
admin 2022年6月14日07:49:34评论125 views字数 2280阅读7分36秒阅读模式


here that ,it doesn't sound like much does it

but in the hands of an analyst at the National Security Agency 

signals like these can become one of the most reliable and timely forms of intelligence available to America's leaders 

signals intelligence or signal his intelligence derived from signals

signals contain information about our adversaries that is vital to our national security 

they can help us determine where our adversaries are located what they are planning and what kind of weapons they are using 

America relies on NSA to collect and process foreign signals understand them and share them with US officials and war fighters 

so that they can take action to keep our nation secure 

this is not an easy task

SIGINT is technically challenging to produce it is both an art and a science

many of the signals we collect are encrypted and usually they're not in English

it takes a team of mathematicians linguists analysts and computer scientists armed with the latest technology working around the

clock to turn signals like these into usable intelligence 

but the results are worth it

SIGINT saves lives on the battlefield

it stops terrorist attacks and disruptstheir operations

it promotes US interests and alliances around the globe

it counters the proliferation of chemical biological and nuclear weapons and it helps to thwart the flow of illegal narcotics into our country

unfortunately our adversaries also understand the power of signals intelligence as we target their signals

they try to exploit ours hostile foreign nations try to gather information about official US plans policies and capabilities by exploiting our communications information systems and networks around the clock 

each day there are millions of unauthorized probes of US Defense Department computer networks alone putting our nation at risk 

that's why America also counts on NSA to protect sensitive US government communications and information systems from our adversaries 

our cybersecurity teams work with US government agencies and our allies to provide them the tools and the knowledge 

they need to keep their systems secure so that our adversaries are unable to gain access to sensitive US and allied information

the systems we design allow our leaders to communicate and exchange information securely in real time anywhere

in the world and from outerspace to cyberspace 

information is power

when we know our adversaries information and they don't know ours 

we have the information advantage and that information advantage is with a national security agency central security service gives the American people



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  • 本文由 发表于 2022年6月14日07:49:34
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