CISSP考试指南笔记:7.13 个人安全问题

admin 2022年7月6日08:39:30评论17 views字数 1241阅读4分8秒阅读模式

The single most valuable asset for an organization, and the one that involves the highest moral and ethical standards, is its people.

Emergency Management

A common tool for ensuring the safety of personnel during emergencies is the occupant emergency plan (OEP). The OEP describes the actions that facility occupants should take in order to ensure their safety during an emergency situation.

A fail-safe device is one that will automatically move to the state that ensures safety in the event of a failure such as loss of power.


Duress is the use of threats or violence against someone in order to force them to do something they don’t want to do or otherwise wouldn’t do.

Duress codes can also be verbal.

Another situation to consider is when an assailant forces an employee to log into their account.


The most basic one is to determine the threat landscape at the destination. Some organizations go as far as having country-specific briefings that are regularly updated and required for all staff traveling overseas.

Speaking of these government entities, it is also important to know the location and contact information for the nearest embassy or consulate.


All these personal safety measures are good only if your organization’s staff actually knows what they are and how and when to use them. Many organizations have mandatory training events for all staff, and personal security should be part of it.

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                   CISSP考试指南笔记:7.13 个人安全问题


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