible control of the TV systemitself by allowing remote users unauthorized access to an input device. Wereported the issue to Samsung security and it is currently under investigation.They responded promptly -- the issue could be exploited by remote attackers tocontrol the TV and its network traffic.

 几天之后,我发现一个UPnP相关的服务的远程身份验证存在问题。UPnP(通用即插即用) 是一种用于 PC 机和智能设备(或仪器)的常见对等网络连接的体系结构,包含UPnP技术的网络产品只需实际连到网络上,即可开始正常工作。UPnP的这个问题可能允许远程用户对输入设备进行未授权访问从而可能控制整个TV系统。我们把这个问题报告给了三星,他们很快做出了答复——这个问题可以被远程攻击者利用来控制TV以及他的网络流量。

Just a few daysof work revealed a useful vulnerability, and even though it doesn’t execute ashell command on the remote system, it could give some control to an attacker.If an attacker could control network traffic, they could redirect any trafficfrom the TV to a location of the attacker’s choice. This could significantlyaffect the fundamentals of the network’s security and eventually be used foridentity theft by capturing credentials from fake web sites.


My worries

 Now I’mreally worried about the future. These TVs are just sitting in my bedrooms andliving room, and they can be hacked. Back when the TV was not so “Smart”, Idon’t remember any reports that they could be hacked in any way to monitorpeople. Now, the TV is “infectable” and could be a threat if that occurred. Atlast year’s Black Hat Briefings, SeungJin Lee presented various techniques that could hypothetically be usedto rootkit your TV. He used open-source code called adbi to plant malicious code inside a vendor’s application. You canachieve various things with this rootkit technique and you can reuse ready-madetoolsets. Aaron Grattafiori and Josh Yavor also usedthe application layer to monitor users through a webcam as the payload fortheir POC system compromise.

 我很担忧。TV放置在我的卧室或者客厅,它们可能被入侵。以前TV还不是这么智能的时候,我没有见到任何关于电视被黑客入侵用来监控人们的事件。但是现在,TV可传染的,如果这样的事件发生后则是一个安全威胁。黑帽大会上SeungJin Lee提出了各种用来rootkit你的TV的技术假设。他使用了一个叫adbi的开源代码将恶意代码植入了一个厂商的应用。使用这个rootkit技术你可以做各种事情,你也可以使用现成的工具箱。Aaron Grattafiori Josh Yavor 则讨论了如何绕过各种安全防御,使用网络摄像头来监控用户

People areincreasingly dependent on their gadgets. Our life is inside these gadgets -- ifthe gadgets get hacked, our life is hacked. You might use your TV to Skype yourfriends and family, or you might use it for business communications. If your TVis hacked there is a high chance that those communications could be monitored(or even possibly altered). You might save all your personal pictures andvideos on your TV for convenient viewing. They are in danger if your TV ishacked. So, there is the potential for similar patterns of compromise to thosewe’ve seen on PCs (and are seeing on mobile devices) to repeat in the contextof home appliances -- including Smart TVs.

 人们越来越依赖于他们的产品。我们的生活就在这些产品中——如果这些产品被入侵了,我们的生活就被入侵了。你可以使用你的TV与你的朋友和家庭进行语音电话,也可以使用它来进行商业交流。如果你的TV被黑了,那么你们直接的交流很大可能就被监控了。你可能在你的电视上保存了所有你的个人图片和视频以便于浏览,但是如果电视被入侵了,则这些东西就危险了。所以, PC(以及移动设备)上遭遇的安全威胁,在家庭应用上也会发生——包括智能电视。


Return-On-Investments(The ROI)

 I wonderhow many people actually use the Smart features of their Smart TVs? Some remoteexploits only work when you actually utilize a specific application or feature.The potential ROI of an exploit is dependent on the popularity of that specificapplication or feature. Personally, even when the same apps are available onmultiple devices, I tend to use my mobile phone or PC rather than the TV. Theusability of these apps tends to decline significantly when you’re forced tointerface with them using a remote control. You generally don’t see malware inthe wild that infects users through applications that no one uses. The Smart TVapplication model started relatively recently. I couldn’t find any goodstatistics on how Smart TV users are using their apps, but then it might be tooearly in the game for actual attacks to appear. Put simply, the ROI on Smart TVmalware is kind of low compared to that on other platforms for malware authors.But, who knows? If popular apps appear and they have vulnerabilities, then whathappened in PC security history could repeat in this space.



More worriesand a conclusion

 Even ifwe think that malware that abuses Smart TVs and Smart home appliances are notcoming any time soon, there is still a problem. While the projected ROIprevents attackers from developing malware for Smart home devices, the samething happens with the security industry. When there are no actual attacks, nosecurity measures are developed to defend against them. Security in general isreactive in many cases. When malware appears, AV vendors release new signaturesthat capture the new “variant”. Tomorrow the malware authors will tweak theirobfuscation routines and release another variant which is 99% the same as theprevious one, but repacked with different vectors. The same model applies tovulnerability research -- when vulnerabilities are reported, vendors fix them.


But, the PC andmobile industries have learned a lot from their past experience and they aredoing more proactive research. They perform code audits and run bug bountyprograms to urge external security researchers to submit their findings. Theyrun fuzzers on their own products to find the vulnerabilities before the badguys do (such as this fuzzer from Microsoft). They add additional security measures to theirproducts. Many things still break, but they also make significant improvementsthrough these processes. The problem with Smart home devices is that while theymay not have suffered as much as other systems that’s no reason for the Smartappliance vendors to be lax about security.


The other issuewith Smart home appliances is that there are few tools you can use to check ifyour system has been hacked. How would you know if your Smart appliances werehacked, and even if you did, how would you disinfect them? There is no good,officially published, publically available knowledgebase for these systems.Generally the only information you can find is compiled by well-meaningindividual enthusiasts who have reverse-engineered them. And vendors appear tobe approaching the issue using more of a black box model (security by obscurity)rather than by publically exposing useful details on the systems themselves.



There are many issues you could debate on Smart appliance security, butone thing is clear. The Smart home device is not necessarily the fortifiedcastle it might appear. If you want to reveal the insides of these devices,there are ways to do it. If you want to find vulnerabilities, it is notextremely difficult. You can apply the same approach to this area as you wouldwith PC or mobile software security. Smart appliances often run the same orsimilar operating systems (OSes) and applications as PCs and mobile devices.Now might be the time for vendors of Smart devices to be “Smart” about securitytoo (before the attackers wise up).




本文翻译作者:whitecell-club.org  bamb00







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