Process for Attack Simulation and Threat Analysis(PASTA)
Stage I: Definition of the Objectives (DO) for the Analysis ofRisks
Stage II: Definition of the Technical Scope (DTS)
Stage III: Application Decomposition and Analysis (ADA)
Stage IV: Threat Analysis (TA)
Stage V: Weakness and Vulnerability Analysis (WVA)
Stage VI: Attack Modeling & Simulation (AMS)
Stage VII: Risk Analysis & Management (RAM)
Risk Management for Supply Chain
A supply chain is the concept that most computers, devices,networks, and systems are not built by a single entity.
Onsite Assessment
Document Exchange and Review
Process/Policy Review
Third Party Audit
• Personal Security policies and Procedures
• Separation of Duties: Preventive control (protects againstcollusion)
• Job Responsibilities: Access granted based on Least Privilege
• Job Rotation: Detective Control (Protects against Fraud)
• Candidate hiring and screening: Background check important
• Employment agreement and policies: Signing NDA and NCA
• On-boarding and termination process: IAM and UER
• Vendor, Consultant and Contractor Agreements and Controls:Contracts and SLA
• Compliance Policy Requirements: adhering to requirements(PCI-DSS)
• Privacy Policy requirement: Cannot monitor without consent
Awareness, Training & Education
• A prerequisite to security training is awareness. The goal ofcreating awareness is to bring security to the forefront and make it arecognized entity for users.
• Training is teaching employees to perform their work tasks and tocomply with the security policy. Training is typically hosted by anorganization and is targeted to groups of employees with similar job functions.
• Education is a more detailed endeavor in which students/users learnmuch more than they actually need to know to perform their work tasks.(obtaining CISSP certification for promotion or better job)
Identify andClassify Assets
2.Defining Data and Asset classification
3.Determine data security controls
5.Handling Information and Assets
6. Data Protection Methods
1.Personally Identifiable Information
2.Protected Health Information
Understanding Data States
a.Protect using TLS 1.2, VPN etc.
使用TLS 1.2,VPN 等保护
a.Protect using AES 256, masking, tokenization etc.
使用AES 256,masking, tokenization等保护
a.Isolation of memory location where sensitive data is being processed.
Pseudonymization: Pseudonymization refers to the process ofusing pseudonyms to represent other data. It can be done to prevent the datafrom directly identifying an entity, such as a person. (e.g. Agent 007 forJames Bond)
Anonymization: Anonymization is the process of removing allrelevant data so that it is impossible to identify the original subject orperson.
Data Masking: Data masking is a method of creating astructurally similar but inauthentic version of an organization's data thatcan be used for purposes such as software testing and user training.
Security Baselines: Minimum set of security requirements that isneeded for an organization to protect its assets.
Not all security controls would be relevant to us.
• Scoping: Scoping refers toreviewing a list of baseline security controls and se lecting only thosecontrols that apply to the IT system you’re trying to protect. E.g. if a systemdoesn’t allow any two people to log on to it at the same time, there’s no needto apply a concurrent session control.
• Tailoring: Tailoring refers tomodifying the list of security controls within a base line so that they alignwith the mission of the organization. E.g. Controls are needed for main officebut not on remote locations so remote locations could have compensatingcontrols.
Summary of Data classification process:
• Criteria are set for classifyingdata
• Data Owners are established foreach type of data.
• Required controls are selectedfor each classification.
• Baseline security standards areselected for the organization.
• Controls are scoped and tailored.
• Controls are applied andenforced.
• Access is granted and managed.
Quantum cryptography is the science of exploiting quantum mechanical properties toperform cryptographic tasks. The best-known example of quantum cryptography isquantum key distribution which offers an information-theoretically securesolution to the key exchange problem.
1.Quantum Key Distribution
2.Uses Quantum Bits (Qbits)
3. Prevents from Man in TheMiddle Attack. Photons change state even if observed.
Protection Ring:Organize codeand components in an operating system (as well as applications, utilities, orother code that runs under the operating system’s control) into concentricrings.
a.Type 1 Hypervisor - Directly interacts with hardware. More secure
类型1 Hypervisor——直接与硬件交互。更安全的
b.Type2 Hypervisor - Less secure as OS introduces larger attack surface area
Cloud Deployment Model云部署模型
An industrial control system (ICS) is a form ofcomputer-management device that controls industrial processes and machinesincluding manufacturing, fabrication etc.
Distributed Control System (DCS): It’s for large scaleindustries. Controls are distributed.
分布式控制系统(DCS) :适用于大型工业。控制是分布式的。
Programmable Logic Control (PLC): Focused on computers. E.g.Used in systems are assemblyline.
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition: It can operate as astand-alone device, be networked together with other SCADA systems.
XSS (Persistent, Non-persistent,DOM based) {Input Validation}
SQL Injection {Input Validation,Limit Access Privileges, use stored procedures)
CSRF {Session authentication,terminate inactive sessions}
XML Exploitation: Falsifyinformation being sent to a visitor.
Broken Authentication:Vulnerabilities in authentication systems
Security Misconfiguration
Using Components with KnownVulnerabilities
Insufficient Logging and Monitoring
Embedded Devices: The Internet of Things (IoT) is anew subcategory or even a new class of smart devices that areInternet-connected in order to provide automation, remote control, or AIprocessing to traditional or new appliances or devices in a home or officesetting. The security issues related to IoT are about access and encryption.Best Practice is to isolate the IoT devices from primary network. (Homeland Webseries has a great example of IoT breach.)
e.g. Robotic surgery, car sensors, Smart home appliances.
Baseband vs Broadband基带和宽带
1.Baseband technology can supportonly a single communication channel. Baseband is a form of digital signal.Ethernet is a baseband technology.
2. Broadband technology can support multiplesimultaneous signals. Broadband is a form of analog signal. Cable television andcable modems, ISDN, DSL, T1, and T3 are examples of broadband technologies.
Broadcast, multicast, and unicast technologies determinehow many destinations a single transmission can reach:
1.Broadcast technology supportscommunications to all possible recipients.
2.Multicast technology supportscommunications to multiple specific recipients.
3. Unicast technology supports only a singlecommunication to a specific recipient.
SNMPV3: Simple Management Network Protocol is a standard protocol usedto interact with various network devices to obtain status information,performance data, statistics, and configuration details.
SNMP V3:简单管理网络协议是一个标准协议,用于与各种网络设备交互,以获取状态信息、性能数据、统计信息和配置细节。
ICMP:Internet Control Message Protocol is used to determine the health of a networkor a specific link.
5. DeepPacket Inspect Firewall
a. Deep packet inspection (DPI)firewalls is a filtering mechanism that operates typically at the applicationlayer in order to filter the payload contents of a communication rather thanonly on the header values.
b. DPI filtering is able to blockdomain names, malware, spam, or other identifiable elements in the payload of acommunication.
6. Next Gen Firewall: A next-gen firewall is a multifunction device (MFD)composed of several security features in addition to a firewall; integratedcomponents can include an IDS, an intrusion prevention system (IPS), a TLS/SSLproxy, web filtering, QoS management, bandwidth throttling, NATing, VPNanchoring, and antivirus.
General Wireless Concepts: Wireless communications employ radio waves to transmit signalsover a distance.
Spread Spectrum: communication occurs over multiple frequencies at the sametime. A message is broken into pieces, and each piece is sent at the same timebut using a different frequency.
Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum – Sent in Series
Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum – Sent in Parallel
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing – Signals areperpendicular
Identity Assurance Level: Identity Assurance Level (IAL) refers to the identity proofingprocess.
A category that conveys the degree of confidence that theapplicant’s claimed identity is their real identity.
IAL 1: If any are self-asserted or should be treated asself-asserted.
IAL 2: Either remote or in person identity proofing is required.It requires identity proofing to have been verified in person or remotely.
IAL 2:需要远程或亲自进行身份验证。它需要亲自或远程验证身份。
IAL 3: In person identity proofing is required. Identifyingattributes must be verified by the authorized Credential Service Provider (CSP)representative through examination of physical documentation.
IAL 3:需要本人身份证明。识别属性必须由授权凭证服务提供商(CSP)代表通过检查物理文档进行验证。
Smart Cards & Tokens: 智能卡和令牌
Smart Card: A credit-card sized ID/badge that has integratedcircuit chip embedded in it which is used for identification and/orauthentication. (Mostly used as Multi-Factor Authentication)
Tokens: A password generating device which users can carry withthem. This authentication method can be used along with other factor(password).
1.Synchronous Password Tokens: Hardware tokens that createsynchronous dynamic passwords are time-based and synchronized with anauthentication server. They generate a new password periodically, such as every60 seconds.
2.Asynchronous Password Tokens: Generates password based onalgorithm and an incrementing counter. it creates a dynamic onetime passwordthat stays the same until used for authentication.
Summaryof Protection Methods保护方法概述
a. Control physical access to systems控制对系统的物理访问
b. Control electronic access to files控制对文件的电子访问
c. Create strong password policy创建强密码策略
d. Hash and salt passwords哈希密码和salt密码
e. Use password masking使用密码屏蔽
f. Deploy multi-factor authentication部署多因素身份验证
g. Use account lockout controls使用帐户锁定控制
h. Use last logon notification使用上次登录通知
i. Educate users about security对用户进行安全教育
1.Passive Monitoring Analysis: It analyses actual network traffic sent to awebsite by cap turing it as it travels over the network or reaches the server.Real User Monitoring (RUM) is one of the variants.
2.Synthetic Monitoring (or active monitoring): performs artificial transactionsagainst a website to assess performance.
Implementing Preventive measures实施预防措施
• Keep systems and applicationsup-to date使系统和应用程序保持最新
• Remove or disable unneededservices and protocols删除或禁用不需要的服务和协议
• User intrusion detection andprevention systems用户入侵检测和预防系统
• Use up-to date anti malwaresoftware使用最新的反恶意软件
• Implement configuration andsystem management processes实施配置和系统管理流程
Core Values of Agile: 敏捷开发的核心价值:
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan
Machine Learning: Machinelearning techniques use analytic capabilities to develop knowledge fromdatasets without the direct application of human insight. The core approach ofmachine learning is to allow the computer to analyze and learn directly fromdata, developing and updating models of activity.
Zero DayAttack: Many forms of malicious code take advantage of zero-dayvulnerabilities, security flaws discovered by hackers that have not beenthoroughly addressed by the security community. Should include a strong patchmanagement program, current antivirus software, configuration management,application control, content filtering, and other protections.
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